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Exercise Physiology Student Work Book

Exercise Physiology Student Work Book

A Level Physical Education Resource This resource coincides with the set of PowerPoints which, will assist the delivery of the A2 Exercise Physiology A Level Unit for the OCR specification. The student notebook contains: exam check lists; notes; tasks; exam questions and exam answers. The resource represents two years worth of work and I can guarantee that it will make teaching this unit much easier. I only wish that I had this when I first started teaching the Sports Science units. This is a perfect resource for anyone starting out teaching the Sports Science aspect of A Level Physical Education.
A Level PE - Factors Impacting on Popular Recreation as a Result of Industriailisation

A Level PE - Factors Impacting on Popular Recreation as a Result of Industriailisation

A Level Physical Education Skill Acquisition lesson. Learning Objectives: Identify the main factors that effected rational recreation in the second half of industrialisation. Be able to explain how the five influences affected rational recreation in the second half of industrialisation. Understand the changes between industrial and pre-industrial Britain.
A Level PE - Aerobic Capacity One

A Level PE - Aerobic Capacity One

A Level Exercise Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Define and describe the link between aerobic capacity and VO2 max. - Describe the methods of evaluating aerobic capacity.
A Level PE - Aerobic Capacity Two

A Level PE - Aerobic Capacity Two

A Level Exercise Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Describe different types of training used to develop aerobic capacity. - Explain the energy system and the foods fuels used during aerobic work. - Detail the physiological adaptations that take place after prolonged periods of aerobic physical activity.
A level PE - Performance Enhacement Two

A level PE - Performance Enhacement Two

Learning objectives: - Critically analyse a number of Ergogenic Aids. - Discuss the use of cooling aids to reduce core temperature and aid recovery. - Outline the use of training aids to increase resistance.
A Level PE - Muscle Fibre Types

A Level PE - Muscle Fibre Types

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Identify the different types of Muscle Fibre found in skeletal muscles. - Discuss Muscle Fibre types in relation to physical activity. - Introduce the Muscle Fibre Continuum
A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Anxiety

A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Anxiety

Learning Objectives Define and identify somatic, cognitive, competitive trait and competitive state anxiety. Understand and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using observations, questionnaires and physiological measures to measure anxiety. Be able to apply and justify the impact of different types of anxiety on sport performance.
A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Attitudes

A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Attitudes

Learning Objectives Introduce the triadic model and the different components of attitudes. Understand the formation of different attitudes. Able to explain and justify changing attitudes through cognitive dissonance and persuasive communication.
A Level PE - Feedback - Skill Aquisition

A Level PE - Feedback - Skill Aquisition

Learning Objectives: Understand the different purposes and types of feedback. Explain how feedback and guidance impacts on skill development. Develop 15 mark question technique.
GCSE PE - Somatotypes

GCSE PE - Somatotypes

Learning Objectives: - Describe the different body types. - Explain the effect each somatotype can have on performance. - Identify optimum weight and why it varies.
Assembly - Anti Bullying Facts, Figures and the Impact of Bullying

Assembly - Anti Bullying Facts, Figures and the Impact of Bullying

The Anti Bullying assembly focuses upon key facts that have been taken from the 2016 Anti Bullying survey. It opens on a video that centers around cyber bullying and the impact that this can have. It them moves onto key facts taken from the survey that will be quite shocking such as 50% of students said that they had been bullied at some point during their school life and also that 19% of the 8550 students who took the survey are bullied on several occasions during a school week. The assembly then focuses on what we can do as a community to challenge bullying and finishes with a recent advert anti bullying advert that uses a rock, paper and scissors fort where the scissors protects the paper, the paper protects the rock and the rock protects the scissors. This advert recently won an Oscar and is very powerful.
Assembly - Make School  A Level Playing Field By Bringing The Correct Equipment

Assembly - Make School A Level Playing Field By Bringing The Correct Equipment

The assembly requires some preparation but is well worth it. You will need to set out a table tennis table at the front of the assembly hall. On each side of the table to you need to place two school bags. Once has a table tennis paddle and a ball in it and the other half has a rounders bat in it. Once the assembly has started I ask for a student and a member of staff to volunteer. I give the student the bag with the table tennis paddle and ball in it and the bag containing the rounders bat to the member of staff. I normally ask a sporty student before the assembly if I can use them so the demonstration works. I then ask the volunteers to reveal the equipment that is in their bags and have a game of first to 5. The student will win with the correct equipment. I then show students a picture of a 'level playing field' and say that there are some people in the group who, at times, create a situation where they are not able to learn as well as their peers. This is due to their poor organisation bu not bringing basic equipment or not doing their homework. I finish the assembly with the key message that in later life being organised is a key skill to get a job.
Assembly - Teamwork and Expectations of a New Academic Year

Assembly - Teamwork and Expectations of a New Academic Year

I often use this assembly for the first assembly of the new academic year. In the first section of the assembly I talk about how this is the 'first day a new journey'. How students can remodel them self if they would like to this year of continue the good work from the previous year or years. I then talk about the basic expectations of the year. Uniform expectations, behavioral expectations and such like. The final section of the assembly is a practical that students really love but takes some preparation. One a table at the front of the assembly hall I sit a bowl of sweets on a table. I also selotape a spoon to a meter long ruler to create a meter long spoon! You will need two of these. I ask for two volunteers to come out and hand them a meter long spoon each. I tell the volunteers that they have 1 minute to eat as many sweets as possible however, there is one condition. They can only hold the meter long spoon by then end. The only way that they will be able to eat the sweets is to feed each other. Once the demonstration is done I talk to the year group about how this is an example of being a team and that at school we have to help each other to make sure we succeed. I use the acronym to finish the assembly: T - together E - everyone A - acheives M - more
A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Personalities

A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Personalities

Learning Objectives: Know the difference between the trait theory, social learning approach and interactionist perspective Discuss the Nature vs. Nurture debate. Are personality characteristics are innate or learned? Introduce the Lewin approach to personality and the Hollander approach to the Interactionist Theory.