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Zoe Richardson's Shop

Hi, I hope you find some useful, time saving resources in my shop. I've worked in Education since 1996 and have a Primary Bed Honours degree.

Hi, I hope you find some useful, time saving resources in my shop. I've worked in Education since 1996 and have a Primary Bed Honours degree.
Year 2 Number Questions and Answer Cards for Post Box

Year 2 Number Questions and Answer Cards for Post Box

The cards are tactile. They have rounded edges and fit nicely into the palm of the hand. Resource 1Year 2 Number Questions and Answer Cards for Post Box How to use the cards: Lay the number cards face up on the table. Select a question card. Find and post the answer in the box. Questions link to National Curriculum- number and place value. Evaluate which questions were easy to answer and which were more challenging. Resource 2Year 2 Count in multiples of three. Learning to count in threes will support later understanding of thirds How to use the cards: Lay the multiples face up on the table. Select cards in order (forwards or backwards) and post them. Use the cards to answer multiples of 3 addition and subtraction calculations e.g 18-3 is… Post the multiple that comes between, for example 15 and 21 or the multiple that comes before or after for example 12. Take a calculation from the pile. Post the correct answer. Play a calculation/ answer pairs game.
Demonstrate your understanding of Multiplication

Demonstrate your understanding of Multiplication

This piece of work allows you to investigate your students understanding of Multiplication as it asks the student to present the multiplication statement in several ways. You could enlarge the A4 sheet to A3 and so provide more space.
Post Box for Flashcards

Post Box for Flashcards

Here is a cuboid net that can be folded to make a cuboid. Please see the Flashcards in my shop. They are just the right size for this post box.
Dandelion Groups of Five and  Number Cards

Dandelion Groups of Five and Number Cards

The twelve picture cards show groups of real dandelion heads arranged on the grass in my garden. Card one shows one group and card twelve shows twelve groups. To accompany the picture cards I have made some number cards. You could match the picture and number cards, order the cards, calculate the missing group or number in the sequence, use the cards to add and subtract. A really versatile resource.
Money Word Problems

Money Word Problems

This 6 slide resource has been created with a Year 4 intervention Group in mind. Elements relating to Number and Money are featured from the Year 2 to Year 4 Curriculum. Slides feature real life contexts and real life prices. Slide 1; A pound to spend on things you need Add three two digit amounts and calculate change from £1.00 Slide 2; On-line Shopping Add pounds and pence/ three digit amounts to calculate how much you have spent. Slide 3; Select the correct coins to pay exactly Divide by three to calculate the cost of each item/ one third Slide 4; Change from a ten pound note Add together three digit numbers and calculate how much change you need Slide 5; Solve a problem Decide how to spend a pound. Weigh up the different options. If you save half, which two items can you afford? Slide 6; Earnings Multiply monthly earnings by 12 to calculate total earnings for the year. Divide by four to calculate savings if you save a quarter.
Number Bonds for 10/ 20 Loop Cards

Number Bonds for 10/ 20 Loop Cards

Share the loop cards with group members. The player who has the start card begins by reading “2 makes 10/20 with…” The player who has the answer card, calls out the answer then reads… The game continues until the loop is completed. This is indicated by the finish card.
Number Bonds to Twenty, Base 10 themed, Flash Cards and Work Sheet

Number Bonds to Twenty, Base 10 themed, Flash Cards and Work Sheet

This resource is useful for teaching Teens Numbers, the Number Sequence from 10-20, Place Value, Number Bonds for 20 and Difference. Use the large flash cards to define numbers as tens and ones, order, compare and match pictures to numerals. Print, slice and laminate the flashcards, use to play pairs or to add tens and ones.