Holy Trinity Pewley Down School

Surrey, United Kingdom

Location: Surrey, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: State - Voluntary Aided
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 4 - 11 years

About Holy Trinity Pewley Down School

Holy Trinity Pewley Down School (HTPD) is a hard federation of two Voluntary Aided CofE schools Holy Trinity Junior (Ofsted Good 2018 with 384 on roll) and Pewley Down Infants (Ofsted Outstanding 2012 with 180 on roll). The two schools  are fully integrated educationally and organisationally. Located on the edge of stunning Surrey countryside, but only minutes from the facilities and history of Guildford town centre, the two school sites are set less than half a mile apart.

HTPD has a distinctive child-centred focus with an emphasis on a love of learning, underpinned by a well-developed Christian ethos and values that welcomes and seeks the best for everyone in the school community, irrespective of faith, learning needs, ethnicity or (dis)advantage (over 30% of the children speak English as an additional language). HTPD is a joyful, open school where no one gets left behind. Educational outcomes for all children in all age groups are good and children achieve well above national averages

The school’s vision is ‘Learn to Live’, rooted in John 10:10, ‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full’ and is lived out in five school values:

• Zest for learning and a love of life

• Embracing the future with hope and confidence

• Seeing heaven in the moment

• Imagining the journey in another’s footsteps; nurturing understanding, respecting all

• Everyone knowing that they are treasured and loved as a unique child of God

These values are integral to relationships, curriculum and extra curricular provision, assemblies and thoughtful times, strategy and planning, processes and procedures. The school’s culture is welcoming, joyful, collaborative, inclusive, relaxed and creative. It represents a model of Christian community where all are welcome, regardless of their faith background.

There is a heritage of a broad, creative and cross-curricular approach to learning, as well as a striving for children to reach their personal best. Children make wide use of the local environment – the Downs, the Wild Place and the town – in their learning. There is extensive extra curricular provision including a huge range of sports, clubs, and activity days.

February 2024


Address: Holy Trinity School, Junior School, Addison Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3QF, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1483 539033
Positions available at Holy Trinity Pewley Down School