6 years experience in Singapore's public school education teaching art to a range of 12 to 18 year old(s).
Frequently conducts adult learning art workshops as well as art teacher education workshops in Singapore
6 years experience in Singapore's public school education teaching art to a range of 12 to 18 year old(s).
Frequently conducts adult learning art workshops as well as art teacher education workshops in Singapore
Students will be able to design their very own graffiti text in this step-by-step guide. This is a great way to create a fun and guided coverpage for sketchbooks, tables, chairs et cetera! Students will be able to also create their own pen-name, which will add an element of ownership in their work! Whenever I’ve used this lesson, students who do not like art end up really enjoying the process, so I hope your students will too.
The lesson is divided into 2 parts; drawing and design & colouring and background
The package contains
2 x video instructions (broken down into the 2 lesson parts, with clear guided instructions on how to make. )
12 x templates ( which is an option for teachers trying to save some time in students making their own template shape)
1 x slide presentation (covers a short introduction on graffiti)
1 x lesson plan
Please leave a feedback if you use the product so we all learn to be better teachers! Thank you!
Hi Everyone! This bundle combines two existing lessons I currently have made
(1) Graffiti Typography Lesson
(2) Graffiti Character Design Lesson
With this bundle, you’ll be able to guide your students in creating an awesome graffiti coverpage that includes their own character! I’ve found this lesson to always be more enticing to kids that are especially curious about design. It’s also a great way to engage those that might not have much interests in art in the first place!
With this bundle, distanced learning is definitely possible, as the video(s) created show a very detailed step-by-step guide. While worksheets are available, the assumption on distance learning is that the lesson is do-able without the use of internet or worksheets! As long as the kids have the video(s), and their materials, they will be able to do this.
Please leave a feedback if you choose to use this so we can all be better teachers (:
Have your students design and create their very own Pokemon! This lesson package is a 7 part, CONNECTED lesson package that introduces drawing, design, creativity as well as basic IT skills.
Includes a maker’s answers and videos that will guide teaching and learning every step of the way! (Click on Preview to see a visual breakdown)
Package includes :
7 x worksheets
6 x Video guides (for every part of the lesson except dice randomisation)
1 x maker’s answers 19 pages (includes a detailed breakdown for the teacher on what is to be encouraged in each lesson)
1 x Presentation slides 14 slides (focused on the history and a guide through the lesson package)
1 x Stimuli Lists (collection of photographs for ease of teaching!)
6 x Pokemon Card Templates (readied to go templates for students to work on!)
**-Lesson Structure -
Part 0: History of Pokemon
Introduces the maker and origins of Pokemon creation and design.
Part 1: Breaking it down
Students learn to break down complex pokemons into basic shapes. This doodling skill is important in helping them “plan” for their drawings and achieve greater confidence
Part 2: Building it up
-Students learn to imagine Pokemon(s) out of basic shapes. It exercises their creativity as they move forward in the design
Part 3: Dice Randomiser
A fun dice activity that determines the boundaries of which they have to design in
Part 4: Stimuli Possibilities
Using various stimuli to trigger design thinking, students learn to combine and investigate the possibilities of their designs
Part 5: Against Fixation
Challenging them further, students are tasked to run their design against a set of instructions that will push that design process further!
Part 6: Refining the drawing
Teaching basic drawing and colouring skills to build an aesthetic look to the design
Part 7: IT Skills
Teaching basic IT skills in powerpoint so students can create their very own Pokemon card!
All Pokemon graphics were recreated by the maker to help only in the lesson package. All rights reserved still belongs to the Pokemon Brand
All images used were also obtained under a license for reuse, but the links to all images have also been included in the package
This worksheet helps students practice the principles of design - Emphasis in the way that they may design their ice cream. Students can choose to change the colours of the ingredients but the rule of the game is that one of the ingredient must become an emphasis in the design.
Would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a review if you download this so I can learn from your review(s) as well! Thank you!
This tessellation lesson not only includes slides on MC Escher, but also a component of character designing that will allow your students to be more creative in their designs.
Package includes:
1 x Video Guide (Step by step demonstration)
1 x Slides (includes information on MC Escher - in both pwpt and pdf versions)
1 x Worksheet (For Character Designing)
Use this lesson package to create materials that students can use to decorate their classrooms! A colour-coded instruction has been incorporated into the origami design so that it’s easy for your kids to follow. A simple and do-able lesson, that comes with 2 designs (egg and bunny) and 2 modes (guided and un-guided) so that you can tailor it to different age groups.
The package includes
4 x video instructions
4 x origami templates ( 2 designs, in guided and non-guided forms)
A printing specifications screenshot
Please leave a feedback so we can all improve as better teachers! Thank you (:
This lesson begins with the use of one subject matter- ice cream cone and guides your student into creating their very own graffiti character design! It is made of 2 parts ; drawing,designing / colouring.
Your student will pick up drawing, designing and colouring skills.
The package has been made for both classroom learning and distance learning. It includes
2 x video instructions - playable with windows media player
2 x worksheet (for classroom use)
1 x slides presentation (for a short 5 slide engagement in the classroom)
1 x list of reference images (for students without internet)
It is possible for a student to use only the videos in their own learning. A step-by-step guide.
This package was made as a possible connection to an earlier graffiti typography lesson I created, so that they may be able to add their character into their typography coverpage design. If you choose to use them together, please start with this lesson first.
Please leave a feedback after use so we can all learn to be better teachers (:
A simple activity that introduces kinetic art to your students. Can be used as an introduction to animation or stop-motion. For classroom and distance learning use. Slides come as pwpt or google slides link (possible for use in google classroom)
Package includes
1 x video making instruction
1 x Powerpoint / google slides link ( Slides include instructions for students to upload and do a short reflection)
This package includes 4 video instructions that will allow for both classroom and home learning use ( Please see flowchart of use - in thumbnails) I’ve found the use of grids really helpful for students who may struggle with drawing well. I hope this package helps you the way it does for me!
For this package, I created
A video on how to make a gridding device guide (which will help to save time on drawing grids!)
2 videos on how to do grid drawing - 2 versions for classroom and distanced learning use
A video on colouring guide
This is a short object imagination activity that you can either use in the classroom, or have your students guide themselves through the slides! Comes with a video to show how the activity is done. In addition, the slides introduce the illustrator Christoph Niemann (Netflix, Abstract: The art of Design) and uses Questions to guide students into thinking about play.
1 x video file
1 x worksheet in slide form (in pwpt, and google slide format) - possible for uploading into google classroom
This is a short shadow drawing activity that you can either use in the classroom, or have your students guide themselves through the slides! Comes with a video to show how the activity is done. In addition, the slides introduce the artists tim noble and sue webster and uses SEE,THINK,WONDER (Visual strategy) to guide students into thinking about the artwork.
1 x video file
1 x worksheet in slide form (in pwpt, and google slide format) - possible for uploading into google classroom
This is a short collage with objects activity that you can either use in the classroom, or have your students guide themselves through the slides! Comes with a video to show how the activity is done. In addition, the slides introduce the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo and uses SEE,THINK,WONDER (Visual strategy) to guide students into thinking about the artwork.
1 x video file
1 x worksheet in slide form (in pwpt, and google slide format) - possible for uploading into google classroom
This bundle combines 3 activity that will allow students to exercise creativity.
Collage Face Characters Activity
Object Shadow Drawing Art Activity
Object Imagination Art Activity
All 3 activities includes a google slide that
introduces an artist
engages with questions
guides thoroughly to allow for online or classroom learning
All 3 activities also includes a video sample on how the activity is done. For more info, please click on individual activities.
I hope this helps your support your teaching, thank you for giving this consideration! (:
Use papercut to introduce cultural awareness, artist and media awareness and a sense of fulfillment for students when they can create their very own beautiful papercut design! This project does not rely on strong drawing skills, but can build patience in them.
The package contains
1 x slides presentation
[ To introduce Cinco De Mayo as a festival shown in the movie Coco that uses papercut(s) in the celebrations . Also introduces the american artist Nikki McClure as a papercut artist. The slides also has a simple guide that will help students quickly brainstorm for ideas.]
2 x video instructions (with voice-overs)
[For a clear presentation on how to cut]
1 x instruction aid
[For students to refer to if there is no video]
1 x brief lesson plan
6 x student works
[To inspire students that it can be done!]