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KS1 Maths Resource

KS1 Maths Resource

I can add and subtract two-digit numbers and ones and two-digit numbers and tens. -Working Towards-KS1
KS1 Maths Resource

KS1 Maths Resource

I can identify halves,quarters or thirds of a number or shape, and know that all parts must be equal parts of the whole.
KS1 Maths Resource

KS1 Maths Resource

I can partition a two-digit number into tens and ones to demonstrate an understanding of place value.
KS1 Maths Resource

KS1 Maths Resource

I can recall and use multiplication and division facts for 2, 5 and 10 and make deductions outside known multiplication facts.
KS1 Maths Resource

KS1 Maths Resource

I can recall number bonds to and within 10 and use these number facts to calculate number bonds to and within 20.
KS1 Maths Resource

KS1 Maths Resource

I can solve unfamiliar word problems that involve more than one step-addition and subtraction.