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UK based Science teacher, mainly sharing resources for the Edexcel GCSE (combined science and biology), Exploring Science at KS3, OCR Biology A A Level Biology and one off Science lessons / projects.




UK based Science teacher, mainly sharing resources for the Edexcel GCSE (combined science and biology), Exploring Science at KS3, OCR Biology A A Level Biology and one off Science lessons / projects.
Exploring Science 7L- Sound

Exploring Science 7L- Sound

Lessons for the 7L topic in the new exploring science scheme of work looking at sound. Including: 7La Making Sounds 7Lb Moving Sounds 7Lb Graphs 7Lc Detecting Sounds 7Ld Using Sound 7Le Comparing Waves There is some reference to the exploring science worksheets (but these could be easily replaced by other worksheets you have) and to the exploring science video’s on the ActiveTeach website (which could again be replaced by other YouTube links)
Edexcel CB4

Edexcel CB4

CB4 unit for the new Edexcel Science GCSE, including: CB4a Evidence for Human Evolution (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-cb4a-evidence-for-human-evolution-11363569) CB4b Darwin's Theory (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-cb4b-darwin-s-theory-11363584) CB4c Classification (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-cb4c-classification-11363604) CB4d Breeds and Variation (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-cb4d-breeds-and-varieties-11363672) CB4e Genes In Agriculture and Medicine (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-cb4e-genes-in-agriculture-and-medicine-11363737) *All found separately at the links above*
Edexcel CB8

Edexcel CB8

4 Resources
Complete CB8 unit for the new Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about Exchange and Transport In Animals. Includes CB8a Efficient Transport and Exchange CB8b The Circulatory System CB8c The Heart CB8d Cellular Respiration Some lessons may require the use of worksheets/videos from the activeteach but could easily be replaced with other available resources
Edexcel CB9

Edexcel CB9

9 Resources
Entire CB9 unit from the new Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about ecosystems and material cycles. Includes CB9a Ecosystems CB9b Abiotic factors and communities CB9c Biotic factors and communties CB9d Parasitism and mutualism CB9e Biodiversity and humans CB9f Preserving biodiversity CB9g The water cycle CB9h The carbon cycle CB9i The nitrogen cycle Some tasks within some of the lessons require the use of worksheets/videos from the ActiveLearn but could all easily be replaced by other available resources.
Edexcel CC16

Edexcel CC16

6 Resources
CC16 unit for the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about fuels, covering: CC16a Hydrocarbons in Crude Oil and Natural Gas CC16b Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil CC16c The Alkane Homologous Series CC16d Complete and Incomplete Combustion CC16e Combustible Fuels and Pollution CC16f Breaking Down Hydrocarbons Some lesson include links to videos/worksheets from the ActiveLearn but could easily be replaced with other available videos and worksheets.
Edexcel CC11a Reactivity

Edexcel CC11a Reactivity

CC11a lesson from the new Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) about reactivity. The lesson includes the reactivity series, reactions with water, reactions with acid, word equations, symbol equations, displacement reactions and redox reactions.
Exploring Science 9J- Force Fields and Electromagnets

Exploring Science 9J- Force Fields and Electromagnets

Lessons for the 9J topic in the new exploring science scheme of work looking at force fields and electromagnets. Including: 9Ja Force Fields 9Ja Cohesion in Writing (L&C) 9Jb Static Electricity 9Jc Current Electricity 9Jd Resistance 9Je Electromagnets *There is some reference to the exploring science worksheets (but these could be easily replaced by other worksheets you have) and to the exploring science video’s on the ActiveTeach website (which could again be replaced by other YouTube links). *
Edexcel CP7/8

Edexcel CP7/8

3 Resources
CP7/8 lessons for the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about forces doing work and forces and their effects. Includes: CP7a Work and Power CP8a Objects Affecting Each Other CP8b Vector Diagrams
Exploring Science 8K- Energy Transfers

Exploring Science 8K- Energy Transfers

Lessons from the 8K unit in the new Exploring Science scheme of work all about energy transfers. Including lessons for: 8Ka Temperature Changes 8Kb Transferring Energy 8Kc Controlling Transfers 8Kc Accuracy and Precision (Working Scientifically Lesson) 8Kd Power and Efficiency 8Ke Paying for Energy *Some of the lesson require the use of videos / worksheets from the ActiveTeach but easily be replaced by other videos or available worksheets *
Exploring Science 8H- Rocks

Exploring Science 8H- Rocks

Lessons from the 8H unit in the new Exploring Science scheme of work all about rocks. Including lessons for: 8Ha Rocks and their Uses 8Hb Igneous and Metamorphic 8Hb Assessing Sources (Literacy & Communication Lesson) 8Hc Weathering and Erosion 8Hd Sedimentary Rocks 8He Materials in the Earth *Some of the lesson require the use of videos / worksheets from the ActiveTeach but easily be replaced by other videos or available worksheets *
Exploring Science 8I- Fluids

Exploring Science 8I- Fluids

Lessons from the 8I unit in the new Exploring Science scheme of work all about fluids. Including lessons for: 8Ia The Particle Model 8Ia Density (working scientifically lesson) 8Ib Changing State 8Ic Pressure in Fluids 8Id Floating and Sinking 8Ie Drag *Some of the lesson require the use of videos / worksheets from the ActiveTeach but easily be replaced by other videos or available worksheets *
Exploring Science 7E- Mixtures and Separation

Exploring Science 7E- Mixtures and Separation

Lessons from the 7E unit in the new Exploring Science scheme of work all about mixtures and separation. Including lessons for: 7Ea Mixtures 7Eb Solutions 7Ec Evaporation 7Ec Rock Salt Separation Practical 7Ed Chromatography 7Ee Distillation *Some of the lesson require the use of videos / worksheets from the ActiveTeach but easily be replaced by other videos or available worksheets *
Edexcel SB3f Mendel

Edexcel SB3f Mendel

SB3f lesson from the new Edexcel Biology GCSE looking at the work of Gregor Mendel including what he did, the conclusions he drew and the response at the time. One of the tasks (about 10 minutes of the lesson) involves the use of the Pearson ActiveTeach worksheets, but could easily be replaced by other worksheets/tasks
Edexcel CB8d Cellular Respiration

Edexcel CB8d Cellular Respiration

CB8d lesson from the new Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about cellular respiration. The lesson includes aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration and how to measure rates of respiration using a respirometer.
Edexcel CC3/4

Edexcel CC3/4

6 Resources
CC3 and CC4 lessons from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about atomic structure and the periodic table. Includes: CC3a Structure of an Atom CC3b Atomic Number and Mass Number CC3c Isotopes CC4a Elements and the Periodic Table CC4b Atomic Number and the Periodic Table CC4c Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table some lesson may include worksheets from Activelearn but could easily be replaced by other available worksheets
Edexcel CC13c Halogen Reactivity

Edexcel CC13c Halogen Reactivity

CC13c lesson from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about halogen reactivity. The lesson includes halogens reacting with iron wool, displacement reactions, explaining the trend in reactivity and redox reactions.
Edexcel CC13

Edexcel CC13

4 Resources
CC13 unit for the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about groups in the periodic table, including: CC13a Group 1 CC13b Group 7 CC13c Halogen Reactivity CC13d Group 0
Edexcel CC10a Electrolysis

Edexcel CC10a Electrolysis

CC10a lesson from the new Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about electrolysis. The lesson includes ionic bonding recap, what electrolysis is, what happens during electrolysis, oxidation & reduction and half equations.
Edexcel CC1/2 Revision Worksheet

Edexcel CC1/2 Revision Worksheet

Revision worksheet for the CC1 and CC2 topics in the new Edexcel Combined Science GCSE (9-1). Covering content from: CC1a States of Matter CC2a Mixtures CC2b Filtration and Crystallisation CC2c Paper Chromatography CC2d Distillation CC2e Drinking Water Designed to be printed as a double sided A3 worksheet - the reverse side of the worksheet has all the learning outcomes for the topics
Edexcel SB5g Plant Defences

Edexcel SB5g Plant Defences

SB5g lesson from the new Edexcel Biology GCSE (9-1) all about plant defences. The lesson includes physical barriers, a plant cells recap, chemical defences, using plants for medicines and aseptic technique. there is a singular task (approx 10 mins) which requires the use of worksheets from the ActiveTeach