Tes School Robins

The perfect information gathering tool for school leaders and teachers

Save time and stress by streamlining your conversations and organising information intuitively.

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    What is School Robins?

    School Robins is an easy-to-use tool for busy school leaders and middle management who need information about students from their staff in a timely and organised manner. It streamlines the time-consuming and laborious task of collecting and collating informations in time for meetings and makes gathering information easy. The online system is easy to use, with no need for staff training. Users simply create a request about a student, group or topic, and each assigned member of staff receives an email, which is then automatically collated into a report to ensure you have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.

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    Streamline your processes with timely and organised information

    Using email or a paper-based approach for information requests can be complicated and time-consuming to administrate, and can even lead to useful information being missed. School Robins streamlines the process and provides you all the information you need at your fingertips.

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    Huge time saver

    School Robins is instantly updated when a member of staff replies to a request, so you can be confident you've got the latest information at your fingertips. 

    If you need information quickly, it's easy to access in meetings and frees up teachers to focus on improving student outcomes. 

    School robins huge time saver

    Support information

    Have you got a question or is there something we can help with? This is the place to start. Get the answers you need by emailing our helpful customer support team.

    Email: support.provisionmap@tes.com

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    Request a demo

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