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Connection Methods and Protocols

Connection Methods and Protocols

Power point detailing wireless, broadband and Dial-Up Connections. Definition of Bandwidth, and information focusing on TCP/IP and FTP protocols. The presentation also includes question slides to do a fun mini quiz with students using mini whiteboards, recommending that the students are grouped on ability and each group asked different questions from the presentation based on ability.
Input/Output, Memory and Storage Booklet

Input/Output, Memory and Storage Booklet

Resource booklet to use alongside lessons and can then be used as a revision resource. Booklet 1 covers input, output and storage devices, Functionality of the CPU, Differences between RAM/ROM and different storage i.e. optical, magnetic, solid state. Should be printed on both sides as there are hint bubbles to differentiate for learners when they reach the pages that they are required to write extended answers for.