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Y2 Numeracy - Adding coin values

Y2 Numeracy - Adding coin values

Learning Objective: To add 2 amounts using money and find exact coins. This lesson uses shopping item cards which were printed and laminated and can be found here: http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Y2-Money-Shopping-Cards-for-printing-and-amp-laminating-6145182/ The cards are differentiated so the worksheet is the same for all the children.
Y1/2 Literacy Plan Summer Wk 2

Y1/2 Literacy Plan Summer Wk 2

A weeks literacy planning for the second week of the Summer term for a mixed year 1 and 2 class. The lessons focus on looking at different books by the same author, in this case the Katie Morag books. The week focuses on looking at the author Mairi Hedderwick, thinking of questions the children may like to ask her, looking at which books are favourites and why and at the end of the week the children choose a book and evaluate it.
Numeracy - Finding difference between money

Numeracy - Finding difference between money

This is a maths/numeracy lesson for a 1st Grade class. The learning objective is to find the difference between amounts of money. There are five lots of handouts for different ability groups as my class has a higher LA and lower LA as well as for MA and a
Y2 Science Lesson - Sounds

Y2 Science Lesson - Sounds

Learning Objective: To understand that a sound from a sound maker can be changed by changing how the sound is made, such as tapping softly, tapping harder, blowing gently, blowing harder etc. Relates to: National Curriculum Sc4 3c
Pirate WALT/Learning Objective Image

Pirate WALT/Learning Objective Image

I did a maths lesson based around a pirate theme and created this Pirate themed WALT image that you can add into any powerpoint presentation, smart notebook etc. and add a text box over it with your WALT/Learning Objective to show children what it is they’ll be covering that lesson. It could even be printed, laminated and written on using a whiteboard pen and changed for each lesson. If anyone wants it so that it says Learning Objective rather than WALT, just let me know.
Story Mountain Planner

Story Mountain Planner

This is a story mountain planner - one blank, one filled in. The idea is that the 5 boxes that follow the mountain shape should help children when they’re planning and writing a story to write effectively. It encourages children to look at the beginning, the build up, the problem, the resolution and the ending, giving them a few questions to consider for each area to help them. I’d say that this is suitable for all of KS2 and into KS3.
Year 3 and 4 word problems for division and multiplication

Year 3 and 4 word problems for division and multiplication

This is a powerpoint presentation (which can be printed obviously) that has 6 word problems for division and multiplication, aimed at Y3/4. The 6 problems/questions are repeated 3 times to give 3 different levels of questions for differentiation starting with higher ability, then middle, then lower.
Letters and Sounds Phonics Assessment Sheets

Letters and Sounds Phonics Assessment Sheets

The attached document has assessment sheets for recording ability and progress in each of the 5 phases of the Letters and Sounds phonics scheme. Each section can be printed a number of times until you have one for each child at the phase they’re doing. They can then be used to assess their ability at that phase. Each assessment sheet covers areas such as: grapheme-phoneme correspondence, oral blending, oral segmenting, reading nonsense words, decodeable and tricky high frequency words (reading and spelling), spelling from spoken words, letter formation etc. as appropriate for each level.
Year 2 Money Shopping Cards for giving change

Year 2 Money Shopping Cards for giving change

Differentiated shopping cards with prices that can be used for any money lessons in Numeracy. They’ve been made with Year 2 in mind but can easily be adapted by changing the amounts, they’ve been differentiated into 5 different difficulties. They were made for a lesson about giving change which can be found here too.
Year 1 Gymnastics MTP (Summer term)

Year 1 Gymnastics MTP (Summer term)

Summer Medium Term Planning/MTP for Year 1 Physical Education/PE. The MTP is based around Gymnastics, covering areas such as: shapes, rolling, jumping, balancing, travelling.
Year 2 Numeracy - Finding difference between money

Year 2 Numeracy - Finding difference between money

This is a maths/numeracy lesson for a Year 2 class. The learning objective is to find the difference between amounts of money. There are five lots of worksheets for different ability groups as my class has a higher LA and lower LA as well as for MA and a HA group.
EYFS Continuous Provision Enhancements Plan/Map

EYFS Continuous Provision Enhancements Plan/Map

A simple planning map for enhancements within Continuous Provision in a Early Years classroom. Includes a pdf version ready to print and an editable word file to allow you to change the areas to suit your classroom. A simple map that clearly shows the planned enhancements for the week, which you can also include the intended learning outcome/DM statement in. Simple but effective.
Early Years/EYFS Planning Templates

Early Years/EYFS Planning Templates

A couple of different planning formats for planning for weekly topics in the Early Years. Personally, I complete one of these each for Literacy and Maths, sometimes Topic if we’re having a heavy topic week. Includes the planning of intended learning outcomes/statements, resources, continuous provision area enhancements etc. A separate format includes more detail if you do split inputs with the use of a TA. A pretty comprehensive yet simple plan that allows you and all staff within the classroom to know what’s going on that week in the main areas of learning, as well as in provision.