A double sided sound mat with all Read Write Inc. Set 2 and Set 3 sounds (with images) with the following additional resources on the back:
Number Formation 1-10
Upper and Lower Case Letter Formation
Hundred Square
Sentence Rules
1-30 Number Line
All letters A-Z (qu combined) - perfect for use around the classroom! We also sell Door signs and folder covers - have a look at our other listings and bundles.
Intervention/practice worksheets for all set one initial and speed sounds including additional sounds.
Sound card image, rhyme and sound
Nonsense and Green Word practice for speed sounds
Match the words for initial sounds
Handwriting practice
Sentence Practice for speed sounds
Ink Saving black and white - perfect for colouring in when the intervention is over and easy on the toner!
All RWI sound sets available separately.
I have created this 79 slide pack to use throughout the year with our class. Pack includes:
26 x initial sounds “write the sound” slides
26 x initial sounds “sound spotter” slides
7 x “read, pick and write” slides (one for each week of term)
11 x “sentence spotter” slides
5 x “fix the sentence” slides
4 x “sentence builder” slides
Intervention/practice worksheets for Set 1 Special Friends:
Sound card image, rhyme and sound
Nonsense and Green Word practice
Handwriting practice
Sentence Practice
Ink Saving black and white - perfect for colouring in when the intervention is over and easy on the toner!
All RWI sounds and initial sounds available.
The Tiger Who Came to Tea Maths Matching game with writing activities.
Pack includes:
Make the number tigers 0-10 with numbers and pictures
Blank tigers to write your own numbers or combine with a writing activity
Blank cards for extensions and extra activities
Perfect partner to our The Tiger Who Came to Tea CP packs.
Intervention/practice worksheets for all Read Write Inc.Initial Sounds including:
Sound card image, rhyme and sound
3 x sound words and pictures
Handwriting practice
Ink Saving black and white - perfect for colouring in when the intervention is over and easy on the toner!
Intervention/practice worksheets for Set 2 Special Friends:
Sound card image, rhyme and sound
Nonsense and Green Word practice
Handwriting practice
Sentence Practice
Ink Saving black and white - perfect for colouring in when the intervention is over and easy on the toner!
All RWI sounds and initial sounds available.
I have created this workbook to give as homework to our EYFS children. Print the front page separately and fold to make the cover and then print the workbook pages duplex on short edge to make a double sided A5 booklet.
These sheets are also available as A4 sheets which are perfect to use in the classroom either as worksheets, interventions or laminated for CP stations.
Initial Sounds, Set 2, Set 3 and Additional Sounds also available.
Intervention/practice worksheets for Set 3 Special Friends:
Sound card image, rhyme and sound
Nonsense and Green Word practice
Handwriting practice
Sentence Practice
Ink Saving black and white - perfect for colouring in when the intervention is over and easy on the toner!
All RWI sounds and initial sounds available.
The Snail and the Whale story images on log slices pdf. Print multiple/page to make smaller or on A3 for larger images.
Perfect partner to our CP packs.
“Phonics, English, Set One, Set Two, Set Three, Additional Sounds” A4 sheets in RWI lettering.
Also available - welcome, welcome to year 1, 2 and reception.
I have created these WellComm target and activity lanyard cards so that I can stay on top of observations and interventions in our reception class with multiple WellComm children.
PDF includes:
WellComm targets 5-9 in different colours with a summary card, 3 additional cards with intervention prompts and checks and corresponding colour achievement logs.
Print, chop, laminate and carry your targets with you as you teach.
I’ve made this little game to go with my christmas gifts to the children in my class so thought I’d share! I’ll be printing them 2/page as mini games but they would work great on A4 or even A3 for table fun in class.
Enjoy and Happy Christmas
RWI Set 1 Special Friends Matching Game
This is one page of our Full RWI set game included in our Spring Game pack - have a look at our listings for the full pack.