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Assembly - Perseverance,  Never Give Up

Assembly - Perseverance, Never Give Up

The focus of this assembly is about perseverance. The first clip is taken from the film 'Catch me if you can'. It takes a scene where someone describes two mice falling into a bucket of milk. Once drowns but the other tries so hard to get out that it churns the milk into butter and walks out the bucket. The next clip is taken from 'Educating Yorkshire'. It shows a young man with a speech impediment trying to talk through some work and getting frustrated. The next clip is one of him speaking in the Year 11 leavers assembly. The next section shows Andy Murray getting upset after losing the Wimbledon final followed by the moment he won Wimbledon the following year. I then go on to talk about how in these situations both people went on to be successful by not giving up and persevering with the challenges ahead of them. This then links in to the challenges that the students will face this academic year. The assembly finishes with a quote by Gary Player who once said “It's funny but the more I practice, the luckier I get.”
A Level PE - The Olympic Games

A Level PE - The Olympic Games

Learning Objectives: - The History of the Olympic Games. - The commercialisation of the Olympic Games. - The IOC & BOA.
Assembly - Don't Judge a Book By it's Cover

Assembly - Don't Judge a Book By it's Cover

This assembly has two clear sections. The first is a link to Susan Boyle's audition for Britain's Got Talent. A picture is shown of Susan and I ask the group firstly who she is and then does she look like a pop star? I then use the link to show her audition. During the audition Ant and Dec say 'I bet you weren't expecting that'. When the audition finishes I ask the group why weren't you expecting her to not have an amazing voice? The second section of the audition requires some preparation. You need four bags of walker crisps. You have to carefully open each bag at the bottom and swap the flavours into different bags. I normally put ready salted into a cheese and onion bag and then salt and vinegar in prawn cocktail. You then selotape the two bags you will use in the assembly up so that they look like have been unopened. I then ask for a volunteer and blindfold them whilst doing a blind taste. When the volunteer say, what appears, to be the wrong flavours I then reveal what I have done. My message from both sections of the assembly is to not always follow the crowd. Sometimes other people's opinions are not always yours. Never read a book by its over until you have explored it for yourself.
Assembly - Mental Health Awareness, Facts, Tips and Support

Assembly - Mental Health Awareness, Facts, Tips and Support

This assembly is centred around mental health awareness and I used this during the national childrens' mental health awareness week. I open the assembly with a definition of mental health and the #timetotalk which I explain is the key message of the assembly. I also show a gif which says 'mental health is real, even if you cannot see it' and use the example of being able to see someone is is physically injured for instance on crutches however, you cannot see a mental health illness or injury. The next section of the assembly is a short video about talking about mental health and how this is no longer a taboo subject and is something that as a school community we are aware of and support. The next section of the assembly identifies that there are over 200 forms of mental health illness and I use three quiz questions to show how big of an issue this is nationally. The final section of the assembly contains a number of helpful tips to maintain good mental health. I then finish the assembly with the national statistic that 'Nearly three in four young people fear the reactions of friends when they talk about their mental health problems'. I conclude by saying that as a school and house community we are here to support each other and that mental health is not a taboo subject and one which we accept.
A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Aggression

A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Aggression

Learning Objectives Identify and describe the four different theories of aggression Understand the difference between aggression and assertion and link to different theories. Be able to justify and evaluate the different aggression theories, linking ways to prevent/limit aggression.
Assembly - The Lance Armstrong Story - Persevere and Do Not Cheat Yourself

Assembly - The Lance Armstrong Story - Persevere and Do Not Cheat Yourself

The assembly is based on the story of Lance Armstrong. The first section shows a picture of Lance Armstrong and asks the question who is and why is he famous? The next clip shows a short video about the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong. The key facts about his careers and then his demise. I then talk through the timeline of his famous rise and fall. The next is a trailer of the famous documentary that was taken throughout his career where he admits lying to the public and covering up his performance enhancement use. The final clip is a Nike advert that stars lance Armstrong. In this advert he says 'people often ask me what I am on, what am I on? My bike 6 hours a day, what are you on?' I then go on to relate the Armstrong Lie to school. How Lance Armstrong knew he was cheating but created a cover story to make him look like he was working 6 hours a day to achieve his goals and not cutting corners by cheating. The assembly then finishes by asking students to not be a Lance Armstrong. To not tell parents, staff, friends that they are working hard/revising if they are not really. To be honest so that people are aware if they need support and can put that in place. I finish by asking the group to pereservere with their challenges but asking for help is not a weakness. It is actually a huge strength.
GCSE PE - The Muscular System

GCSE PE - The Muscular System

A GCSE Physical Education lesson on the Muscular System. This is based on the Edexcel exam board. Learning Objectives: - Understand the role of the muscular system. - Identify the major muscle groups. - Understand the role of muscles in movement.
GCSE PE - The Skeletal System

GCSE PE - The Skeletal System

A GCSE Physical Education lesson on the Skeletal System. This is based on the Edexcel exam board. Learning Objectives: - Understand the functions of the skeletal system. - Identify the ranges of movement at joints during physical activity. - Understand the effects of exercise on the skeletal system.
Assembly - Anti-Bullying - I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here' Theme

Assembly - Anti-Bullying - I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here' Theme

This assembly focuses on the issue of bullying in schools. I used the situation taken from I'm a celebrity Ge Me Out Of Here last year when Jimmy Bullard made a series of nasty comments towards his 'friend' Jake Quickenden. The theme is based around the question 'is banter actually a form of bullying?' The opening part of this assembly requires a banana and a roll of selotape. I open then banana and ask someone to selotape it back together. The intial message is once you have done or said something to someone, you can try to fix it or put it right but often, that relationship may never be the same. Just like the selotaped banana!
GCSE PE - The Respiratory System

GCSE PE - The Respiratory System

A GCSE Physical Education lesson on the Respiratory System. This is based on the Edexcel exam board. Learning Objectives: - Describe the respiratory system. - Explain the effects of exercise on the respiratory system - Understand how recreational drugs affect the respiratory system.
A Level PE - Cardiac Control Centre

A Level PE - Cardiac Control Centre

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Explain the regulation of heart rate during physical activity. - Identify the neural, hormonal and intrinsic factors that affect heart regulation.
A Level PE - Warm Up and Cool Down

A Level PE - Warm Up and Cool Down

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Define a warm up and cool down. - Analyse the effects of a warm up and cool down on skeletal muscle tissue. - Discuss different bone disorders, joint stability and posture and alignment.
A Level PE - Vascular Shunt Mechanism and the Vasomotor Control Centre

A Level PE - Vascular Shunt Mechanism and the Vasomotor Control Centre

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Introduce the vascular shunt mechanism. - Describe the distribution of cardiac output at rest and during exercise. - Explain the role of the vasomotor centre and the involvement of arterioles and pre-capillary sphincters.
A level PE - Centre of Mass

A level PE - Centre of Mass

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Define centre of mass. - Apply the knowledge of centre of mass to stability in sporting techniques - Carry out a practical analysis of typical physical actions.
A level PE - The Mechanics of Breathing

A level PE - The Mechanics of Breathing

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Describe the mechanics of breathing at rest and the respiratory muscles involved. - Explain the changes in the mechanics of breathing during physical activity. - Introduce respiratory volumes at rest and during exercise.