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Easter Quiz / End of Term Quiz   8 Mixed Hand out rounds ,over 100 questions

Easter Quiz / End of Term Quiz 8 Mixed Hand out rounds ,over 100 questions

**8 rounds of 12 / 15 questions giving 100 questions in total Hand out style Choose the rounds you like and hand out one at a time (5 out of 8 rounds for a 1 hour lesson for example) or make a booklet of questions to last a series of tutor times (1/2 rounds per tutor time), for example Pupil answer grids provided, so you can re-use the quiz sheets Only 2 rounds out of 8 are explicitly linked to Easter, so you can use most of this at other times of the year too. Rounds include: Easter quiz questions Guess the celebrity behind the Easter eggs Name the Tv programme Dingbats / Catchphrase Name the brand e.g. PG Tips Name the mystery/hidden object Anagrams / Balderdash Mixed round (incl family fortunes, numeracy, literacy, general knowledge, true/false) Riddles
TUTOR TIME QUIZ  - Variety Quirky Quiz.  100+ quizzes and answers.

TUTOR TIME QUIZ - Variety Quirky Quiz. 100+ quizzes and answers.

Unlimited Quiz worksheets and answers Print from EXCEL. Auto-generates each time, pulling from a database of 1000s of questions. Prints worksheet (page 1) and answers (page 2) Can copy and paste into WORD or POWERPOINT if preferred. Each Quiz has: 2 x True or False 3 x General Knowledge 2 x Balderdash 2 x Anagrams s x Arithmetic 2 x Riddle 2 x Family Fortunes


15 Questions 2 True or False 3 General Knowledge 2 Balderdash (what does this word mean?) 2 Anagrams 2 Arithmetic 2 Riddles 2 Family Fortunes (we asked 100 people) This is a free sample. If you like it, see the full versions for 20 quiz sheets or 100+ worksheets like this.
MATHS GCSE  REVISION & PRACTICE PAPERS confidence building  50+ papers- Regenerates

MATHS GCSE REVISION & PRACTICE PAPERS confidence building 50+ papers- Regenerates

Confidence building GCSE papers 50 + papers (or 100+ if you want) since regenerates new questions every time. You need Microsoft EXCEL Each paper is predictable by design. Same layout each time. Students master over 30 key topics in mixed papers. Complement, not replace, GCSE past papers. Answers provided - can choose to give to students or not. Aimed for students to complete a series of, to gain confidence. Over 30 topics for those targeting grade 2 - 6 on Foundation or Higher paper. Can select grade 2-3 (2 pages), 4-5 (4 pages) or 2-5 (6 pages) papers, Topics covered include: long multiplication, fractions, simplifying algebra, expand and factorise, percentages, ratio, averages, negative number arithmetic, substitution, short division, area of shapes incl. triangles, trapezium and circles, probability, tree diagrams,missing angles, simultaneous equations, worded sim eqns, mean from a group table, expand and factorise and solve quadratics, standard form, speed, surface area and volume of cylinders, trigonometry and pythagoras in right angled triangles, nth term solving eqns and inequalities. Please re-download every now again. Any bugs will be fixed and I hope to extend the topics that are included.
Mixed Maths Practice Worksheet Generator  18 Questions - unlimited new worksheets

Mixed Maths Practice Worksheet Generator 18 Questions - unlimited new worksheets

Exc el Spreadhsheet Produces 2 sided worksheet with 18 Key Questions. Regenerates with new questions each time you press F9. Great for homework or cover work or regular practice and revision. Question style is similar ecah time, but with new numbers, so students can check progress as they complete further worksheets. When printing Page 1 and Page 2 are the worksheets and page 3 is rthe answer page. Questions on: Long multiplication, fraction addition, fraction multiplication, fraction division, area of a triangle, expand single bracket algebra, % of an amount, ratio, mean average and range, negative number arithmetic, algebraic substitution, short division, probability, decimal multiplication, decimal addition, misisng agles ina triangle, missinig angles in a quadrilateral Could be used: Yr 7 top - 11 middle since core s
Tutor Time Mega Bundle for Form Tutors

Tutor Time Mega Bundle for Form Tutors

17 Resources
Over 18 items Ready made worksheet packs and EXCEL worksheet generators Family Fortunes Form Quizzes Literacy Activities Thought for the Day Charades Mindfulness activity Creative Learning
Mixed Maths Arithmetic and Games Mega Bundle

Mixed Maths Arithmetic and Games Mega Bundle

17 Resources
Contains sets of ready made worksheets and EXCEL worksheets that regenerate every time. Over 20 products, giving 1000 of wroksheets Suitable as homework sheets, starters, challenges and the main lesson. Some TES recommended or 5*
Tutor Time Drawing Paired Activity Mindful learning

Tutor Time Drawing Paired Activity Mindful learning

A unique resource An EXCEL worksheet that provides unlimited worksheet -it is different every time your press the F9 key. Print half a class set of one worksheet and then half a class set of another. Each pair has a different worksheet. They need to draw pictures to show: a film, a pictionary type word, an emotion and how they feel today. There partner then has to guess. The worksheet has a fodl over section to hide the printed words. Encourages group work, creative learning. Good mindful learning.
Form Time Fun Worksheet activity Alternative Quiz for Tutor Time

Form Time Fun Worksheet activity Alternative Quiz for Tutor Time

EXCEL worksheet Provides unlimited worksheets - different every time Students answer thought provoking open questions e.g What piece of technology is the most frustrating to use?, Which type of music do you prefer?, Which do you prefer; cats or dogs? Write down TV programmes starting with the letter K and 1000+ more combinations. Good for working on individually and then sharing with a partner.
Boggle type game

Boggle type game

An EXCEL worksheet Press the F9 key and 12 letters appear. You can ask them to use both lines (12 letters) or just the top (6 letters) Display on your whiteboard
Storymaker Literacy activity - 1000s of uses

Storymaker Literacy activity - 1000s of uses

Picture only shows half of it. An EXCEL spreadsheet Provides 2 names and 6 key words to provide the stimulus for pupils to write a short story. The name and words change every time your press the F9 key, so you can keep pressing until the class say 'STOP'
Super Times Table Challenge (harder)- 1000s of worksheets- regenerates each time

Super Times Table Challenge (harder)- 1000s of worksheets- regenerates each time

Picture only shows from the Easier version(available on TES) This worksheet will expect them to go form 8 x9 up to 63 x 4 (i.e. a digit x 1 digit) for last 5 questions EXCEL worksheet, so different each time Idea is for it to be timed (use an online stopwatch) and for pupils to aim for their personal best each time. Each printed page will show 2 x A5 copies and the 2nd page, shows the answers
Times Table Timed Challenge - 1000s of worksheet regenerates each time

Times Table Timed Challenge - 1000s of worksheet regenerates each time

Image only shows top half of the worksheet. Questions get harder. Unlimited uses. Every time you open, a new worksheet appears or press F9 to regenerate. It is an EXCEL worksheet Page 1 prints two worksheets on one A4 sheet, so ideal for sticking in exercise books Page 2 has the answer page It is intended to be timed for 3 minutes (use an online stopwatch) but you could allow more time than this if needed. The idea is students use regularly and aim for their best score.