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Bread Lesson - 'Inside the Factory'
Attached is a PowerPoint, Documentary Link and Worksheet.
This is a useful revision resource for ‘Food Provenance’ and Food Science 2 of the 5 core topics of AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition.

Year 9 Food Technology Home Learning (5 Lessons)
Year 9 Food Technology (5 Lessons)
As students are at Home I have created 5 theory based Food Technology Lessons; loosely based on the food theory needed for AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition. The lessons all have 3 tasks to complete and the option to stretch and challenge with the extension tasks.
Each lesson has been planned to take about 60 Minutes.

Food Nutrition Quiz
End of Term Lesson/ Some elements useful for revision but I used as an end of term lesson! You need the PowerPoint and the Word Document for Round 1 as a hand out sheet. There are 5 rounds and 10 questions each round so takes an hour to go through and more if you go through answers. Hope you find useful! I think this is pitched at Year 9 or KS4. I think a little complicated for younger years.
Topics Covered: Familiar Food Faces, Healthy Diet/EatWell Guide; Food Around the World; Maths and Science with Food; Higher or Lower (in calories amongst common snacks and drinks).

Food and Religion Lesson
For KS3 a one-off lesson about the link between Religion and Food and how this can effect the diet and foods eaten.

Year 7 Knowledge Organiser (Full Year 3 Terms)
This is a Knowledge Organiser as a good starting point if your School is starting to use this as a base for Homework or Knowledge Based Curricullum.
There are 3 Knowledge Organisers for the 3 terms.

Year 8 Knowledge Organisers (3 Terms)
This is a Knowledge Organiser as a good starting point if your School is starting to use this as a base for Homework or Knowledge Based Curricullum.
There are 3 Knowledge Organisers for the 3 terms.

Year 7 Food Technology Home Learning (5 Lessons)
Year 7 Home Learning - 5 Lessons
Whilst the students are at Home their unable to practice their cooking skills in School so I have created 5 theory lessons for each year group at KS3, this has been loosely based on the content they need to learn for AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition.
5 Core Food Theory Topics: Food Safety, Food Choice, Food Provenance, Food Science and Nutrition and Health.
I have also created challenge tasks which are optional and should be able to add that stretch and challenge for diffrentiation or for those that are really enjoying the subject. Each of the 5 lessons mainly have 3 main tasks to complete and then the optional extension challenge.

AQA - Food Safety Lesson Revision
Attached is a PowerPoint, Worksheet and Answer Sheet.
This is a useful revision resource for ‘Food Safety’ one of the 5 core topics of AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition.

Year 9 Knowledge Organisers (3 Terms)
This is a Knowledge Organiser as a good starting point if your School is starting to use this as a base for Homework or Knowledge Based Curricullum.
There are 3 Knowledge Organisers for the 3 terms.

KS4 Revision A3 Sheets
Attached are 6 Sheets of A3 for revision, these are pre-structured mind maps for the different sections of he AQA Theory. Food Safety; Food Choice; Food Provenance; Food Science and other useful revison sheets.

Year 8 Food Technology Home Learning (5 Lessons)
Year 8 Home Learning - 5 Lessons
Whilst the students are at Home their unable to practice their cooking skills in School so I have created 5 theory lessons for each year group at KS3, this has been loosely based on the content they need to learn for AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition.
5 Core Food Theory Topics: Food Safety, Food Choice, Food Provenance, Food Science and Nutrition and Health.
I have also created challenge tasks which are optional and should be able to add that stretch and challenge for diffrentiation or for those that are really enjoying the subject. Each of the 5 lessons mainly have 3 main tasks to complete and then the optional extension challenge.

KS4 AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Knowledge Organiser
This is a Knowledge Organiser I have created with a basic overview of all the key content needed for AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition.
I have colour coded the 5 core topics of food theory; and these are often referred to for Homework and revision resources.