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2G The Birth of the USA, 1760–1801 AQA A Level History revision notes

2G The Birth of the USA, 1760–1801 AQA A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for the depth study: The Birth of the USA, 1760–1801 Part one: the origins of the American Revolution, 1760–1776 Britain and the American Colonies, 1760–1763 Enforcing the Colonial Relationship, 1763–1774 Ending the Colonial Relationship, 1774–1776 Part two: establishing the Nation, 1776–1801 (A-level only) The War of Independence, 1776–1783 (A-level only) Founding the Republic, 1776–1789 (A-level only) Washington and Adams, 1789–1801 (A-level only) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Y108 The Early Stuarts and the Origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 OCR A Level History course notes

Y108 The Early Stuarts and the Origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 OCR A Level History course notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Y108 The Early Stuarts and the Origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 British Period Study: The Early Stuarts 1603–1646 a) James I and Parliament b) James I and religion c) Charles I 1625–1640 d) Charles I and the victory of Parliament 1640–1646 Enquiry Topic: The Execution of Charles I and the Interregnum 1646–1660 a) The failure to achieve a settlement 1646–1649 b) Commonwealth and Protectorate c) The Restoration of Charles II These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Paper 2, Option 2F.1 India, c1914–48 the road to independence Edexcel A Level History revision notes

Paper 2, Option 2F.1 India, c1914–48 the road to independence Edexcel A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give Edexcel A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Paper 2, Option 2F.1 India, c1914–48 the road to independence: 1 The First World War and its impact on British India, 1914–20 2 Changing political relationships,1920–30 3 Consultation and confrontation,1930–42 4 The road to independence,1942–48 They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
1L The quest for political stability: Germany 1871-1991 AQA A Level History revision notes

1L The quest for political stability: Germany 1871-1991 AQA A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes are intended to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for the breadth study: “The quest for political stability: Germany 1871-1991”: Part one: Empire to democracy, 1871–1929 The Kaiserreich, 1871–1914 Empire to democracy, 1914–1929 Part two: the impact of Nazism, war and division, 1929–1991 (A-level only) The Nazi experiment, 1929–1949 (A-level only) Division to unity: the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949–1991 (A-level only) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Y207 The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 OCR A Level course / revision notes

Y207 The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 OCR A Level course / revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y207: The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 1) The German Reformation 1517–1529 2) The spread of Lutheranism 1530–1555, the Schmalkaldic War and Peace of Augsburg 3) Charles V’s relations with the Ottoman Empire 4) Charles V’s wars with France These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Roman City Life: The Domus (Roman Housing)

Roman City Life: The Domus (Roman Housing)

This lesson was designed for my pupils studying OCR Classical Civilisation 9-1 GCSE. It provides an excellent in-depth look at the Roman Domus / Villa - the household and home of wealthy Romans / Roman Patricians. The lesson is dual coded and there is an emphasis in reducing excess ‘noise’ in the PowerPoint file - allowing pupils to easily access the content without distraction. There is also a yellow overlay on each slide to aid any pupils with irlens / dyslexia (this can easily be removed though by clicking on the overlay on each slide and pressing ‘delete’). The lesson begins with a look at a map of Pompeii to allow pupils to see the prevalence of the Domus in a Roman city and then pupils are given a handout (included as a slide to be printed off) of a typical domus floor plan with a key and pupils must colour code both. Once pupils thus have an understanding of the uses of the rooms in a typical domus and what they were called, there is a handout (again, included as a slide) to be printed off of extra info where pupils are encouraged to highlight key points and use to make extra notes to supplement their work up to this point. There is then a short 3 minute video embedded in the next slide which summarises what pupils should have learnt up to this point. Having established the key features of a typical domus, pupils are then presented with the floor plans of three important Roman villas in Herculaneum and Pompeii: The House of the Wooden Partition The House of Menander The House of Octavius Quartio Pupils are prompted to compare the floorplans and key features of these houses to their ‘typical’ domus floorplan and pick out similarities and differences. A group task then ensues where pupils fill in their fact file sheets on each house using more detailed information included in the proceeding slides (designed to be printed out - but you can go through the info on the board, or alternatively read the information for each house aloud and ask students to make notes as you read - I did it slightly differently with my two groups). Finally, the PowerPoint ends with OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation exam questions so pupils’ learning and understanding can be assessed. Thanks for taking a look :-)
Y111 Liberals, Conservatives and the Rise of Labour 1846–1918 OCR A Level History revision notes

Y111 Liberals, Conservatives and the Rise of Labour 1846–1918 OCR A Level History revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y111: Liberals, Conservatives and the Rise of Labour 1846–1918 British Period Study: Liberals, Conservatives and the Rise of Labour 1846–1902 a) Whigs to Liberals b) Gladstonian Liberalism c) Disraelian Conservatism d) Late Victorian politics: Gladstone and Salisbury until 1902 Enquiry Topic: England and a New Century c.1900–1918 a) Political issues c.1900–1914 b) Social issues 1900–1918 c) Britain at war 1914–1918 These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y101 Alfred and the Making of England 871–1016 OCR A Level History revision notes

Unit Y101 Alfred and the Making of England 871–1016 OCR A Level History revision notes

These detailed revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y101 Alfred and the Making of England 871–1016: 1 Enquiry Topic: Alfred the Great a) Alfred and the Vikings b) Alfred and the governance of England c) The revival of literacy and learning: the Alfredian Renaissance 2 British Period Study: The Making of England 899–1016 a) Edward the Elder 899–924 b) Athelstan 924–939 c) Edmund 939–946, Eadred 946–955 and Edgar 957–975 d) Aethelred 978–1016 They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
2K International Relations & Global Conflict c1890–1941 AQA A Level History revision / course notes

2K International Relations & Global Conflict c1890–1941 AQA A Level History revision / course notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for unit 2K International Relations and Global Conflict c1890–1941: Part one: Great Power rivalries and entry into war, c1890–1917 Great Powers: Britain, Germany, France, Russia and Austria-Hungary, c1890–1900 The Great Powers and Crises, 1900–1911 The coming of war, 1911–1917 Part two: The failure of international peace and the origins of the Second World War, 1917–1941 (A-level only) The end of the First World War and the peace settlement, 1917–1923 Attempts at maintaining the peace, 1923–1935 The coming of war, 1935–1941 These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
2S The Making of Modern Britain, 1951–2007 AQA A Level History revision notes

2S The Making of Modern Britain, 1951–2007 AQA A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for the depth study: The Making of Modern Britain, 1951–2007 Part one: building a new Britain, 1951–1979 The Affluent Society, 1951–1964 The Sixties, 1964–1970 The end of Post-War Consensus, 1970–1979 Part two: Modern Britain, 1979–2007 (A-level only) The impact of Thatcherism, 1979–1987 (A-level only) Towards a new Consensus, 1987–1997 (A-level only) The Era of New Labour, 1997–2007 (A-level only) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Paper 2, Option 2C.2: Russia in revolution, 1894–1924 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

Paper 2, Option 2C.2: Russia in revolution, 1894–1924 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

These detailed revision notes were specially written to give Edexcel A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Paper 2, Option 2C.2: Russia in revolution, 1894–1924 1 The rule of Nicholas II, 1894–1905 2 The end of Romanov rule, 1906–17 3 The Provisional government and its opponents, February–October 1917 4 Defending the Bolshevik revolution, October 1917–24 They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
What were the key features of Roman Insulae / Insula?

What were the key features of Roman Insulae / Insula?

This lesson is designed to fit into an hour and guides students, in a very straightforward but detailed way, through the key features of a Roman insula (apartment building) that was the cornerstone of Roman City Life for the average city-dwelling Plebeian. Roman insulae were subject to collapse, fire damage and unscrupulous landlords and there is a handout included as a slide within the powerpoint file taking students through what different Roman authors had to say about these high-rise apartment blocks. The final task before the plenary is a more creative one encouraging students to write about insulae in the style of the satirist Juvenal, who famously moaned a lot about them! Ideal for anyone teaching Classical Civilisation GCSE, the powerpoint is graphically designed in a way that students experience as little cognitive load as possible which my students definitely appreciate - allowing them to more readily access the information they need to embed. Two video clips are included too (hence the large file size) ensuring students have access to learning about the topic through a a few different kinds of media. Thanks for taking a look :-)
Y105: 1445–1509 Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII - Wars of the Roses OCR A Level History notes

Y105: 1445–1509 Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII - Wars of the Roses OCR A Level History notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y105 England 1445–1509 Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Enquiry Topic: Wars of the Roses 1445–1461 a) The Outbreak of the Wars 1445–1450 b) The early actions of Richard, Duke of York c) War and the defeat of Richard, Duke of York British Period Study: England 1461–1509 a) British Period Study: England 1461–1509 b) Edward IV and Richard III 1471–1485 c) Henry VII’s rule in England 1485–1509 d) Henry VII’s foreign policy 1485–1509 These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
2P The Transformation of China, 1936–1997 AQA A Level History revision notes

2P The Transformation of China, 1936–1997 AQA A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for the depth study: The Transformation of China, 1936–1997 Part one: the emergence of the People’s Republic of China, 1936–1962 The Origins of the Civil War, 1936–1946 Communist victory and the consolidation of Mao’s rule, 1946–1952 The transition to Socialism, 1952–1962 Part two: the People’s Republic of China: Economic growth and the transformation of the state, 1962–1997 (A-level only) Reform and Control, 1962–1966 (A-level only) The Cultural Revolution, 1966–1976 (A-level only) The PRC under Deng Xiaoping, 1976–1997 (A-level only) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y104: England 1377–1455 OCR A Level History detailed course / revision notes

Unit Y104: England 1377–1455 OCR A Level History detailed course / revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y104: England 1377–1455: Enquiry Topic: Richard II 1377–1399 a) Richard II’s minority 1377–1380 b) Personal Rule 1380–1388 c) Personal Rule and overthrow 1388–1399 British Period Study: England 1399–1455 a) The reign of Henry IV b) The domestic rule of Henry V c) War with France 1399–1453 d) The minority of Henry VI and the origins of the Wars of the Roses They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
2A.1 Anglo-Saxon England & Anglo-Norman  Kingdom 1053–1106 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

2A.1 Anglo-Saxon England & Anglo-Norman Kingdom 1053–1106 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give Edexcel A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Paper 2, Option 2A.1: Anglo-Saxon England and the Anglo Norman Kingdom, c1053–1106 1 Late AngloSaxon England, c1053–66 2 The Norman conquest of England and extension of control in Wales and Scotland, 1066–93 3 State, church and society, 1066–1106 4 Normandy, 1066–1106 They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
1J The British Empire, c1857–1967 AQA A Level History 'at a glance' Revision Notes

1J The British Empire, c1857–1967 AQA A Level History 'at a glance' Revision Notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes are intended to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the four parts of the breadth study: “The British Empire, c1857–1967”: Part one: the High Water Mark of the British Empire, c1857–1914 The development of Imperialism, c1857–c1890 Imperial consolidation and Liberal rule, c1890–1914 Part two: Imperial retreat, 1914–1967 (A-level only) Imperialism challenged, 1914–1947 (A-level only) The winds of change, 1947–1967 (A-level only) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
2L Italy and Fascism, c1900–1945 AQA A Level History revision notes

2L Italy and Fascism, c1900–1945 AQA A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for the depth study: Italy and Fascism, c1900–1945 Part one: the crisis of Liberal Italy and the Rise of Mussolini, c1900–1926 The Crisis of Liberal Italy, c1900–1915 The collapse of Liberal Italy and Mussolini’s Rise to Power, 1915–1922 Mussolini and the establishment of Fascist Italy, 1922–1926 Part two: Fascist Italy, 1926–1945 (A-level only) Fascist society, 1926–1940 (A-level only) Fascist foreign policies, 1926–1940 (A-level only) Fascist Italy and war, 1940–1945 (A-level only) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y209 African Kingdoms c.1400–c.1800 four case studies OCR A Level full course / revision notes

Unit Y209 African Kingdoms c.1400–c.1800 four case studies OCR A Level full course / revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y209: African Kingdoms c.1400–c.1800: four case studies 1) The Songhay Empire c.1450–1591 2) The Kingdom of Kongo c.1400–c.1709 3) The Kingdom of Benin c.1500–c.1750 4) The Kingdoms and Empires of Oyo and Dahomey 1608–c.1800 These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y201: The Rise of Islam c.550–750 OCR A Level full revision / course notes

Unit Y201: The Rise of Islam c.550–750 OCR A Level full revision / course notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y113: Britain 1930–1997: The Middle East c.550–620 The establishment of Islam c.620–632 The beginning of the Empire and the rule of the ‘Rightly Guided Caliphs’ The establishment and expansion of the Umayyad Empire These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)