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Sairama's Shop

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My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.




My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Preterit tense worksheets Spanish

Preterit tense worksheets Spanish

Preterit tense worksheets Spanish This 18 page packet includes conjugation practice, personal questions, sentence writing, and writing and answering original questions with all verb types in the preterit: regular, spelling change, stem -change, irregular. Pages 1-3: Practice with preterit tense of regular verbs (conjugations, fill in the blanks, change the verb from present to preterit, personal questions). Pages 4-6: Write 15 original sentences with the preterit tense (regular verbs) with the guidelines provided. Pages 7-9: Write 12 original questions with the preterit tense (regular -ar, -er, -ir and reflexive verbs using the guidelines provided). Page 10: Spelling change -car, -gar, -zar verbs: Conjugate 3 verbs and answer 10 personal questions. Page 11: I-Y spelling change verbs: Conjugate 4 verbs and answer 7 questions. Pages 12-13: Irregular preterit verbs: Answer the 20 personal questions. Page 14-15: Irregular preterit verbs: Write 14 original sentences with the guidelines provided. Page 16: Ir stem change verbs: Answer the 10 personal questions Pages 17-18: Ir stem change verbs: Write 14 original sentences with the guidelines provided.
Imperfect tense spanish worksheet

Imperfect tense spanish worksheet

A worksheet on the imperfect tense. Sections include: conjugation practice, fill in the blanks, changing the verb from the present tense to the imperfect tense, and personal questions. The personal questions can also be done as an oral activity. Answer key is provided for all sections. Section 1: Conjugate the 7 infinitives in the imperfect tense for the following subjects: Yo, Nosotros, Ella, Vosotros, Uds Section 2: Conjugate the verb in the imperfect in the blank (10 total) Section 3: Change the verb from the present tense to the imperfect tense (12 total) Section 4: Answer the personal questions in a complete sentence (18 total)
Stem change verbs practice worksheet

Stem change verbs practice worksheet

A practice worksheet / quiz on stem change verbs in the present tense Verbs included: devolver, volver, jugar, preferir, empezar, comenzar, pensar, entender, almorzar, preferir, tener, servir, repetir, pedir, jugar, querer Part 1: Conjugate the 16 verbs making stem changes as needed. (Stem changes are listed next to each infinitive) Ex: Almorzar / o-ue/ Carlos _______________ Part 2: Answer the 16 personal questions in the present tense using complete sentences. There is one question for each of the 16 aforementioned verbs.
Stem change verbs conversation worksheet

Stem change verbs conversation worksheet

Stem change verb conversation worksheet (Present tense) Complete the seven mini conversations with the correct conjugations of the stem change verbs in the present tense. Note: Nosotros and vosotros conjugations do not stem change. *There are 7 conversations total *Verbs included: empezar, almorzar, perder, jugar, poder, entender, pedir, servir, querer, preferir, pensar, repetir, volver, devolver Example: Marcos: Hola, ¿A qué hora _____________________tú la escuela? (empezar > e-ie) Sara: Yo ____________________la escuela a las siete y media. (empezar > e-ie) Sara: Marcos, ¿Con quién ____________________en la escuela? (almorzar > o-ue) Marcos: Mis amigos y yo_____________________ juntos. (almorzar) *Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry or exit slip.
Stem change verbs fast review

Stem change verbs fast review

Stem change verbs fast review (Present tense) Part 1: For each stem change infinitive, write the appropriate stem change (e-ie / o-ue / e-i/ u-ue). (20 total) Note: Reflexive verbs are not included. Part 2: Choose one infinitive for each stem change type from part 1 and conjugate it for all persons in the present tense using the template below. Answer key is included on page 2 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary.
Past participle matching practice

Past participle matching practice

A matching practice on past participles (regular and irregular). There are 24 questions. Answer key is included. This is a good practice right before a test or a quiz.
Las tiendas y las compras: Matching , fill in, and paragraph practice

Las tiendas y las compras: Matching , fill in, and paragraph practice

Las tiendas y las compras: Matching , fill in, and paragraph practice (Present tense) Part 1: Las tiendas (Write the correct letter of the translation for each store) 8 total Example: _____ 1. El almacén g. Clothing store / h. Department store Part 2: Complete with the correct store type in Spanish using part 1. (8 total) Example: _______________________1. Es donde una persona compra los zapatos. Part 3: En la tienda (Write the correct letter of the translation) * 20 total Example: f. Fitting room / t. Entrance _____ 1. La entrada _____ 18. El probador Part 4: Complete with the correct vocabulary word in Spanish from part 3. This section is split in two parts (#1-10) and (#11-20) each with their own word bank. All 20 words are from part 3. Example: Word bank for #1-10: El precio / La entrada / El probador / Alto / La vitrina / El, La cliente / Bajo / de moda / ganga / letrero ____________________________ 1. Es por donde las personas entran. Word bank for #11-20: La salida / Gastar / La liquidación / El, La cajero(a) / En efectivo / El cupón de regalo / La tarjeta de crédito / La caja / El cheque de viajero / El cheque personal ______________________ 11. Es lo que (what) los clientes hacen con su dinero. (Hint: Use an infinitive). Part 5: Students will write a short paragraph in the present tense about their favorite store using the guidelines provided. Answer key is included on pages 5-8 for parts 1-4. For part 5, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, study guide, quiz, test, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 3.
Los saludos (greetings) matching practice and conversation

Los saludos (greetings) matching practice and conversation

Los saludos (greetings) practice Part 1: Matching: Write the correct letter of the Spanish translation (15 total) Example: f. Hasta luego h. Hola ____ 1. Hello ____ 10. See you later Part 2: Write a mini dialogue between Juan and Elena using words from part 1 using the guidelines provided. Answer key is included for parts 1 and 2. However, for part 2, student answers will vary. Length: 4 pages including the answer key (pages 3-4).
Practice: Adjectives of Spanish nationalities

Practice: Adjectives of Spanish nationalities

Practice: Adjectives of Spanish nationalities Complete the table with the correct forms of adjectives. (21 total) Sample: mexicano (mexican) (masculine plural)_________________ (feminine singular)_________________ (feminine plural)__________________ Adjectives of nationality that end in a consonant (español, portugués etc) *(6 total) *Same format as above Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. *This practice can also be used with the Para empezar chapter of Realidades 2.
Present subjunctive worksheet practice

Present subjunctive worksheet practice

A worksheet on the present subjunctive in Spanish with 20 fill in the blank statements. For each statement, the first blank must be filled in with the present tense of the introductory verb and the second blank must be filled in with the present subjunctive. Answer key is included.
Imperfect subjunctive sentence completions

Imperfect subjunctive sentence completions

Sentence completions with imperfect subjunctive (no collaboration / no on-line translators) Complete each sentence by conjugating the verb in parenthesis in the imperfect subjunctive. Then add 4-5 words to expand on the sentence. Your sentence must make sense. (hablar) Yo quería que tú ____________________________________ Students will complete a total of 15 sentences
Telling time (¿Qué hora es?) matching practice

Telling time (¿Qué hora es?) matching practice

This worksheet is a matching practice on telling time in Spanish. There are 20 clock times and answer key is included. Example: r. son las seis menos cuarto / quince de la tarde t. es la una de la mañana 1:00 am 5: 5:45 pm Length: 2 pages including answer key
Daily routine and reflexive verbs practice (Spanish)

Daily routine and reflexive verbs practice (Spanish)

Reflexive verbs and daily routine practice Part 1: Conjugate each reflexive verb in the present tense in the table provided. Verbs included: levantarse, lavarse, ducharse, cepillarse, desayunarse, ponerse, despertarse, vestirse, desvestirse, despedirse, acostarse, dormirse, divertirse (13 total) *Students will conjugate the verbs for all 6 persons. Part 2: Students will write a paragraph (60 words minimum) about their daily routine using verbs from part 1, transition words, and appropriate vocabulary. A list of transition words, vocab words are provided for students to use, However, students can use other verbs besides those in part 1 as well as other transition words and vocab words. Answer key is included for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. Pages 1-5 are the practice and pages 6-9 are the answer key for part 1 only. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, or as part of your sub plans.
Pen pal letter

Pen pal letter

Pen pal letter Students will write a pen pal letter to a student in a Spanish speaking country that they have never met before. Clear guidelines are provided. Only the present tense will be used to write the letter. *Two pages with space to attach a picture and lines to write the letter are included. Page 1: Guidlines Pages 2-3: Space for the picture and lines to write the letter.
Spanish 1 Basic questions with translation practice

Spanish 1 Basic questions with translation practice

Spanish 1: Questions with SEES approach Answer each question in a complete sentence using the SEES approach. S: Question in Spanish (done for you) / E: Write the question in English / E: Write the answer in English / S: Write the answer in Spanish There are 12 questions total (mostly with ser) and 4 questions with -AR verbs (hablar (2x), enseñar, necesitar) This practice can be used during the first semester in Spanish 1 as classwork, homework, or practice before a quiz, test, or exam. Note: A table with conjugations of Ser and -AR verbs is included for reference. A word bank with adjectives of personality and nationality is included, if students want to use it. Example: (S) ¿Quién eres tú? (Quién: who) Hint: Answer with your name (E)__________________________________________________________________ (E)__________________________________________________________________ (S)__________________________________________________________________ Length: 3 pages
Spanish commands: Usted, Ustedes, Tu

Spanish commands: Usted, Ustedes, Tu

A graphic organizer on affirmative and negative Usted, Ustedes, and Tu commands. The organizer includes formation of commands, how to attach pronouns (direct, indirect, and reflexive) as well as practices with formation and placement of pronouns. The graphic organizer is very structured for easy note taking. Answer key is included. Please note: Pages 1-13 are the commands, and pages 14-25 are the answer key.
Present subjunctive worksheet regular verbs

Present subjunctive worksheet regular verbs

This is a worksheet to practice conjugations and sentences with regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. Length: 2 pages For each section, conjugate the infinitives in the present subjunctive. Then, use the conjugations in any order to complete each sentence in the present subjunctive and 3-4 words to expand on the sentence. Do not repeat any subjunctive verbs in your sentences. Students will conjugate a total of 12 verbs and complete 12 sentences using the present subjunctive. Verbs included: -AR: hablar, ayudar, bailar, mirar -ER: comer, aprender, leer, vender -IR: vivir, escribir, recibir, abrir Sentence completion examples: Yo quiero que tú _________________________________________ La madre prefiere que su hija ______________________________
Gustar verbs review practice

Gustar verbs review practice

Gustar verbs mini review practice Verbs included: gustar, encantar, importar, interesar, preocupar, fascinar, aburrir, doler Part 1: Write the correct letter of the meaning of the gustar type verb (8 total) Ex: Gustar H. to like / to be pleasing Part 2: Write the correct indirect object pronoun using the word bank (10 total) Part 3: Write the correct singular conjugation of the gustar type verb (8 total) A mí me ________ el libro. (gustar) Part 4: Write the correct plural conjugation of the gustar type verb (8 total) A mí me _____________ los coches. (gustar) Part 5: Gustar verbs with infinitives. Write the singular conjugation of the gustar type verb (7 total) Me ___________ trabajar. (gustar) Answer key is included (pages 3-4). This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, or study guide.
Review quiz on various tenses

Review quiz on various tenses

25 personal questions with various tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, gustar, present subjunctive, present perfect, and conditional. Students can do the questions orally in pairs or do them for classwork, homework, or a test.
Present subjunctive basic classification practice

Present subjunctive basic classification practice

Present subjunctive basic classification practice For each sentence, complete the template with the required elements. (10 sentences total) *Note: For the present subjunctive, only regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs are used except for hacer (used in one sentence). This practice can be used when students are first introduced to the present subjunctive. Example: Yo quiero que tú hables conmigo. Template: Subject 1 / Introductory verb / Subject 2 (change of subject) / Present subjunctive verb Student answer: Yo / quiero / tú / hables Answer key is included on pages 3-4.