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Affordable Outstanding History and Politics Lessons

Average Rating4.75
(based on 47 reviews)

15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!




15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!
Tsarist Russia 1894-1917

Tsarist Russia 1894-1917

10 Resources
OCR Alevel Russia 1894-1941 This covers up to the February Revolution All Alevel lessons which are incredibly detailed (2 hours each plus homework) and fully resourced, no need for textbooks and great for beginners as I’ve done all the hard work for you and included all the knowledge your students need to be successful. Half our students got an A* or A grade last year and Russia results were excellent. Also includes some bonus revision flashcards. Total cost for items individually £43
US Presidents Case Studies since 1992

US Presidents Case Studies since 1992

This cheat sheet has Case studies for all of the key Presidents needed for ALevel Politics Edexcel specification Topic 3 Presidency. Includes Clinton, W. Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden (updated to Christmas 2024) includes their aims, use of their powers and unilateral actions and successes and failures against their key aims and legacies. Includes both a blank one for students if you wanted to set independent work and a completed one for aabsent students/ to check their work afterwards. Will need blowing up to A3 as used a tiny font to get all the info onto 2 sides to make it more user friendly as a reference sheet. Have included fully editable word docs and exported pdfs in case the alignment messes up. PNGs are for illustrative purposes only.
Political Ideologies Liberalism

Political Ideologies Liberalism

Edexcel Politics Alevel Lessons on Ideologies as a whole and Liberalism as a topic for the Edexcel 2017 spec. I teach Liberalism first because it makes MUCH more sense since it was developed first as an Ideology and Conservatism was a response to it. This bundle includes the first 7 lessons (2 hours each) intro and activities, Core Values with independent research (uses hand outs from Pearson and Haywood book) and Explanation of the Core Values but you could use some of the slides if you don’t have the textbook. Lesson 5 ends up developing a plan for the essay: To what extent do Liberals agree on the State? (24 marks) I taught these lessons to my Year 13 class and they worked really well for discussion. Also includes some embedded videos and worksheets. EDIT: I have now amended this resource and added some additional files. If you have already paid for it- you should be able to redownload the bundle.
Alevel Politics Exam Question and Revision Bundle

Alevel Politics Exam Question and Revision Bundle

13 Resources
ALevel Politics Big Fat Revision and Exam Bundle Includes loads of resources for ALevel Politics including: Knowledge organisers Topic 1, 2 and 3 Component 1 Quiz on Democracy which has several key sections Essay task booklets Model answers bundle Revision pack- case studies and thinking quilts Exam Questions guide Source guide teaching how to approach sources All topic check lists and key terms for Component 1 Total Price would be £62 this is a bargain!
USA Politics Edexcel Topic 1 Constitution

USA Politics Edexcel Topic 1 Constitution

9 Resources
Edexcel ALevel Politics Component 3 USA Topic 1 Constitution Includes all lessons in topic 1 (they are all doubles including homework) as well as two intro lessons to US Politics All updated to Biden Presidency and 117th Congress Total cost for resources sold individually would be £37 Lesson 1 American Politics Intro Lesson 2 USA History and Context includes foundation and War of Independence, Liberal ideals and the Constitution as well as the challenges and major landmarks since e.g. Depression and New Deal, WWII, 9-11 and issues USA are divided over as well as context of Geography/ religious and racial divides in USA. Lesson 3: Intro to and Origins of the Constitution Lesson 4: US Constitution Features and Principles Lesson 5: Amending the Constitution- process and strengths and weaknesses Lesson 6: Federalism and challenges to it- also models of Federalism and analysis/ debate on Federalism- Layer cake or Marble cake? Lesson 7: Evaluation of the Constitition looks at strengths and weaknesses of features according to FOunding Father’s intentions Lesson 8 US vs UK Constitution Comparison including Comparative Theories. Note: Each lesson is 2 hours of teaching time plus hwk.
USA Politics Revision Quizzes and Essay Plans

USA Politics Revision Quizzes and Essay Plans

Edexcel Politics Alevel revision for Component 3 Can be used for AQA also This powerpoint mega pack has revision pyramid quizzes on all 5 topics USA Topic 1: Constitution USA Topic 2: Congress USA Topic 3: President USA Topic 4: SCOTUS and Civil Rights USA Topic 5: Democracy and Elections Includes: content revision quizzes and answers Planning for essay questions; what could we use? Revision quilts of relevant arguments and examples Examiner tips from the examiner reports. Key Words for Topic 1 and 2. Essays covered: To what extent does the US Constitution allow effective government? To what extent does Congress vote on party lines/ constituents wishes/effectively represent voters? To what extent does Congress perform role of oversight effectively? To what extent is the President the most powerful branch? To what extent does the USA have an imperial judiciary? To what extent do US elections need reform? NOTE: Although this does include a lot of content; it still requires the knowledge of teacher to explain it and do live plans from the content with students. Ignore the PNG files, they are for illustration only, the main file is a huge powerpoint which is fully editable
Edexcel Government and Politics Revision Pack

Edexcel Government and Politics Revision Pack

This is for Paper 1 Component 1 UK Politics only A bumper pack of revision resources: Knowledge organisers for all topics which are very detailed Topic check lists for all topics List of potential exam questions for all topics on a planning grid with an example Revision quiz on Democracy Example answers for a number of questions and source questions A Democracy revision quilt powerpoint for each key question with key words and case studies
Lesson 3 Amending the Constitution

Lesson 3 Amending the Constitution

This lesson examines the Amendment process in the US constitution and the pros and cons of it for a debate. Updated with modern examples e.g. a detailed case study showing the evolution of abortion rights issue in USA which can be used to address and discuss the flaws with the blend of vague and specific language. Also includes a colour code of key debates and a detailed case study on the issue of abortion rights and how it has changed since Roe v Wade to illustrate some of the challenges of having a “living” constitution vs Originalism and the blend of specificity and vagueness.
Lesson 6 US vs UK Constitution Comparative Politics

Lesson 6 US vs UK Constitution Comparative Politics

Edexcel ALevel Politics- can be adapted to AQA. This lesson (3 hours worth of work) uses the newest Bennett chapters (although almost all key notes are on slides). Examines similarities/ differences between UK and US Constitutions in terms of the three branches of government, nature/ origins, Federalism/ Devolution and also the Comparative theories.
USA Politics Knowledge Organiser

USA Politics Knowledge Organiser

Edexcel Politics Alevel but can be used for AQA. This knowledge organiser has useful and up to date information for Topic 1 Constitution and Federalism including debates on whether the amendment process is fit for purpose and whether the constitution needs reform. Includes key words, case studies and models of federalism as well as different examples under every president since 2000. Document is a 2 slide powerpoint and covers Edexcel Topic 1 Constitution and Federalism.
Edexcel USA Politics Topic 2: Congress

Edexcel USA Politics Topic 2: Congress

6 Resources
Edexcel ALevel Politics (new spec from 2017) This is a bundle of all my resources on Congress. This is a 12-16 hour teaching bundle which covers the entire topic and comparative politics. 1.Structure, Role and powers of Congress 2. Representation in Congress 3. Legislative process in Congress 4. Oversight of the Executive Branch 5. How has role and powers of Congress changed- especially in a post Trump era? 6. Comparative Govt Comparing Congress and Parliament. Glossary sheet for Topic 2. Topic Check List and Key Words as well as Case Studies updated as of 2024. Total price to buy separately would be: £28.50
Politics ALevel Essay Booklets

Politics ALevel Essay Booklets

Essay booklets for Component 1 and 2 UK Politics and UK Government Save hours of marking and give more meaningful feedback to students with ease- includes space for purple pen reflection following feedback- includes more than 6 questions per topic.
Rights Case Studies and colour code

Rights Case Studies and colour code

Two case studies on Rights in UK for UK Politics Edexcel topic 1: Democracy 1.4 rights in context. Also includes a colour coded debate for which does more to protect and uphold rights in UK: Parliament? Pressure Groups/ Think Tanks etc or the Judiciary
Persecution of Minorities in Nazi Germany

Persecution of Minorities in Nazi Germany

Edexcel GCSE lesson on Persecution of Minorities in Nazi Germany Includes detail of persecution of Slavs, Roma and Sinti Peoples, Jews, People living with disabilities/ mental illness and Homosexuals with some video clips and case studies. Also includes exam skills questions on Kristallnacht and a source skills modelling activity to teach inferences and how to write Q3 a, b, c and d questions for Paper 3 which students struggle with.
Lenin's Russia

Lenin's Russia

6 Resources
Full set of lessons on Lenin’s Russia -Bolshevik problems/ establishing Bolshevik rule -The Causes of the Civil War -Why did the REds win the Civil War -How did the Bolsheviks consolidate rule- source lesson -The Kronstadt mutiny, Tambov Rising and the New Economic Policy (NEP) -Evaluation of how successful Lenin was.
The Problems of the Provisional Government

The Problems of the Provisional Government

Two-hour lesson plus homework for OCR ALevel (can be used for other courses/ specs) on the Problems of Dual Power for the Provisional Government, lacking Legitimacy and Soviet Order #1, the war and issues of National Minorities demanding independence as well as ALexander Kerensky and the Kerensky offensive. Does not cover Lenin/ April theses and the increasing popularity of the Bolsheviks or Causes of Oct Rev…that info is all in my Causes of October Revolution lessons.
The New Economic Policy (NEP)  Lenin's Russia

The New Economic Policy (NEP) Lenin's Russia

Alevel Russia 1894-1941 OCR but can be used for any spec with Lenin. Very detailed resources on the effects of War Communism, impact and opposition to the Bolsheviks and the reasons why NEP was introduced, what the NEP was and successes and failures of the NEP as well as impact on the Bolsheviks includes Decree on Party Unity and hints about how Stalin used this later on. All resources are included, does not require any textbook/ additional worksheets. Also includes an example 10 mark Question about why NEP was introduced- Kronstadt rising or famine in the countryside. Bonus content included: Video question sheet for the documentary Russian Revolution in Colour Part 2 based on Kronstradt rising Analysis continuum activity with answers: did the Bolsheviks rely on Terror to keep control (as this is the last lesson in Bolshevik control under Lenin).
Edexcel USA Politics Topic 3: Presidency

Edexcel USA Politics Topic 3: Presidency

6 Resources
Edexcel Comparative Politics- can be used for AQA also with small adaptations Includes all my lessons on the Presidency- updated as of Jan 2024 to include Biden’s successes and failures. All lessons are at least 2 hours plus hwk. Some take longer Lesson 1 and 2 Intro to President- Role and Powers Lesson 3-4 Cabinet and Vice President Lesson 5-6 Power of Persuasion Lesson 7-8 Student Presentations Presidential Case Studies Aims successes and failures including foreign and domestic policy (including completed notes sheet in case any are absent or don’t include enough detail) Lesson 9-10 Presidential Power- What factors can help the President? Is the President Imperial or Imperilled? Lesson 11-12 Comparative Politics comparing the President and the Prime Minister in the UK Total cost to buy separately: £28.00
USA 1920s Women

USA 1920s Women

This lesson is designed for KS3 but can be used for KS4 also for the AQA and Edexcel specs. It examines how far the lives of women changed during the 1920s and covers flapper culture as well as opposition from Christians and Traditional women as well as some men and authorities. Includes 3 activities - a similarity and difference activity, note taking from a video clip and explanation and a card sort with continuums to annotate before making final judgments. Considers nuances such as the lives of African-Americans in both the North and South e.g. Harlem Renaissance vs Southern Jim Crow repressed women. Also looks at age groups and rural vs urban women.
The Electoral College System

The Electoral College System

Edexcel ALevel Politics (Can be used for AQA too) This two hour lesson examines the Electoral College system in the USA. It includes- how it works, explanation of strengths and weaknesses and colour code/ evaluation of argument exercise Case study of the 2020 Presidential election including the controversy links here to the Supreme Court topic- Ginni Thomas/ Clarence Thomas scandal. Includes data/ case study on participation and voting behaviour in this election. Also examines why Biden won.