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Y2 Florence hospital comparison lesson plan

Y2 Florence hospital comparison lesson plan

LO: To compare and contrast hospitals before Florence, after Florence and today. A lesson plan for a year 2 class looking at Florence Nightingale and the improvements and changes that she made in nursing and hospitals. This is part of a 4 week Information Text block where the children are writing an information booklet about Florence Nightingale. I’ve uploaded other lessons for this block/activity.
Y2 Writing a recount of Florence Nightingales life

Y2 Writing a recount of Florence Nightingales life

This is a lesson plan for a Y2 lesson (also done with year 1) where the children write a recount of Florence Nightingale’s life using a website so that it can be printed. This was part of a 4 week block where the children wrote an information booklet about Florence Nightgale. Learning Objective: To use ICT to write information texts incorporating pictures