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Making of Modern Britain - youth culture 1950s

Making of Modern Britain - youth culture 1950s

An A-level lesson in which students examine the reasons for the development of youth culture in the 1950s. Students will use their understanding to examine three conclusions to focus on exam technique, and consider the strengths and weaknesses with the conclusions. Furthermore, students will link their understanding of youth culture to other social changes to analyse the moral panic and reactions to the development of youth culture.
Making of modern Britain - Suez Crisis

Making of modern Britain - Suez Crisis

An A-level lesson in which students examine the significance of the Suez Crisis on Britain. Students will sequence the events leading to the crisis, before analysing the impact of the crisis on Britain, and in particular will gain an understanding of how Britain’s place in the world changed as a result of Suez.
British withdrawal from Palestine, 1948 (Y321)

British withdrawal from Palestine, 1948 (Y321)

An A-level lesson based around the question: How far do you agree that Britain withdrew from Palestine in 1948 because of pressure from Zionists? Students will use their existing knowledge to examine the role of long term causes such as the mandate and failure of British policy before examining short term causes during and after the Second World War. Students will categorise causes to create three key factors and detail evidence, explain the consequences, and analyse their causal role in the British decision to withdraw.
Why did women need the vote?

Why did women need the vote?

A lesson designed as an introduction to the suffragettes. Students will consider the problems facing women in the areas of attitudes, education, work and rights, and will gather evidence about these issues. Students will consider how the vote may improve women’s lives in these areas and will reach judgements about the biggest problems facing women in the 19th century. Finally, students will choose from one of two tasks which will require students to apply their understanding of both the problems women faced, and also the reasons why women wanted the vote.
1991 Gulf War

1991 Gulf War

An A-level lesson in which students will evaluate the extent to which the aims of the Great powers were successfully achieved in the 1991 Gulf War. The lesson links to the first theme of OCR Y321 in which students consider the role of the Great Powers in the Middle East. Students will match the aims of the Great Powers to the methods and impact. Students will reach a judgement on the extent to which America could claim victory from the conflict. This will contribute to students’ ability to understand how successfully the Great Powers achieved their aims in the Middle East for their thematic essays.
Why did Nasser nationalise the Suez Canal?

Why did Nasser nationalise the Suez Canal?

An A-level lesson for OCR Y321 on the chain of events leading to the nationalisation of the Suez Canal. Students will understand the chronology and the competing aims of the Western powers versus Egypt. Students will complete a chronology card sort and use these to understand the competing aims of Western powers and Egypt surrounding the Suez Canal. Students will explain attempts taken by Nasser to exert Egyptian independence and how they competed with Britain’s attempts to hold on to influence in the region. Students will finish by reaching a judgement on the motivations behind Nasser’s decision to nationalise the Suez Canal.
Middle East - first Intifada Y321

Middle East - first Intifada Y321

An A-level lesson for OCR Y321 focused on the theme of Zionism, Israel and the Palestinian Issue. Students will consider the causes and consequences of the first Intifada by considering the role of Jewish settlements in occupied territories, and the significance of the Intifada for the Palestinian issue. Students will have the opportunity to compare the significance of this event to those they have already studied and begin to consider where the greater turning points are.
Italy and Fascism - Threats to Mussolini's power

Italy and Fascism - Threats to Mussolini's power

An A-level lesson on the extent to which Mussolini faced threats subsequent to the Matteotti Crisis. The lesson is planned around an example essay question and will require students to evaluate the extent to which institutions could challenge Mussolini's power.
Italy and Fascism - Growth of Fascism

Italy and Fascism - Growth of Fascism

An A-level lesson in which students analyse the reasons for growing support for fascism in the post-war years. Students will analyse the reasons why different groups within Italy supported Mussolini and the fascists and examine how support grew over time.
Italy and Fascism - Impact of WWI

Italy and Fascism - Impact of WWI

An A-level lesson on the impact of WWI on the stability of Liberal Italy. Students will understand the role that the war played in the collapse of the Liberal state in Italy and gain an understanding of the key events for Italy.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

A GCSE lesson in which students will examine the arguments for and against the execution of Mary, QofS. Students will ultimately decide if they agreed with Elizabeth's decision. Students will explicitly consider the consequences of Elizabeth's decision, therefore linking to the 'explain what was important' 8 mark question in which students need to explain the consequences.
AQA 8145 Germany - Nazi Propaganda

AQA 8145 Germany - Nazi Propaganda

A GCSE lesson on the use of propaganda as a means of control. The lesson includes differentiated tasks and questioning and requires students to evaluate the effectiveness of different forms of Nazi propaganda.
AQA 8145 - Elizabeth I Revision

AQA 8145 - Elizabeth I Revision

3 Resources
Includes a revision guide and two revision lessons around the topic of religious threats. These lessons reference pages from the revision guide, and so work well as a whole unit.
AQA 8145 GCSE Elizabeth I Revision Guide

AQA 8145 GCSE Elizabeth I Revision Guide

A revision guide tailored to the AQA Elizabeth I specification for GCSE. Includes practice questions, quizzes. The information is broken down to make it easier for students to use in their own revision, and pictures and acronyms will help students to recall the information ready for their GCSE exam.
AQA 8145 Germany - Terror and the Police State

AQA 8145 Germany - Terror and the Police State

A GCSE lesson for the AQA specification on the topic of 'Democracy and Dictatorship'. This lesson works best having already studied propaganda in the Nazi state. The lesson covers the 4 major aspects of the nazi police state, and requires students to evaluate their effectiveness in helping Hitler to keep control over Germany.
AQA 8145 Medicine - Surgery and John Hunter

AQA 8145 Medicine - Surgery and John Hunter

A GCSE lesson in which students examine the impact of John Hunter in the field of surgery. Students will consider which area was Hunter's most significant contribution to surgery. Students will then consider how much surgery has changed between the medieval period and by 1800 in preparation for the 'compare' 8 mark questions on the exam.