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behaviour system - planets

behaviour system - planets

I used this behaviour system of planets. All children start at number 1 and then move up if showing the correct behaviour (down if necessary). When they reached the sun they got a prize.
Speed trials for times tables practise.

Speed trials for times tables practise.

This is a set of speed trials I used with my KS2 children to help increase times tables speed. They had a set time to complete it in (we did 5 minutes as that worked for us). If they got 59or 60 out of 60 (then increased to 72 questions in later ones) they then moved to the next one. There is also certificates and stars for the wall included. Some of my year 3 children knew all times tables using this. They enjoyed doing them and they enjoyed competing against themselves to get a better score.
Sentence type pencils for display and mat to aid children

Sentence type pencils for display and mat to aid children

This is a sentence type mat showing children all the different sentence types, with examples, to help them put a range of sentences into their writing. Also included is the same sentence types presented on a pencil shape to go on display to aid in teaching different sentence types. Also shows the punctuation needed for that sentence type.
Maths target board mental starter

Maths target board mental starter

These smart notebook documents contain target boards that can be used as a mental starter in a variety of ways. E.g. write what you would add to each fraction to make 1, Write the pairs of numbers that add to make x amount, write how many more percent to make x amount. Covers a range of number and FDP areas.
Science plants we eat lesson

Science plants we eat lesson

Included is a smart notebook displaying images of plants that we eat and which parts e.g. roots, leaves. Also included is a worksheet for the children to do following the discussion from the smart notebook
volcano map - tremors, extreme earth

volcano map - tremors, extreme earth

This is a world map and a set of small volcanoes with names and locations. The children used atlases and knowledge to place the volcanoes in the correct location in the world.