Member since 2009
Teacher Leader/Coach
Year started teaching
Working in
I am an experienced secondary Science / Biology teacher, Lead Practitioner and freelance education writer for SecEd. Promoting high quality teaching and learning is at the core of all avenues of my career. I believe teachers are the most important asset in a school. In times where budgets are tight, workload is high and teacher recruitment and retention is falling, it is even more essential that teachers feel valued, supported and enthusiastic about this very exciting and rewarding profession. My belief is that effective CPD should inspire, challenge and develop all staff. My CPD resources are designed to provide effective training for teachers that not only inspire staff but also increases the progress their students make. Happy teachers = happy students... with that in mind all my CPD resources are designed to be useful, effective and have a positive impact on workload. All strategies and resources have been tried, tested, tweaked and all have had very positive evaluations.