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KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P12 Wave Properties Topic - 7 PPTs, 12 WS and 9 MS Bundle

KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P12 Wave Properties Topic - 7 PPTs, 12 WS and 9 MS Bundle

8 Resources
7 Interactive PowerPoint Presentations P12 1 The Nature of Waves PowerPoint P12 2 The Properties of Waves PowerPoint P12 3 Reflection and Refraction PowerPoint P12 4 More About Waves PowerPoint P12 5 Sound Waves PowerPoint P12 6 The Uses of Ultrasound PowerPoint P12 7 Seismic Waves PowerPoint 12 Worksheets and 9 Mark Schemes for the KS4 Physics AQA P12 Wave Properties Topic P12 1 The Nature of Waves MS v1 P12 1 The Nature of Waves WS v1 P12 2 Measuring Waves Worksheet MS v3 P12 2 Measuring Waves Worksheet v3 P12 2 Wave Speed Equation Calculations MS v2 P12 2 Wave Speed Equation Calculations v2 P12 3 Reflection and Refraction MS v1 P12 3 Reflection and Refraction WS v1 P12 3 Refraction and Dispersion Diagrams v1 P12 3 Refraction Practical Instruction Sheet v1 P12 3 Wave Boundary Worksheets v1 P12 4 More about Waves MS v1 P12 4 More about Waves WS v1 P12 5 Sound Waves MS v1 P12 5 Sound Waves WS v1 P12 6 The Uses of Ultrasound MS v1 P12 6 The Uses of Ultrasound WS v1 P12 7 Seismic Waves MS v1 P12 7 Seismic Waves WS v1 Differentiated for levels 4-8 Includes assessment opportunities Custom made animations
KS4 Physics AQA P13 Electromagnetic Waves - 6 PowerPoints Only Bundle

KS4 Physics AQA P13 Electromagnetic Waves - 6 PowerPoints Only Bundle

Interactive PowerPoint Presentation Differentiated Includes assessment opportunities Custom made animations Embedded YouTube videos P13 1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum v4.pptx P13 2a Light Infrared Microwaves and Radio Waves v4.pptx P13 2b Infrared Radiation Practical v3.pptx P13 3 Communications v4.pptx P13 4 Ultraviolet waves, X-Rays, and Gamma Rays v3.pptx P13 5 X-Rays in Medicine v3.pptx Click and view YouTube video below for full details.
KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P7 NuclearTopic - 5 PPTs, 9 WS and 9 MS Bundle

KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P7 NuclearTopic - 5 PPTs, 9 WS and 9 MS Bundle

5 Interactive PowerPoint presentations 9 worksheets and 9 mark schemes Differentiated for all levels Includes assessment opportunities Includes links to relevant videos Custom made animations illustrating concepts PowerPoints P7 1 Atoms and Radiation P7 2 Discovery of the Nucleus P7 3 Changes in the nucleus P7 4 More about Alpha Beta Gamma Radiation P7 5 Activity and Half Life Worksheets and Mark Schemes P7 1 Structure of an Atom WS P7 1 Structure of an Atom MS P7 2 The Discovery of the nucleus WS P7 2 The Discovery of the nucleus MS P7 3 Changes in the nucleus WS P7 3 Changes in the nucleus MS P7 3 Decay Equations WS P7 3 Decay Equations MS P7 3 Isotopes WS P7 3 Isotopes MS P7 4 More about alpha beta and gamma radiation WS P7 4 More about alpha beta and gamma radiation MS P7 5 Graphical Half Life WS P7 5 Graphical Half Life MS P7 5 Half Life WS P7 5 Half Life MS P7 5 Half Life Questions WS P7 5 Half Life Questions MS See YouTube video below for details on each worksheet
KS4 GCSE Physics EDEXCEL CP9/SP10 Electricty and Circuits All 9 PowerPoints

KS4 GCSE Physics EDEXCEL CP9/SP10 Electricty and Circuits All 9 PowerPoints

This topic contains: Interactive PowerPoint Presentation Differentiated for levels 4-8 Includes assessment opportunities Custom made animations Embedded YouTube videos Click and view YouTube video below for full details. CP9a/SP10a Electric Circuits.pptx CP9b/SP10b Current and Potential Difference.pptx CP9c/SP10c Current, Charge and Energy.pptx CP9d/SP10d Resistance v6.pptx SP9e/SP10e More About Resistance and Core Practical v4.pptx CP9f/SP10f Transferring Energy v5.pptx CP9g/SP10g Power v7.pptx CP9h/SP10h Transferring Energy by Electricity v12.pptx CP9i/SP10i Electrical Safety v9.pptx
KS4 GCSE Physics AQA  P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy - 22 WS and 20 MS Only Bundle

KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy - 22 WS and 20 MS Only Bundle

P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy All Worksheets and Mark Schemes P1 1 Changes in Energy Stores WS MS v1.pdf P1 1 Changes in Energy Stores WS v1.pdf P1 2 Conservation of Energy Energy Types Practice MS v2.pdf P1 2 Conservation of Energy Energy Types Practice v2.pdf P1 2 Conservation of Energy Exam Questions MS v2.pdf P1 2 Conservation of Energy Exam Questions v2.pdf P1 2 Conservation of Energy Identifying Energy Transfer Practice MS v3.pdf P1 2 Conservation of Energy Identifying Energy Transfer Practice v3.pdf P1 2 Conservation of Energy WS MS v1.pdf P1 2 Conservation of Energy WS v1.pdf P1 3 Energy and Work Exam Questions MS v1.pdf P1 3 Energy and Work Exam Questions v1.pdf P1 3 Energy and Work Sledge Practical v3.pdf P1 3 Energy and Work Work Done Practice MS v3.pdf P1 3 Energy and Work Work Done Practice v3.pdf P1 3 Energy and Work WS MS v1.pdf P1 3 Energy and Work WS v1.pdf P1 4 Potential Energy Practice MS v2.pdf P1 4 Potential Energy Practice v2.pdf P1 4 Potential Energy Weight Practice MS v2.pdf P1 4 Potential Energy Weight Practice v2.pdf P1 4 Potential Energy WS MS v1.pdf P1 4 Potential Energy WS v1.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy WS v1.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy Calculation Practice WS MS v3.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy Calculation Practice WS v3.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy Potential and Kinetic MS v2.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy Potential and Kinetic v2.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy WS MS v1.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy Calculation Practice WS MS v3.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy Calculation Practice WS v3.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy Potential and Kinetic MS v2.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy Potential and Kinetic v2.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy WS MS v1.pdf P1 5a Kinetic Energy WS v1.pdf P1 5b Elastic Energy Practice Calculations WS MS v1.pdf P1 5b Elastic Energy Practice Calculations WS v1.pdf P1 5b Elastic Energy WS MS v1.pdf P1 5b Elastic Energy WS v1.pdf P1 6 Energy Dissipation WS v1.pdf P1 6 Energy Dissipation WS MS v1.pdf P1 7 Energy Efficiency WS MS v1.pdf P1 7 Energy Efficiency WS v1.pdf P1 8 Electrical Appliances WS MS v2.pdf P1 8 Electrical Appliances WS v2.pdf P1 9 Energy and Power WS MS v2.pdf P1 9 Energy and Power WS v2.pdf P1 9 Physics Circuit Training WS.pdf
KS4 GCSE Physics EDEXCEL CP1/SP1 Motion Topic - 4 PPTs, 10 WS and 8 MS Bundle

KS4 GCSE Physics EDEXCEL CP1/SP1 Motion Topic - 4 PPTs, 10 WS and 8 MS Bundle

Interactive PowerPoint Presentation Differentiated for levels 4-8 Includes assessment opportunities Custom made animations Embedded YouTube videos Click and view YouTube video below for full details. CP1a SP1a Vectors and Scalars v6.pptx CP1b SP1b Distance Time Graphs v7.pptx CP1c SP1c Acceleration v6.pptx CP1d SP1d Velocity Time Graphs v4.pptx CP1a SP1a Vectors and Scalars Starter Crytogram.pdf CP1a SP1a Vectors and Scalars WS v3.pdf CP1a SP1a Vectors and Scalars WS MS v3.pdf CP1b SP1b Distance Time Graphs WS v3.pdf CP1b SP1b Distance Time Graphs WS MS v3.pdf CP1b SP1b Distance Worksheet WS v6.pdf CP1b SP1b Distance Worksheet WS MS v6.pdf CP1c SP1c Acceleration v5.pdf CP1c SP1c Acceleration MS v4.pdf CP1c SP1c Acceleration Practice v5.pdf CP1c SP1c Acceleration Practice MS v5.pdf CP1d SP1d Analysing Motion Graphs Examples WS v3.pdf CP1d SP1d Analysing Motion Graphs Examples WS MS v3.pdf CP1d SP1d Distance Speed Acceleration Graphs v3.pdf CP1d SP1d More Velocity Time Graphs WS v2.pdf CP1d SP1d More Velocity Time Graphs WS MS v2.pdf CP1d SP1d Velocity Time Graphs Gradients and Distance Travelled v2.pdf CP1d SP1d Velocity Time Graphs Gradients and Distance Travelled MS v2.pdf
KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P12 Wave Properties Topic - 12 Worksheets and 9 Mark Schemes Only Bundle

KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P12 Wave Properties Topic - 12 Worksheets and 9 Mark Schemes Only Bundle

12 Worksheets and 9 Mark Schemes for the KS4 Physics AQA P12 Wave Properties Topic P12 1 The Nature of Waves MS v1 P12 1 The Nature of Waves WS v1 P12 2 Measuring Waves Worksheet MS v3 P12 2 Measuring Waves Worksheet v3 P12 2 Wave Speed Equation Calculations MS v2 P12 2 Wave Speed Equation Calculations v2 P12 3 Reflection and Refraction MS v1 P12 3 Reflection and Refraction WS v1 P12 3 Refraction and Dispersion Diagrams v1 P12 3 Refraction Practical Instruction Sheet v1 P12 3 Wave Boundary Worksheets v1 P12 4 More about Waves MS v1 P12 4 More about Waves WS v1 P12 5 Sound Waves MS v1 P12 5 Sound Waves WS v1 P12 6 The Uses of Ultrasound MS v1 P12 6 The Uses of Ultrasound WS v1 P12 7 Seismic Waves MS v1 P12 7 Seismic Waves WS v1 See YouTube video below for details on each worksheet
KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P11 Force and Pressure Topic - 4 PPTs, 4 WS and 4 MS Bundle

KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P11 Force and Pressure Topic - 4 PPTs, 4 WS and 4 MS Bundle

4 Resources
4 Interactive PowerPoint Presentations P11 1 Pressure and Surfaces v1.pptx P11 2 Pressure in a Liquid at Rest v1.pptx P11 3 Atmospheric Pressure v1.pptx P11 4 Upthrust and Flotation v1.pptx 4 Worksheets and 4 Mark Schemes P11 1 Pressure and Surfaces WS v1.pdf P11 1 Pressure and Surfaces WS MS v1.pdf P11 2 Pressure in a Liquid at Rest WS v1.pdf P11 2 Pressure in a Liquid at Rest WS MS v1.pdf P11 3 Atmospheric Pressure WS v1.pdf P11 3 Atmospheric Pressure WS MS v1.pdf P11 4 Upthrust and Flotation WS v1.pdf P11 4 Upthrust and Flotation WS MS v1.pdf
KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P8 2 Forces between Objects Lesson Bundle

KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P8 2 Forces between Objects Lesson Bundle

Interactive PowerPoint Presentation Differentiated for levels 4-8 Includes assessment opportunities Custom made animations Levelled activities, worksheets and mark schemes to assist Afl Accompanying worksheets available with mark schemes P8 2 Forces between Objects v7.pptx P8 2 Force between Objects Mini Test v1 P8 2 Forces between Objects WS MS v4 P8 2 Forces between Objects WS v4 P8 2 Scalars and Vectors Starter Crytogram
KS4 GCSE Physics EDEXCEL CP3c/SP3c Keeping Warm Lesson Bundle

KS4 GCSE Physics EDEXCEL CP3c/SP3c Keeping Warm Lesson Bundle

Interactive PowerPoint Presentation Differentiated for levels 4-8 Includes assessment opportunities Custom made animations Levelled activities, worksheet and mark scheme to assist Afl Accompanying worksheet available with mark scheme Cp3c SP3c Keeping Warm v3.pptx CP3c SP3c Keeping Warm AQS MS v1.pdf CP3c SP3c Keeping Warm AQS v1.pdf CP3c SP3c Keeping Warm WS MS v2.pdf CP3c SP3c Keeping Warm WS v2.pdf See YouTube video below for details
KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy - All 10 PowerPoints

KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy - All 10 PowerPoints

Interactive PowerPoint Presentation Differentiated for levels 4-8 Includes assessment opportunities Custom made animations Embedded YouTube videos P1 1 Changes in Energy Stores v5.pptx P1 2 Conservation of Energy v5.pptx P1 3 Energy and Work v4.pptx P1 4 Gravitational Potential Energy v5.pptx P1 5a Kinetic Energy and Elastic Energy Stores v6.pptx P1 5b Elastic Energy v6.pptx P1 6 Energy Dissipation v2.pptx P1 7 Energy Efficiency v4.pptx P1 8 Electrical Appliances v4.pptx P1 9 Energy and Power v5.pptx
KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P8 Forces in Balance - All 9 PPTS 27WS 24MS

KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P8 Forces in Balance - All 9 PPTS 27WS 24MS

Interactive PowerPoint Presentation Differentiated Includes assessment opportunities Custom made animations Embedded YouTube videos P8 1 Vectors and Scalars v7.pptx P8 2 Forces between Objects v7.pptx P8 3 Resultant Forces v7.pptm P8 4 Moments v9.pptx P8 5 Levers and Gears v5.pptx P8 6 Centre of Mass v7.pptx P8 7 Moments and Equilibrium v5.pptx P8 8 The Parallelogram of Forces v4.pptx P8 9 Resolution of Forces v3.pptx P8 1 Vector and Scales Practice v1.pdf P8 1 Vector and Scales Practice MS v2.pdf P8 1 Vectors and Scalars WS MS v3.pdf P8 1 Vectors and Scalars WS v3.pdf P8 2 Force between Objects Mini Test v1.pdf P8 2 Forces between Objects WS v4.pdf P8 2 Forces between Objects WS MS v4.pdf P8 2 Scalars and Vectors Starter Crytogram.pdf P8 3 Mass Weight and Gravity Starter Cryptogram.pdf P8 3 Resultant Forces HW MS v1.pdf P8 3 Resultant Forces HW v1.pdf P8 3 Resultant Forces Missing Values MS v1.pdf P8 3 Resultant Forces Missing Values v1.pdf P8 3 Resultant Forces Motion Practice MS v2.pdf P8 3 Resultant Forces Motion Practice v2.pdf P8 3 Resultant Forces Simulation Practical MS v1.pdf P8 3 Resultant Forces Simulation Practical v1.pdf P8 3 Resultant Forces WS MS v1.pdf P8 3 Resultant Forces WS v1.pdf P8 4 Calculating Moments Homework MS v2.pdf P8 4 Calculating Moments Homework v2.pdf P8 4 Moments MS v1.pdf P8 4 Moments WS v1.pdf P8 4 Moments Questions MS v3.pdf P8 4 Moments Questions v3.pdf P8 5 Levers and Gears Garden Work MS v3.pdf P8 5 Levers and Gears Garden Work v3.pdf P8 5 Levers and Gears Gearing MS v4.pdf P8 5 Levers and Gears Gearing v4.pdf P8 5 More about Levers and Gears MS v1.pdf P8 5 More about Levers and Gears WS v1.pdf P8 6 Centre of Mass WS MS v2.pdf P8 6 Centre of Mass WS v2.pdf P8 7 Balancing Moments MS v2.pdf P8 7 Balancing Moments v2.pdf P8 7 Moments and Equilibrium MS v1.pdf P8 7 Moments and Equilibrium WS v1.pdf P8 7 Moments in Equilibrium Exam Questions MS v2.pdf P8 7 Moments in Equilibrium Exam Questions v2.pdf P8 8 The Parallelogram of Forces Practice 1 WS MS v2.pdf P8 8 The Parallelogram of Forces Practice 1 WS v1 P8 8 The Parallelogram of Forces Practice WS MS v1.pdf P8 8 The Parallelogram of Forces Practice WS v1.pdf P8 8 The Parallelogram of Forces WS MS v1 P8 8 The Parallelogram of Forces WS v1 P8 9 Resolution of Forces Practice 2 WS MS v1 P8 9 Resolution of Forces Practice 2 WS v1 P8 9 Resolution of Forces Practice WS MS v1.pdf P8 9 Resolution of Forces Practice WS v2.pdf P8 9 Resolution of Forces WS MS v2.pdf P8 9 Resolution of Forces WS v2.pdf Click and view YouTube video below for full details.
KS4 GCSE Physics AQA  P13 Electromagnetic Waves - 15 WS and 10 MS Only Bundle

KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P13 Electromagnetic Waves - 15 WS and 10 MS Only Bundle

P13 Electromagnetic Waves All Worksheets and Mark Schemes P13 1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum AQS MS v1 P13 1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum AQS v1 P13 1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum WS MS v2 P13 1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum WS v2 P13 2a Light IR Micro and Radio Waves AQS v1 P13 2a Light IR Micro and Radio Waves Communication Task v1 P13 2a Light IR Micro and Radio Waves WS MS v2 P13 2a Light IR Micro and Radio Waves WS v2 P13 2b Infrared Radiation Practical WS v1 P13 2b Infrared Radiation Practical WS v1 Short no graphs P13 3 Communications Extension Questions MS v1 P13 3 Communications Extension Questions v1 P13 3 Communications How does a Mobile Network Work v1 P13 3 Communications WS MS v3 P13 3 Communications WS v3 P13 4 UV XR and GR WS MS v3 P13 4 UV XR and GR WS v3 P13 5 X-Rays in Medicine Doseage Info v1 P13 5 X-Rays in Medicine Film Badge Info v1 P13 5 X-Rays in Medicine LAQ 1 MS v1 P13 5 X-Rays in Medicine LAQ 1 v1 P13 5 X-Rays in Medicine LAQ 2 MS v1 P13 5 X-Rays in Medicine LAQ 2 v1 P13 5 X-Rays in Medicine WS MS v2 P13 5 X-Rays in Medicine WS v2
KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P9 Motion - All 4 PPTS 10 WS 10 MS

KS4 GCSE Physics AQA P9 Motion - All 4 PPTS 10 WS 10 MS

Interactive PowerPoint Presentation Differentiated Includes assessment opportunities Custom made animations Embedded YouTube videos P9 1 Speed and Distance Time Graphs v8.pptx P9 2 Velocity and Acceleration v8.pptx P9 3 More Velocity Time Graphs v4.pptx P9 4 Analysing Motion Graphs v5.pptx P9 1 Speed and Distance Time Graphs WS MS v4 P9 1 Speed and Distance Time Graphs WS v4 P9 1 Speed and Distance Worksheet MS v6 P9 1 Speed and Distance Worksheet v6 P9 2 Relative Velocity Practice MS v5 P9 2 Relative Velocity Practice v5 P9 2 Velocity and Acceleration Practice MS v5 P9 2 Velocity and Acceleration Practice v5 P9 2 Velocity and Acceleration WS MS v6 P9 2 Velocity and Acceleration WS v6 P9 3 More Velocity Time Graphs WS MS v3 P9 3 More Velocity Time Graphs WS v3 P9 3 Velocity Time Graphs Gradients and Distance Travelled MS v3 P9 3 Velocity Time Graphs Gradients and Distance Travelled v3 P9 4 Analysing Motion Graphs WS MS v5 P9 4 Analysing Motion Graphs WS v5 P9 4 Analysing Motion Tangent Practice MS v1 P9 4 Analysing Motion Tangent Practice v1 P9 4 Analysing Motion with out Time Practice MS v1 P9 4 Analysing Motion with out Time Practice v1 Click and view YouTube video below for full details.