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In October I will be studying Chinese at Oxford University. I studied Pre-U Mandarin Chinese, OCR Religious Studies, Edexcel Politics, and Edexcel Economics A level! I achieved 11 A*'s in my GCSE's and more recently achieved an A* in my philosophy based EPQ. I am also available for A-LEVEL/ OXBRIDGE application tutoring --> Please enquire via email @ Zacharyg444@yahoo.com

In October I will be studying Chinese at Oxford University. I studied Pre-U Mandarin Chinese, OCR Religious Studies, Edexcel Politics, and Edexcel Economics A level! I achieved 11 A*'s in my GCSE's and more recently achieved an A* in my philosophy based EPQ. I am also available for A-LEVEL/ OXBRIDGE application tutoring --> Please enquire via email @ Zacharyg444@yahoo.com
A LEVEL POLITICS - Nationalism

A LEVEL POLITICS - Nationalism

This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! To what extent does nationalism support self-determination for all nations? To what extent is nationalism progressive? To what extent is nationalism a single doctrine? The best way to revise using this essay would be to read it, write it out again under timed conditions with notes and then attempt to write out the essay without the help of the notes. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)


This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! Includes plans for the following questions: “Evaluate the extent to which Parliament can effectively call the executive to account” “To what extent do both Houses of Parliament fail to carry out their main functions?” “‘The House of Commons is in greater need of reform than the House of Lords.’ Discuss” The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)
A LEVEL POLITICS - US Presidential Power

A LEVEL POLITICS - US Presidential Power

This document is comprised of an in-depth A* graded essay that goes over some key content for this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of this essay is essential! Includes plans for the following question: Evaluate the extent to which "the Presidents power is the power to persuade”. The best way to revise using this essay would be to read it, write it out again under timed conditions with notes and then attempt to write out the essay without the help of the essay or notes. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)


This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! This pack contains the following essay plans: *“Secular views of gender equality have undermined Christian gender Roles” Discuss Critically assess the claim that the idea of family is entirely culturally determined. The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)
A LEVEL RELIGIOUS STUDIES - Death and the Afterlife

A LEVEL RELIGIOUS STUDIES - Death and the Afterlife

This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! This pack includes the following essay plans: *“God’s judgement takes place immediately after death and not at the end of Time” Discuss Is heaven an idea or a place? *Is heaven the transformation and perfection of the whole of creation? Are hell and heaven eternal? *“Purgatory is a state through which everyone goes” – Discuss The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)
A LEVEL POLITICS - Democracy and Participation Revision Plans

A LEVEL POLITICS - Democracy and Participation Revision Plans

This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)
A LEVEL POLITICS - Electoral Systems

A LEVEL POLITICS - Electoral Systems

This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! Includes plans for the following questions: “Evaluate the extent to which the FPTP electoral system isn’t fit for purpose and should be replaced” “Evaluate the view that alternative electoral systems introduced since 1997 have benefittted the political system” “Evaluate the view that the increased use of referendums would improve democracy in the UK” The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)


This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! Includes plans for the following questions: To what extent do liberals disagree over the role of the state To what extent is Liberalism a coherent ideology To what extent is Liberalism defined by its commitment to individualism The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)


This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! Includes plans for the following questions: “Socialism is not a coherent ideology” – Discuss “To what extent do socialists agree on the economy” “To what extent are different socialists committed to ‘equality of outcome’?” The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)
A LEVEL POLITICS - The Constitution

A LEVEL POLITICS - The Constitution

This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! Includes plans for the following questions: “Evaluate the extent to which the devolution process has successfully enhanced democracy in the UK” “Should Devolution be extended within England?” “Evaluate the extent that Constitutional reforms since 1997 are incomplete and require change” “Evaluate the arguments for the UK adopting a codified Constitution” The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)
A LEVEL RELIGIOUS STUDIES - Religious Experience

A LEVEL RELIGIOUS STUDIES - Religious Experience

This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! Includes plans for the following questions: Is Religious Testimony or witness enough to support the validity of religious experiences “Corporate religious experiences are more reliable than individual experiences” – Discuss Critically assess the claim that religious experience provides a basis for belief in God or a greater power The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)
A LEVEL RELIGIOUS STUDIES - Ancient Philosophical Influences

A LEVEL RELIGIOUS STUDIES - Ancient Philosophical Influences

This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! Includes plans for the following questions: Comparison and evaluation of Plato’s reliance on reason (rationalism) and Aristotle’s use of the senses (empiricism) in their attempts to make sense of reality Comparison and evaluation of Plato’s Form of the Good and Aristotle’s Prime Mover The best way to revise using this essay would be to read it, write it out again under timed conditions with notes and then attempt to write out the essay without the help of the essay or notes. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)


This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! Evaluate the success of Augustine in resolving the problem of evil. “The logical aspects of the problem of evil pose the greater challenge to belief than the evidential aspects” - Discuss ‘It is not possible to defend monotheism in the face of evil’ **Discuss The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)
A LEVEL POLITICS - Protection of Rights

A LEVEL POLITICS - Protection of Rights

This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! Includes a plan for the following question: Evaluate the view that citizens in the UK can no longer feel confident that their rights are secure The best way to revise using this plan would be to read it, write it out under timed conditions and then attempt to write out without the help of the essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)


This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! ‘Freud’s account of conscience is mistaken’ Discuss Discuss critically whether conscience is linked to, or separate from, reason and the unconscious mind Critically compare the work of Aquinas and Freud on the conscience (FULL ESSAY INCLUDED) The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)
A LEVEL RELIGIOUS STUDIES - Arguments from observation

A LEVEL RELIGIOUS STUDIES - Arguments from observation

This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! *Critically analyse the view that “cosmological arguments simply jump to the conclusion of a transcendent creator, without sufficient explanation” *“A-priori is the more persuasive style of argument for God’s existence” - Discuss *“There is no design in the universe discuss” – Discuss The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)
A LEVEL POLITICS - Political Parties Revision Plans

A LEVEL POLITICS - Political Parties Revision Plans

This document is comprised of a series of in-depth essay plans that cover all of the content of this topic. If aiming for a top grade, understanding of these essays are essential! Includes plans for the following questions: “Evaluate the view that two-party system in the UK is over” “How far has the Labour party remained true to its traditional principles” “Evaluate how far the modern the Conservative Party may be described as a ‘one- nation’ party” The best way to revise using these plans would be to read them, write several out under timed conditions and then attempt to write one out without the help of an essay plan. This progression will help to gradually emulate a real exam and thus will improve your performance. :)