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Bonfire Night Level 5 Division

Bonfire Night Level 5 Division

Some Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot themed questions alongside bonfire night themed questions for level 5 division - Carry out short division of numbers involving decimals to two places (5b) Solve problems that involve dividing any 3 digit by any 2 digit number (5b)
Year 4 and 5 Word Problems linked to N.C.

Year 4 and 5 Word Problems linked to N.C.

Word problems (mostly 2 step) linked to the National Curriculum objectives (for the four operations) for year 4 and year 5. 10 questions for each year group. Have included some opportunities for written reasoning. There are also opportunities to promote fluency i.e. questions about ml, children could convert to l. Please feel free to amend and use in whichever way you wish!!
Tour De France-Themed Maths Investigation

Tour De France-Themed Maths Investigation

Differentiated 3 ways. encourages application of mathematical facts and strategies. Build-a-bike from a choice of parts using a budget (costs left blank so can be differentiated for groups). Literacy - write an explanation for why they have chosen the parts. Includes percentages and averages and inference/AF3 work for Literacy/reading. One of the maths resources can be found in this document under Maths B46: http://cycle.yorkshire.com/documents/tdf/legacy/EducationPacks/TDF-EducationResourcePack-SectionB.pdf
Strong Man Maths Challenge

Strong Man Maths Challenge

Find different combinations of numbers (weights for a strong man's weight bar) which add up to a certain amount. Differentiated three ways.
Criminal Case Division

Criminal Case Division

A cross-curricular resource using real Victorian criminals based on their crime and their time! Children have to use written methods of division to answer the questions ' Which criminal got the hardest sentence?' -Or- 'How many days punishment did each crook get per shilling they stole?' Formatted as posters to go up in the classroom so it can be quite an active activity.
Finding percentages of amounts of money

Finding percentages of amounts of money

Each poster has a deal - the children have to work out which sale price is the best price. There is also a differentiated WW1 themed percentages of amounts activity of a similar nature.
Victorian Crime Rates Data/Calculation Activity

Victorian Crime Rates Data/Calculation Activity

A cross-curricular Maths and History (Crime and Punishment since 1066) activity based on crime rates in the Victorian times. Children will interpret the data, make a graph (bar or line) to represent the data then answer questions about the data. There are three levels with the LA task using multiples of 1000, the MA task using mutliples of 100 and requiring a range of calculations to find what the data is to put on their graphs and the HA task using 4 digit numbers and again requiring a range of calculations to find what the data is to put on their graphs.
Negative Numbers - Bank Balances

Negative Numbers - Bank Balances

Finding differences between negative numbers using fictional bank balances displayed on ATM screens. Easily editable. One resource uses 1 and 2 digit negative numbers, one resource uses 4 digit negative numbers and the third uses 6 digit negative numbers. All resources include questions to answer using the images.