The role of a Gifted and Talented Lead TeacherQuick View

The role of a Gifted and Talented Lead Teacher

This indepth report gives an overview of how, in the role of Gifted and Talented Lead Teacher I built up and sustained a Gifted and Talented programme at a secondary school in England. This 9,100 word report, and the resources, aims to help new and existing coordinators, with examples of good practice that have been put into place at a Secondary Comprehensive. Contents. Part 1.Working with parents 1.1 Initial meeting with year 7 parents. 1.2 Parents evenings. 1.3 Providing a link between parents and subject teachers. 1.4 Awards evening Shown in more detail in…. 1.5 Report on underachievers. Part 2 Working with staff. 2.1 Creating the Register 2.2 Identifying G&T pupils. 2.3 CPD training for staff. 2.4 Classroom Quality Standards. 2.5 Bloom’s Taxonomy. Questions and Activities 2.7 Shadow register and monitoring the pupil’s progress. 2.8 Pupil underachievement. 2.9 Notice board in staff room. 2.10 Department meetings. 2.11 Talk at HODS meetings. 2.12 Staff briefing 2.13 Audit 2.14 Differentiation Ideas for the more able. 2.15 Teacher’s class registers. 2.16 Trips. 2.17 Extension activities. Part 3 Working with students. 3.1 Two Curriculum Extension Challenges a year 3.2 The annual awards evening. 3.3 Summer school in the 1st week of the summer holidays. 3.4 Pupil voice. 3.5 Mentor system. 3.6 Creating a quiz for primary schools. 3.7 Trips 3.8 Study Skills Days and Puzzle Days 3.9 Representing the school. 3.10 Newsletter. 3.11 Rewards. 3.12 Membership of YG&T 3.13 Competitions. 3.14 Charity week. 2.6 Schemes of work.
125 Gifted and Talented Activities.Quick View

125 Gifted and Talented Activities.

These tasks are designed to challenge Gifted and Talented students. They are designed to extra curricular work that challenges their thinking skills. I hold an awards evening at the end of the school year based on these tasks where they are displayed in the school hall and students give a presentation on their work to parents and and teachers. Some tasks are based on school curriculum subjects while others are based on the higher level thinking of Bloom`s Taxonomy--Analysis, Evlauation and Synthesis. The tasks can be edited to suit your local community.
Gifted and Talented Leaders BundleQuick View

Gifted and Talented Leaders Bundle

Resources for Primary school Gifted and Talented/Most Able Leaders. Resources include: Staff Meeting presentation Audit Tool to evaluate provision Identification Framework to establish a Pupil Register Skills Assessment of pupils working at a greater depth Ideas for lesson provision in all subjects other than Literacy and Maths Group Activities - based on Philosophy for Children Independent Thinking Skills Activities
Gifted & Talented: Fantasy UnitQuick View

Gifted & Talented: Fantasy Unit

This unit of work and accompanying series of lessons was designed for a class of Gifted and Talented students in year 8. They were studying fantasy fiction in their general English classes, and withdrawn for 2 separate sessions a week to focus on these extension activities. This unit can be integrated into a fantasy unit or taught separately. Details are as follows: PBL, student-centred model Culminating product is a fantasy narrative fiction Lots of scaffolds, differentiation and stretch and challenge Designed as an introduction to understanding literary theory Built around fostering higher order thinking skills, critical and creative writing, and 21st century skills (collaboration, questioning etc). Research and digital literacy- some lessons require independent research and inquiry. Lessons included focus on the following: Why have people dissed fantasy? Critical readings of Le Guinn and Tolkien Introduction of project and need to knows Process of creation: who was Tolkien and what were his methods? Introduction of complex terminology relating to fantasy world-building Breakdown of critical reading of “On Fairy Stories” and linking to ‘what is the purpose of fantasy?’ How to build a convincing fantasy world How to create unique magic systems What are the ethical considerations of fantasy? Originally, this powerpoint was made using Google Slides, and students all had their own digital copy. This is why some of the interactive “portals” (pictures where students can right-click and will be taken to a separate resource) link elsewhere. I have included the resources in a different form so that you can give these to students in hard copy form instead.
Assembly - celebrating gifts and talentsQuick View

Assembly - celebrating gifts and talents

A PowerPoint presentation to guide a Christian assembly on celebrating our gifts and talents. Suitable for use at primary level. Contains Bible references and concludes with a prayer. To the best of my knowledge images included are copyright free.
Gifted and Talented Music CardsQuick View

Gifted and Talented Music Cards

Cards for performing, composing and appraising which can be used by students at KS2 and 3 to further stretch and challenge them in lessons. Usually printed on 3 different coloured cards, they can be selected by students when completing any work and they should be able to link the extra challenge to what they are completing.
Gifted and Talented ChallengeQuick View

Gifted and Talented Challenge

Produced for gifted and talented KS2 students to spark aspiration, and develop skills. As this is open-ended it could be used with students of any ability, as it has scaffolds and prompts to support thinking and investigation if needed. Could be used over a long period of time, to drop in and out of, or as holiday homework. There are 10 challenges, which can be completed individually in isolation, as a complete set, and in any order. A range of topics are included to develop a wider range of skills, and to capture student interest.
Gifted and Talented Coordinator - PowerpointQuick View

Gifted and Talented Coordinator - Powerpoint

Useful for school leaders or Govt Education department education workers. What a gifted and talented Co-ordinator will do. I aim to start by looking at the aims of the Gifted and Talented Programme within the EIC. Next I will look at the Vision and then relate it to reality. I will then move on to show where we are at present and have used the information received in the Strategic plan to help with this. I will then move on to the future and what effect a co-ordinator will have on the LEA, the school and governors, the parents and the pupils.
French Gifted and Talented - Extension ActivitiesQuick View

French Gifted and Talented - Extension Activities

4 Resources
A bundle of resources to be used as series of lessons and/or standalone lessons at KS3 and KS4-5. It comprises a Harry Potter Challenge Day for year 7, a News and Media Challenge Day for year 8 and a French literature series of lessons for KS4-5 students on Le Petit Prince.
Passport for HAP or gifted and talented pupils to record progressQuick View

Passport for HAP or gifted and talented pupils to record progress

6 sheets that form a passport booklets with ideas from each department of what your gifted and talented pupils can do to enhance their learning outside the curriculum. They collect stamps throughout the year the more stamps the better the destination the passport will take you! We did reward trips for stamps. Easy to use, each department has input and easy for pupils and teachers alike to track the additional activity's of their HAP or gifted and talented pupils
Crash Course in Gifted and Talented Education for Australian SchoolsQuick View

Crash Course in Gifted and Talented Education for Australian Schools

This series of information sheets on aspects of Gifted and Talented Education has been used to establish a Gifted and Talented program in two New England NSW high schools. The bundle includes: + 1. What is Gifted and Talented Education? + 2. How do you identify a GAT student? + 3. What factors can make a student gifted or talented? + 4. Why should GAT students be encouraged to study Creative & Performing Arts? + 5. What is Gifted Underachievement? + 6. What are the best GAT teaching strategies + 7. Can I still use Bloom’s Taxonomy in a GAT class? + 8. What is a Personal Learning Plan? + 9. What are the stages of identifying GAT students? + 10. How can the School Counsellor help? + 11. How can competitions help GATE students? + 12. Are all GATE students easy to teach? + 13. What does it take for a student to be GATE? + 14. What is curriculum differentiation? +15. Can GATE students have learning difficulties or disabilities? +16. Is enrichment and extension the same? +17. What are the characteristics of GATE learners? +18. Why is perfectionism a problem for GATE students? + 19. What is the difference between a gift and a talent? + 20. Do GATE Aboriginal students need special provisions? + 21. What are the characteristics of GAT students with ASD? + 22. What is needed for a Music student to perform professionally? + 23. What are good teaching practices in a HSIE GAT classes? + 24. What challenges are faced by GAT students in rural areas? + 25. What can be done for GAT students in Technology? + 26. Is bullying different for GAT students? + 27. What are the advantages of individualised learning contracts? + 28. What research-based curriculum is suitable for Mathematically gifted students? + 29. What is creative problem-solving? + 30. How can teachers ask good questions of GAT students? + 31. What is the role of the GATE Focus Group? + 32. What is acceleration? + 33. What is curriculum compacting? + 34. How does curriculum compacting work? + 35. What are the early signs of giftedness? + 36. What is GERRIC? + 37. Why do GATE students have problems with homework? + 38. How can GATE students be used as tutors for other students? + 39. How can acceleration work? + 40. What are the types of acceleration? + 41. What is the latest with Multiple Intelligences? + 42. How should GAT students be counselled? + 43. What is meant by “twice exceptional” students? + 44. How can History be adapted to GAT students? + 45. What happened to HSC Distinction courses? + 46. What’s the latest research on GAT students in CAPA? + 47. Should GAT students be taught how to think? + 48. What is the latest research on language development in GAT students? + many more