A division activity. Children could solve this physically first using concrete resources then move to using coloured pens/crayons to record within the treasure chests. I fins this way prepares my children for recording to find an answer within a test style situation.
Y1 Fraction Dominoes - whole, half and quarter
A way to get your children to see whole, half and quarter in a variety of ways :) I found this resource useful as my class were getting used to the half, quarter and whole of a 'pizza' that we see everywhere.
Enjoy :)
A great activity to secure knowledge and understanding of bonds. Mainly aimed at year 1 but could be used for SEN or beginning of year 2 as an assessment tool.
Children to record different ways of making the number in the star. It could be just addition, subtraction or mixed. You could also edit for multiplication further up school. My children always come up with some great ways and this is a great way to assess the children's recall and mental ability before teaching calculation.
Enjoy - If you would like me to edit or change, drop me a comment.
This sheet is based on questions provided within the cornerstones maths assessments for Y1. It also addresses the year 1 maths objectives:
'read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs
represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20
add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero
solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = – 9.'
I have also left a box at the top for you to add your learning intention/MSC/Checklist/Objective etc.
A tower which can be laminated and used as a great starter or lesson within KS1/Lower key stage.
Children are required to get down the timer by mentally adding or using resources.
Resources also comes with some key questions to extend the activity. Could be used to extend higher ability to think in a higher order way by guessing first before carrying out addition. 'How did you know?' type questions.
Times table challenge and record sheet. Can be edited to suit.
We added them into the school learning logs but could be printed onto card to distribute.
I used this resources to support my greater depth children to record their reasoning and to challenge each others thinking.
A great resource to hit the objective ‘Use related multiplication facts to reason’