Digital Functional Skills - Module 1 & 2 - BUNDLEQuick View

Digital Functional Skills - Module 1 & 2 - BUNDLE

13 Resources
These resources have been created for those delivering the Digital Functional Skills Qualification at Entry Level which replaces the current Functional Skills ICT Qualification from 31st of July 2023. The DFS qualification’s main purpose is to provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against content that is relevant to the workplace and real life. These resources provide a structured assessment in workbook form to evidence learner’s knowledge and skills as well as their ability to apply these in different contexts and demonstrate that all learning outcomes have been met. The qualification itself is made up of many 5 main skill areas (Modules) each with its own series of units. Each workbook includes various challenges, activities and tasks to prove learners understanding. Each page has a header that includes the individual outcomes covered and can be assessed easily and signed off. This Bundle of resource covers: Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.1 Know the main features and uses of different types of device. Task 1 - Learners to identify 9 key digital devices using images. Task 2 - Using their existing knowledge coupled with some online research, learners will record below 5 key features for each digital device. Task 3 – Learner will then collate data on how much each device is used by themselves and their peers. Task 4 – Using questioning, learners will identify pros and cons of each device and their overall popularity. They will investigate other devices available on the market and give their opinions of the future of technology as a whole. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.2 Know what an application is and the main types of application software Task 1 - Demonstrate knowledge on the difference between Hardware and Software and give examples for both. Task 2 - Understand the function of an operating system and know where to find details of an OS on various devices. Task 3 - Become familiar with the different types of applications available and how they all have a different purpose. Task 4 - Know how to locate ‘screen time’ on mobile devices and analyse application usage and trends. Discuss the pro and cons and how screen time could be limited. Task 5 – Write a review for a favourite application using the template provided or leave an actual review on your mobile phone. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.3 Apply system settings (including display, sound, Wi-Fi, time, language, accessibility). Task 1 – Learners to become familiar with the system settings menu using Microsoft windows and identify specific settings found in each category i.e. Personalisation, Network etc. Task 2 – Learners will navigate System settings, locate particular icons and give reasons why they may need to be accessed and applied. Task 3 – Learners to read 3 scenarios and find a solution for each. They will also show clearly where to locate the setting required. Task 4 – Learners to create 2 of their own scenarios and challenge their peers to fins a solution using an appropriate system setting. Task 5 – Includes a selection of Flashcards that can be cut out, printed on cardboard or laminated and used to reinforce knowledge of system settings. Learners can also be given a card randomly and then demonstrate, using a device, how to apply that particular system setting. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.4 Navigate online content to locate required information. Task 1 - Learners will correctly type 2 URL examples into a browser and record details about the different websites. Learner can continue this task by entering their own URLs to help familiarise themselves further with this practice. Task 2 - Learners will understand the difference between a browser and a search engine and show this by ticking the correct box next to each example logo. Task 3 - Learners to unscramble some of the various reasons why we all use the internet. They will also give some examples of their own. Task 4 - Learners will give examples of effective keywords to use when searching for relevant information online. Task 5 - Learners will show an understanding of how to check the validity of information found online and will choose 6 example websites to demonstrate this. Task 6 - Learners will follow step by step instructions on how to save websites into a browser and then bookmark 3 of their own for easier access. Task 7 - Learners to become familiar with the navigation tools found in browser (chrome) and match the correct name and function of 14 examples. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.5 Carry Out Searches online Task 1 - Learners are required to find the answers to find the answers to 18 general knowledge questions using the World Wide Web. This can be an individual or group timed challenge. All answers will be officially checked with any incorrect answers incurring a 10 second penalty. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar with the most commonly asked online questions. They will guess using ‘first word’ criteria and then carry out a search to find the ‘most popular’ based on the most current data. Task 3 - Learners will learn how to take a screenshot using different digital devices, put this into practice and attach the evidence. Task 4 - Learners will demonstrate how to carry out a variety of searches online. They are required to plan a fictional holiday following specific guidelines and meeting certain criteria. Extension Activity – Learners to continue with Task 4 and carry out two further searches based around the weather and reviews of their chosen destination and accommodation. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit 1.6. Use files to read and store information (including creating a file, opening a file, reading information from a file, editing a file, saving a file). Task 1 - Learners to gain an understanding of digital files, how they work, what are their main functions and the benefits and advantages of compared to traditional physical documents. (Answers to Task included) Task 2 - Learners will become familiar with 7 of the most common digital file types and are asked to break each down with a clear description and research reasons we may need to use them. (guidance to Task included) Task 3 - Learners will look at the impact of the digital age and how we operate now in comparison with only a few years back. They will also become familiar with new and older forms of technology. Task 4 & 5 - Is a basic introduction into some of the skills they will be required to demonstrate in Module 2 (resources will be available in 2024). In ‘Task4’ they will use Microsoft WORD to open an existing Text Document, edit it following a series of instructions, save the document and print off as evidence. Learners will need to access Word Doc – ‘SB Football Rules - WORD File - To be Edited’. Both this and a completed example are included with download. In ‘Task 5’Learners will access a JPEG File and use Microsoft Photo Viewer or Paint 3D to edit it however they want using the tools available within the software. They will need to save the amended image, print it off and attach to the workbook as evidence. Learners will need to access ‘SB Sunrise - JPEG File - To be Edited’. Both this and a completed example are included with download. Task 6 – Learners can now demonstrate their new knowledge to open, create, edit and save a digital file. They can use any off the 7 file types looked at in the unit. They will need to print off their work as evidence and could also share with the group. Also includes a Skills and Knowledge Checklist and Glossary with key words for learners to complete. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.7 - Use files and folders to organise and retrieve information (including local and remote storage). Task 1 – An introductory discussion where learners are to identify areas of their life they like to keep organised and share opinions on the benefits mirroring this good practice in their digital world. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar folder hierarchy and the importance of categorising and naming main folders as part of this process. Task 3 - Learners will demonstrate they can structure folders sub folders and files correctly using cut out templates. The challenge can be undertaken, individually, in pairs or groups and even timed for an element of competition. (Tutor Answers included) Task 4 - Learners will determine 5 authentic and 5 misleading tips for Digital Housekeeping. (Tutor Answers included) Task 5 - Learner will follow 6 mini tasks to demonstrate their ability of knowledge gained so far. The tutor will observe and using a witness checklist, sign off each one completed task. Task 6 – Learners to read/discuss the statements that describe remote and local storage and match the correct benefits and considerations from the list. They will also need to recognise 3 main cloud serve providers. Task 7 - The last task requires learners to put the knowledge gained from this unit into practice and implement a thorough and efficient tidy up on their digital devices i.e. phone tablet, pc laptop etc. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.8 - Know when there is a problem with a device or software and know the difference between system errors. Task 1 – An introductory discussion where learners are to share experiences of things that have gone wrong, and frustrations caused when using any type of digital device. Learner will then uncover other common malfunction using images. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar the difference between User and System errors and give 2 examples for each. Task 3 – Learners will demonstrate their understanding by looking at 10 scenarios that all portray real life problems and identifying whether it is a system error, user error or a combination of both. Task 4 & 5 - Learners will determine 5 common viruses from the images and Research the characteristics, functions and how each virus operates. They will add this information to the table. A Guided answer sheet is included for Tasks 1,4 &5 Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.9 Apply a solution to solve a simple technical problem. Task 1 – An introductory to how troubleshooting can help resolve digital device issues without immediately seeking professional help. Learners will reorder 9 potential fixes (troubleshooting steps) in a logical order. Task 2 – Revisiting 4 of the real-life dilemmas from Unit 8, learners will research and record a series of suitable troubleshooting steps for each. An example has been given. Task 3 - Learners will become familiar with 10 common error messages that appear on-screen when there is a problem. They will fill in the missing words while gaining an understanding of what each of them mean. Task 4 - Learners to take part in a multiple-choice quiz in pairs or independently, followed by a group discussion based on everyone’s answers. Extension Activity – Learners have the opportunity to continue Task 2 and find solutions for the remaining 4 dilemmas form Unit 8. Tutor Answers are included for all 4 tasks. Module 2 - Creating and Editing - 2.1 - Use a suitable application to enter, edit and format text This resource includes: Task 1 - Learners to identify 3 of the main Word processing software applications and then give 3 examples of editing and 3 examples of formatting text. This will confirm they know the difference. They will then move into an activity that requires them to label the basic formatting tools found in Microsoft WORD (The application that will be used throughout this unit) Task 2 - Using their existing knowledge coupled with some online research, learners will complete a table that showcases the functionality and application of the previously identified formatting tools.(Tutor Guided Answers are included) Task 3 (a) – Learners will open an email and download the attached document (This is included and will have been sent prior by the tutor). Learners will then format the text by following a series of instructions. They will then save the new version ready for the next task. (Guided Tutor example included) Task 3 (b) – This is a continuation of Task 3(a) with 8 more instructions, some of which will stretch and challenge. Learners will save and print work as evidence. (Guided Tutor example included) Task 4 – Learners will take part in a ‘true’ & ‘false’ quiz based on the dos and don’ts of formatting text. Tutors can then recap on the unit, encourage discussion and go through answers as a group (Guided Answers included) Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 2 - Creating and Editing - 2.2 - Use a suitable application to enter, edit and format text. This resource includes: Task 1 - Learners to identify 3 commonly used Graphic Editing software and then discuss as a group their own experiences of using these applications. They are then required to brainstorm 6 picture formatting tools that can be found in Microsoft WORD. (The application that will be used throughout this unit) Task 2 - They will then move into an activity that requires them to label the basic picture formatting tools found within the picture formatting tab. Task 3 – Learners are given 9 images, adjacent to each image are 9 duplicates of the same image, each formatted using one of the previously mentioned tools. Their objective is to identify the formatting tool used and discuss the function for each. Pages 6-9 demonstrate how to use 6 other picture formatting tools that are regularly used when editing images. These are instructional tasks and learners can practice using them before putting them in to practice in the next task. Task 4 & 5 – Learners will be emailed 2 Digital Image Files - ‘Image A - Donkey’ & ‘Image B - Highland’. Learners are required to insert the pictures into a blank WORD Document (Extra Tutor guidance is included on Page 19) and then implement the 6 formatting instructions provided for each. They can then save and print the new images off as evidence. Task 6 - Learners have the chance to select an image from the 6 provided (included in resource Image C-H) or use their own if they prefer. They will then edit the image using 6 different formatting tools recording them on the Page 12. They can invite/challenge peers to edit the image in the same manner. Task 7 – Learner will finish the unit by completing a 12-question multiple-choice recap quiz Module 2 - Creating and Editing - 2.3 - Combine different types of information (including text, graphics, images) for a given purpose. Task 1 - Learners to understand why and when it is appropriate to combine Text, graphics and images and identify 9 examples of when documents integrate different types of information. The next 3 pages offer basic tutorials on how to effectively use Text boxes, shapes, and icons. Task 2 - Learners will produce a document that will practically demonstrate their competence using the ‘Text box’, ‘Shape’ an ‘Icon’ formatting tools. (An example has been provided) Task 3– Learners will be challenged is to produce a ‘Lost Dog’ poster using Word. It will include an image sent by the tutor as well as other graphics and include the information provided. Task 4 – The objective of this task is for learners to demonstrate even further confidence when combining graphics and text. They will showcase this by designing a fictional restaurant menu. (Example Provided) Task 5 – Learners will take part in recap questionnaire (Guided answers provided) Task 6 - As a group learners will come up with 6 benefits combining text, graphics and images. Your tutor will give you some (provided) guidance. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 2 - Creating and Editing - 2.4 Capture digital media (including image, video) and view in a suitable application. This resource includes: Task 1-– Learners to read descriptions and identify 3 of the most common digital devices used to capture digital media today. This leads into a group discussion. Task 2 - Learners to fill in the blanks of a piece of text that describes the importance of digital media in today’s digital age. Task 3 - Learners will be challenged in a matching the description game that will help them gain and understanding of specific file types in digital media. Tasks 4-6 include basic tutorials on 3 ways to transfer/download digital media on a PC from another digital device. Learners will be signed of for each task based on competency. Task 7 - Learners will identify different digital file viewing applications from their individual logos. Task 8 - Learners will have the opportunity to effectively demonstrate their ability to capture digital media in a presentation that they can deliver to peers. A structure of content is included. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Guided answers are also included for specific units. Other Workbooks in this DFSQ series are available on TES. Many are still being created and will all be available soon. This resource is currently in a PDF file format. Word versions are available for free upon purchase of the PDF, please message me directly for these at Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource of your choice for FREE! Just contact us at
Digital Functional Skills - Module 3 - Communicating - Unit 3.2 - EmailingQuick View

Digital Functional Skills - Module 3 - Communicating - Unit 3.2 - Emailing

These resources have been created for those delivering the Digital Functional Skills Qualification at Entry Level which replaces the current Functional Skills ICT Qualification from 31st of July 2023. The DFS qualification’s main purpose is to provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against content that is relevant to the workplace and real life. These resources provide a structured assessment in workbook form to evidence learner’s knowledge and skills as well as their ability to apply these in different contexts and demonstrate that all learning outcomes have been met. The qualification itself is made up of many 5 main skill areas (Modules) each with its own series of units. The unit workbooks include various challenges, activities and tasks to prove learners understanding. Each page has a header that includes the individual outcomes covered and can be assessed easily and signed off. This resource covers: Module 3 - Communicating 3.2 - Compose and reply to online communications comprising text and other digital content to individual and multiple recipients. This resource includes: Tutorial 1 – Learners will follow the steps that show you how to compose and send an email to an individual and to multiple recipients. Tutorial 2 – They will Continue the tutorial on how to attach digital content such as images & videos. Tutorial 3 - Finally, they will; learn how to ‘reply to’ and 'forward on’ an email from an individual and group recipients. Scenario: Lunch Time Gaming Club Task 1- Email an Individual and a Group. Learners will be provided with a scenario where they will need to compose and send an email to their Tutor. They will then compose and send a ‘follow up’ email to a selection of their peers. Task 2 - Attaching Digital Content Learners will send another email to both their tutor and their peers; however, this time it will include an image and link related to the set scenario. Task 3 - Replying to an Email Finally, each student will receive an email from their tutor of which they will need to reply to with a suitable message. Independent Practice Task - Movie Recommendation Learners will demonstrate their ability to independently compose and reply to online communications by recommending a Movie or TV Show. Recap Quiz (Answers included) Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. This resource is currently in a PDF file format. Word versions are available for free upon purchase of the PDF, please message me directly for these at Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource of your choice for FREE! Just contact us at Other Workbooks in this DFSQ series are available on TES. Many are still being created and will all be available soon.
ICT Functional Skills - Scheme of work with lessons - Level 1 and 2Quick View

ICT Functional Skills - Scheme of work with lessons - Level 1 and 2

This is a course for ICT Functional Skills. I used this with 17 to 18 year olds in further education. I have included all teacher PowerPoint presentations, worksheets and the scheme of work. The units included are: Unit 1 Making the most of your computer Unit 2 Managing Information - Passwords and viruses Unit 3 Finding and selecting information Unit 4 to 7 Excel Spreadsheets (Basic Formulas, IF Functions, Absolute function, Lookup formula) Unit 8 Working with Microsoft Word Unit 9 Combining and presenting information Unit 10 Using ICT to communicate I hope that you will find this helpful in the classroom. All presentations are easily adaptable as well the worksheets. Some of the Excel worksheets have been used on older versions of Excel, however they have recently been checked to the most updated version of Excel and do work fine.
OCR GCSE Computer Science (9 - 1) J277 Revision Mats / Knowledge OrganisersQuick View

OCR GCSE Computer Science (9 - 1) J277 Revision Mats / Knowledge Organisers

11 Resources
A bundle of Knowledge Organisers covering OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 both components J277/01 and J277/02. Includes all areas covered within the specification including: 1.1 Systems Architecture 1.2 Memory and Storage 1.3 Computer Networks, Connections and Protocols 1.4 Network Security 1.5 Systems Software 1.6 Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Impacts of Digital Technology 2.1 - Algorithms 2.2 - Programming Fundamentals 2.3 – Producing Robust Programs 2.4 – Boolean logic 2.5 – Programming Languages and Integrated Development Environments Can be used as a revision tool, as part of a lesson, or as a differentiated resource. Check out my shop for other resources on the J277 and J276 specifications
Digital Functional Skills - Module 1 - Using Devices & Handling Information - 1.1 - Digital DevicesQuick View

Digital Functional Skills - Module 1 - Using Devices & Handling Information - 1.1 - Digital Devices

These resources have been created for those delivering the Digital Functional Skills Qualification at Entry Level which replaced the current Functional Skills ICT Qualification from 31st of July 2023. The DFSQ’S main purpose is to provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against content that is relevant to the workplace and real life. These resources provide a structured assessment in workbook form to evidence learner’s knowledge and skills as well as their ability to apply these in different contexts and demonstrate that all learning outcomes have been met. The qualification is made up of 5 Module and broken down into a series of units. The unit workbooks include various challenges, activities and tasks to prove learners understanding. Each page has a header that includes the individual outcomes covered which can be signed off. he individual outcomes covered and can be assessed easily and signed off. This workbook covers: Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.1 Know the main features and uses of different types of device. This resource includes: Task 1 - Learners to identify 9 key digital devices using images. Task 2 - Using their existing knowledge coupled with some online research, learners will record below 3 key features for each digital device. Task 3 – Learner will then collate data on how much each device is used by themselves and their peers. Task 4 – Using questioning, learners will identify pros and cons of each device and their overall popularity. They will investigate other devices available on the market and give their opinions of the future of technology as a whole. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Guided answers when appropriate are also included. Other Workbooks in this DFSQ series are available on TES. Many are still being created and will all be available soon. This resource is currently in a PDF file format. Word versions are available for free upon purchase of the PDF, please message me directly for these at Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource of your choice for FREE! Just contact us at
KS3 Computer Science SUPER BUNDLE!Quick View

KS3 Computer Science SUPER BUNDLE!

17 Resources
This huge bundle includes all my key stage 3 computer science units of work as well as knowledge organisers and revision sheets to help prepare your students for their final assessments (all included). Full solutions are also included. This bundle contains: Computer Systems - Year 7 Computer Systems - Year 8 KS3 Networks Computational Thinking for KS3 Algorithm Design - Year 7 Algorithm Design - Year 8 Data Representation - Year 7 Data Representation - Year 8 Also includes knowledge organisers and revision sheets and starter activities! Purchase all these resources within this bundle and you will save over 25% individual resource price!


ICT FAMOUS PEOPLE TEACHING and DISPLAY RESOURCES Resources included are as follows: PDF file for you to print. Title page to head wall display (A4) – ‘famous people’ Long banner spread over 3 pages ‘Information Communication Technology’ 18 A4 posters of famous people in IT – such as Steve Job, Mark Zuckerberg, Ada Lovelace, Bill Gates etc. Each Poster has the persons name, photo and basic facts. Great for a wall display in classroom or around the school.
Functional Skills - English - Film/TV Review & ShowcaseQuick View

Functional Skills - English - Film/TV Review & Showcase

These worksheets have been designed and proven to educate learners on a variety of subjects that will enhance knowledge, creativity, individuality and embed valuable functional skills. The resource can be used effectively in English/Tutorials sessions and also includes an ICT task. It is suitable for Entry Level 3/Level 1 (although lots of scopes to differentiate within the tasks and an Editable Word Doc is Available). The resource allows the learner to review a Film/TV Show and then showcase their favourite to their group/peers It requires learners to demonstrate various skills and subtly embeds many of the Functional skills as are necessary for assessment and is broken down into the following tasks: Task 1 - Various Warm-up activities, including becoming familiar with the work Genre and identifying descriptive words used by critics. Using a process of elimination, learners will select a film or TV Show that they will use for the next task. Task 2 - Take notes, plan and create a draft review for their chosen Film/ TV Show. Follow the guidance and include all the elements found in a typical review. Task 3 - Learners can now choose between writing their final review using the template provided or upload to the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) and screenprint as evidence. Clear instructions are given for the latter. Task 4 - Learners to produce a PPT and deliver their presentation to their group/peers. Examples have been given along with a checklist to ensure all required detail is included. Extension Activity - Learners can complete a tick list of their favourite ‘Must See’ Films/TV shows and recommend them to friends/family to watch and then individually review. Feedback is Key; we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE! This resource is available to download as a PDF file. Word versions are available; feel free to message me directly for these formats at
NEW Computer Science Revision Booklet GCSE Edexcel OCRQuick View

NEW Computer Science Revision Booklet GCSE Edexcel OCR

DESCRIPTION Drawing on my experience as a student who achieved an A* in GCSE Computer Science, and who continues to study computing at a college level, with an extensive analysis of notes, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created a revision booklet that cover every expectation for the Computer Science subject on the Edexcel (and some OCR) specification. These notes are presented in an easy-to-use revision note, then question format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy. Having refined these over my final years in high school, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you. TOPICS INCLUDED (ANALYSIS & INFORMATION) Logic and Truth Tables Programming Languages Binary Systems Data Representation Computer Networks Software Development Data Storage & Compression Network Security & Cybersecurity Computer Hardware Programming Theory Ethical, Legal, and Environmental Issues
IT Microsoft Office Skills Project for KS3/KS4Quick View

IT Microsoft Office Skills Project for KS3/KS4

IT Microsoft Office Skills Project for KS3/KS4. Students will learn Word, PowerPoint, Excel & Publisher skills by creating a mini project. 7 Lessons covering: Lesson 1 - Introduction of Project (Student Music Festival Brief), Logo creation PowerPoint & Word Skills) Lesson 2 - Promotional Material (Word & Publisher Skills) Lesson 3 - Ticket creation (Word & Publisher Skills) and QR codes Lesson 4 - Formula (+ - * /), Functions (SUM, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE), Data Types & Conditional Formatting (Excel Spreadsheet Skills) Lesson 5 - Excel Formatting Techniques, Apply skills from Lesson 4 to create Project Spreadsheet (Excel Skills) Lesson 6 - Mail Merge, Personalised ticket creation (Word, Publisher & Excel Skills) Lesson 7 - Evaluation of project & skills (Deciding what level you have worked at), Project presentation (demonstrating all work produced) (Word & PowerPoint Skills) Lessons include: Teacher Slides PowerPoint Student Activity Worksheets (Word Documents, PowerPoints, Excel Spreadsheets) Starter & Plenary Activities (Word Documents) Help Sheets (Word Documents & PDF)
Digital Functional Skills - Mod 1 - Using Devices & Handling Information 1.1-1.9 BUNDLEQuick View

Digital Functional Skills - Mod 1 - Using Devices & Handling Information 1.1-1.9 BUNDLE

9 Resources
These resources have been created for those delivering the Digital Functional Skills Qualification at Entry Level which replaces the current Functional Skills ICT Qualification from 31st of July 2023. The DFS qualification’s main purpose is to provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against content that is relevant to the workplace and real life. These resources provide a structured assessment in workbook form to evidence learner’s knowledge and skills as well as their ability to apply these in different contexts and demonstrate that all learning outcomes have been met. The qualification itself is made up of many 5 main skill areas (Modules) each with its own series of units. Each workbook includes various challenges, activities and tasks to prove learners understanding. Each page has a header that includes the individual outcomes covered and can be assessed easily and signed off. This Bundle of resource covers: Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.1 Know the main features and uses of different types of device. Task 1 - Learners to identify 9 key digital devices using images. Task 2 - Using their existing knowledge coupled with some online research, learners will record below 5 key features for each digital device. Task 3 – Learner will then collate data on how much each device is used by themselves and their peers. Task 4 – Using questioning, learners will identify pros and cons of each device and their overall popularity. They will investigate other devices available on the market and give their opinions of the future of technology as a whole. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.2 Know what an application is and the main types of application software Task 1 - Demonstrate knowledge on the difference between Hardware and Software and give examples for both. Task 2 - Understand the function of an operating system and know where to find details of an OS on various devices. Task 3 - Become familiar with the different types of applications available and how they all have a different purpose. Task 4 - Know how to locate ‘screen time’ on mobile devices and analyse application usage and trends. Discuss the pro and cons and how screen time could be limited. Task 5 – Write a review for a favourite application using the template provided or leave an actual review on your mobile phone. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.3 Apply system settings (including display, sound, Wi-Fi, time, language, accessibility). Task 1 – Learners to become familiar with the system settings menu using Microsoft windows and identify specific settings found in each category i.e. Personalisation, Network etc. Task 2 – Learners will navigate System settings, locate particular icons and give reasons why they may need to be accessed and applied. Task 3 – Learners to read 3 scenarios and find a solution for each. They will also show clearly where to locate the setting required. Task 4 – Learners to create 2 of their own scenarios and challenge their peers to fins a solution using an appropriate system setting. Task 5 – Includes a selection of Flashcards that can be cut out, printed on cardboard or laminated and used to reinforce knowledge of system settings. Learners can also be given a card randomly and then demonstrate, using a device, how to apply that particular system setting. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.4 Navigate online content to locate required information. Task 1 - Learners will correctly type 2 URL examples into a browser and record details about the different websites. Learner can continue this task by entering their own URLs to help familiarise themselves further with this practice. Task 2 - Learners will understand the difference between a browser and a search engine and show this by ticking the correct box next to each example logo. Task 3 - Learners to unscramble some of the various reasons why we all use the internet. They will also give some examples of their own. Task 4 - Learners will give examples of effective keywords to use when searching for relevant information online. Task 5 - Learners will show an understanding of how to check the validity of information found online and will choose 6 example websites to demonstrate this. Task 6 - Learners will follow step by step instructions on how to save websites into a browser and then bookmark 3 of their own for easier access. Task 7 - Learners to become familiar with the navigation tools found in browser (chrome) and match the correct name and function of 14 examples. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.5 Carry Out Searches online Task 1 - Learners are required to find the answers to find the answers to 18 general knowledge questions using the World Wide Web. This can be an individual or group timed challenge. All answers will be officially checked with any incorrect answers incurring a 10 second penalty. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar with the most commonly asked online questions. They will guess using ‘first word’ criteria and then carry out a search to find the ‘most popular’ based on the most current data. Task 3 - Learners will learn how to take a screenshot using different digital devices, put this into practice and attach the evidence. Task 4 - Learners will demonstrate how to carry out a variety of searches online. They are required to plan a fictional holiday following specific guidelines and meeting certain criteria. Extension Activity – Learners to continue with Task 4 and carry out two further searches based around the weather and reviews of their chosen destination and accommodation. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit 1.6. Use files to read and store information (including creating a file, opening a file, reading information from a file, editing a file, saving a file). Task 1 - Learners to gain an understanding of digital files, how they work, what are their main functions and the benefits and advantages of compared to traditional physical documents. (Answers to Task included) Task 2 - Learners will become familiar with 7 of the most common digital file types and are asked to break each down with a clear description and research reasons we may need to use them. (guidance to Task included) Task 3 - Learners will look at the impact of the digital age and how we operate now in comparison with only a few years back. They will also become familiar with new and older forms of technology. Task 4 & 5 - Is a basic introduction into some of the skills they will be required to demonstrate in Module 2 (resources will be available in 2024). In ‘Task4’ they will use Microsoft WORD to open an existing Text Document, edit it following a series of instructions, save the document and print off as evidence. Learners will need to access Word Doc – ‘SB Football Rules - WORD File - To be Edited’. Both this and a completed example are included with download. In ‘Task 5’Learners will access a JPEG File and use Microsoft Photo Viewer or Paint 3D to edit it however they want using the tools available within the software. They will need to save the amended image, print it off and attach to the workbook as evidence. Learners will need to access ‘SB Sunrise - JPEG File - To be Edited’. Both this and a completed example are included with download. Task 6 – Learners can now demonstrate their new knowledge to open, create, edit and save a digital file. They can use any off the 7 file types looked at in the unit. They will need to print off their work as evidence and could also share with the group. Also includes a Skills and Knowledge Checklist and Glossary with key words for learners to complete. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.7 - Use files and folders to organise and retrieve information (including local and remote storage). Task 1 – An introductory discussion where learners are to identify areas of their life they like to keep organised and share opinions on the benefits mirroring this good practice in their digital world. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar folder hierarchy and the importance of categorising and naming main folders as part of this process. Task 3 - Learners will demonstrate they can structure folders sub folders and files correctly using cut out templates. The challenge can be undertaken, individually, in pairs or groups and even timed for an element of competition. (Tutor Answers included) Task 4 - Learners will determine 5 authentic and 5 misleading tips for Digital Housekeeping. (Tutor Answers included) Task 5 - Learner will follow 6 mini tasks to demonstrate their ability of knowledge gained so far. The tutor will observe and using a witness checklist, sign off each one completed task. Task 6 – Learners to read/discuss the statements that describe remote and local storage and match the correct benefits and considerations from the list. They will also need to recognise 3 main cloud serve providers. Task 7 - The last task requires learners to put the knowledge gained from this unit into practice and implement a thorough and efficient tidy up on their digital devices i.e. phone tablet, pc laptop etc. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.8 - Know when there is a problem with a device or software and know the difference between system errors. Task 1 – An introductory discussion where learners are to share experiences of things that have gone wrong, and frustrations caused when using any type of digital device. Learner will then uncover other common malfunction using images. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar the difference between User and System errors and give 2 examples for each. Task 3 – Learners will demonstrate their understanding by looking at 10 scenarios that all portray real life problems and identifying whether it is a system error, user error or a combination of both. Task 4 & 5 - Learners will determine 5 common viruses from the images and Research the characteristics, functions and how each virus operates. They will add this information to the table. A Guided answer sheet is included for Tasks 1,4 &5 Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.9 Apply a solution to solve a simple technical problem. Task 1 – An introductory to how troubleshooting can help resolve digital device issues without immediately seeking professional help. Learners will reorder 9 potential fixes (troubleshooting steps) in a logical order. Task 2 – Revisiting 4 of the real-life dilemmas from Unit 8, learners will research and record a series of suitable troubleshooting steps for each. An example has been given. Task 3 - Learners will become familiar with 10 common error messages that appear on-screen when there is a problem. They will fill in the missing words while gaining an understanding of what each of them mean. Task 4 - Learners to take part in a multiple-choice quiz in pairs or independently, followed by a group discussion based on everyone’s answers. Extension Activity – Learners have the opportunity to continue Task 2 and find solutions for the remaining 4 dilemmas form Unit 8. Tutor Answers are included for all 4 tasks. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Other Workbooks in this DFSQ series are available on TES. Many are still being created and will all be available soon. This resource is currently in a PDF file format. Word versions are available for free upon purchase of the PDF, please message me directly for these at Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource of your choice for FREE! Just contact us at
KS3 IT - an introduction to Microsoft Office (Word) UNIT OF WORKQuick View

KS3 IT - an introduction to Microsoft Office (Word) UNIT OF WORK

This is an entire unit of work focusing on using Word which my students have absolutely loved. The unit begins by looking at using word for letter writing, progressing on to using it to produce newspaper articles and a mock up front page. There are opportunities for differentiated challenge, peer/self/teacher assessment and several points of Oracy. Lessons include well presented, engaging slides with relevant examples and opportunities for creativity. Please note IPA = Ignite/Propel/Accelerate
KS3 Computer Science: NetworksQuick View

KS3 Computer Science: Networks

Computer Science: Introduction to Networks for KS3 students The aim of this unit of work is to introduce KS3 students to computer networks. Within this unit of work, students will learn the following: What will you learn? To understand what is meant by a Local Area Network (LAN). Hardware required Methods of connection (WiFi & Ethernet cable) To understand what is meant by a Wide Area Network (WAN). Methods to connect (GPRS, mobile, telephone cables & satellite). To understand how peripheral devices can connect to a computer system using a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN). Methods to connect (Bluetooth). Understand the following methods of keeping you computer secure on a computer network: - Firewall - Anti-malware - Passwords - Encryption This unit of work includes a range of information and activities to develop student knowledge and understanding of computer systems. Please note two practical activities require the use of rope to create a human networks! A final assessment is also included. Teacher answer PowerPoint also included. **Please leave a review!
KS3 KS4 ICT BundleQuick View

KS3 KS4 ICT Bundle

10 Resources
Whole lessons, Powerpoints, Resources, Activities, videos and discussions to support development of a whole scheme of work for year 7, 8 and 9 KS3 ICT or to supplement a Computing or Computer Science curriculum. Includes: Basic ICT Skills Control and introduction to coding Finding Information E-Safety Graphics Health and Safety in ICT Spreadsheets Skills in Excel Spreadsheet Modelling Understanding Specifications in ICT Computational thinking
Digital Functional Skills - Module 2 - Creating & Editing - Unit 2.1 - Formatting TextQuick View

Digital Functional Skills - Module 2 - Creating & Editing - Unit 2.1 - Formatting Text

These resources have been created for those delivering the Digital Functional Skills Qualification at Entry Level which replaces the current Functional Skills ICT Qualification from 31st of July 2023.The DFS qualification’s main purpose is to provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against content that is relevant to the workplace and real life. These resources provide a structured assessment in workbook form to evidence learner’s knowledge and skills as well as their ability to apply these in different contexts and demonstrate that all learning outcomes have been met. The qualification itself is made up of many 5 main skill areas (Modules) each with its own series of units. The unit workbooks include various challenges, activities and tasks to prove learners understanding. Each page has a header that includes the individual outcomes covered and can be assessed easily and signed off. This resource covers: Module 2 - Creating and Editing - 2.1 - Use a suitable application to enter, edit and format text This resource includes: Task 1 - Learners to identify 3 of the main Word processing software applications and then give 3 examples of editing and 3 examples of formatting text. This will confirm they know the difference. They will then move into an activity that requires them to label the basic formatting tools found in Microsoft WORD (The application that will be used throughout this unit) Task 2 - Using their existing knowledge coupled with some online research, learners will complete a table that showcases the functionality and application of the previously identified formatting tools.(Tutor Guided Answers are included) Task 3 (a) – Learners will open an email and download the attached document (This is included and will have been sent prior by the tutor). Learners will then format the text by following a series of instructions. They will then save the new version ready for the next task. (Guided Tutor example included) Task 3 (b) – This is a continuation of Task 3(a) with 8 more instructions, some of which will stretch and challenge. Learners will save and print work as evidence. (Guided Tutor example included) Task 4 – Learners will take part in a ‘true’ & ‘false’ quiz based on the dos and don’ts of formatting text. Tutors can then recap on the unit, encourage discussion and go through answers as a group (Guided Answers included) Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Other Workbooks in this DFSQ series are available on TES. Many are still being created and will all be available soon. This resource is currently in a PDF file format. Word versions are available for free upon purchase of the PDF, please message me directly for these at
How to Use Microsoft ExcelQuick View

How to Use Microsoft Excel

This resource introduces learners to microsoft excel and what it is used for. It starts off with basics and shows cells, columns and rows and how these are identified and accessed. It engages learners with this through the use of games e.g. -cell art where they have to fill the cell with the correct colour and make the picture. -cell mine field which they play with a partner (like battleships) cell bingo (there is a linked spinning wheel with all cells ref) Finally it leads children up to a mini project where they plan and budget a dinner for their family. They can use the internet or magazines to get prices or simply make them up. They must record their costs, quantities etc on their spreadsheet. For more challenge, I introduced more confident learners with simple formulas to calculate their totals.
KS3 ICT Skill Building Excel LessonsQuick View

KS3 ICT Skill Building Excel Lessons

5 Lessons for KS3 (Year 7/8) that focus on developing ICT skills using Excel Spreadsheets. Lesson 1 - How to add, subtract, divide and multiply in Excel Lesson 2 - How to use multiplication formulas to create a multiplication square in Excel Lesson 3 - How to collate data using Microsoft Excel Lesson 4 - How to create graphs using Microsoft Excel Lesson 5 - How to use the SUM, MIN and MAX functions in Excel Lessons include: Teacher Slides Powerpoint Student Tasks (Excel Spreadsheets or PDF files) Some lessons include Helpsheets (Word Documents) & Extension Tasks (Excel Spreadsheets or PDF files)
ICT Careers PostersQuick View

ICT Careers Posters

I made these a couple of years ago as a practice task to get me into Quark Xpress. The salaries seemed a bit high at the time so they're probably about right now. I quite like doing a research task where all the posters are stuck up and the students have to answer questions like 'What career would be good for someone with an instinct for spotting a good story?'.
Logo QuizQuick View

Logo Quiz

This resource contains a selection of well known logos from the corporate world. It is useful if pupils are starting to design their own logo, and wish to view some examples.