St Mary & St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Dorset, United Kingdom

Location: Dorset, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 4 - 11 years

About St Mary & St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Mary’s Catholic First School in Wool were delighted to recently be awarded the Active Mark. Sport England and the DfES award this if the school has a sports day, the school provides a range of sports and if pupils have access to PE and two hours sport a week.

PE Co-ordinator Miss L Miles said “We are thrilled to receive this award and it is recognition, for St Mary’s, of the quality PE lessons on offer and the many extra curricular activities which are well attended by pupils of all ages”.

St Mary’s is a member of The Grange School Partnership and this provides staff training, resources and extended opportunities for children. Membership has greatly enhanced the PE and sporting opportunities at the school. All pupils take part in two hours PE a week and our sports clubs have waiting lists.

A four year old pupil commented ‘I like rugby club because you can run fast’. An aged nine pupil said about dance ‘It was very active so we could get fit, I learnt that team work is the best thing’.

Acting Headteacher Miss K Cheeseman said “We are very proud of the PE activities available at St Mary’s. The staff work very hard so it is particularly pleasing to be awarded Active Mark in recognition of all the work they do”.

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Address: Folly Lane, Wool, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 6DS, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1929 462565