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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Australian Stereotypes - Unit Intro and writing tips

Australian Stereotypes - Unit Intro and writing tips

The first two lessons in a year 9 English unit. Within this unit, students engage with a range of Australian literary texts including short stories, films and poetry, and literature for stereotypes including bogans, Indigenous Australians and bushmen etc. We also explore concepts like multiculturalism, fair go and mateship. Students explore how events, situations and people can be represented from different perspectives and draw conclusions about characters, key ideas and Australia’s identity, justifying these with selective use of textual evidence. PowerPoint 1: Unit introduction Classroom expectations, Homework expectations, Expectations around use of laptops in the classroom and an introduction to the unit. It includes questions to prompt students to brainstorm their prior knowledge. It also includes clips from advertisements including the Australia Day Lamb Ads for fun brainstorming activities. PowerPoint 2: Introduction to key terms: multicultural, patriot, assimilate, nationalism and juxtapositon. Identifying Australian stereotypes within a music video parody Defining the term Identity and teaching students how to answer quesitons using the RAF method. It includes example responses and then questions for the students to respod to.
Hospitality Studies – Parts of a coffee machine and their functions

Hospitality Studies – Parts of a coffee machine and their functions

A PowerPoint and worksheet used to introduce students to the parts of a coffee machine, their functions and how to clean them. The worksheet includes a picture of a machine with arrows to each part which students are to label as they progress through the lesson. There are also underlined notes on the slides for students to add to a table on their worksheet. Included in the PPT is a brain break video from ‘Sorted’ (YouTube channel) reviewing a coffee machine. There is an extension part on the worksheet for fast finishers about the types of milk (whole milk, light milk, skim milk, organic milk, soy milk, UHT milk, almond milk, coconut milk). Resources designed for use in an 11 Hospitality Practices class in Australia (2019 curriculum). Unit 1: Introduction to Hospitality, Topic 1: Beverage operations and services. My school has 70-minute lessons. The assessment at the end of this unit was an examination (short response).
Romeo and Juliet Monologue Task and scaffolding

Romeo and Juliet Monologue Task and scaffolding

A PowerPoint explaining the assessment task (students are to write a monologue from the perspective of a character of their choosing). This resource includes: planning steps, the structure of a monologue, the language features that should go in a monologue, a list of character choices and example monologues written by year 10 students in Australia. This also includes a word document version of the planning booklet which can be printed for students or shared electronically. Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 50 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced).
Romeo and Juliet: Act Five

Romeo and Juliet: Act Five

A series of resources: a handout which includes the questions on the slide (to be given to students to answer / shared electronically.) The PowerPoint. Some information pertaining to the historical context of the play. A summary of each scene with key quotes and questions. Viewing Act Five, Scene Three (the final act) both Baz Luhrmann film and the 2013 version (for comparative purposes). Important things to note from Act 5. Revision questions. Optional extras for if time: questions about themes. Role play activity. A handout - revision activity - a list of jumbled up events from this act which students have to reorganise into chronological order. An updated PowerPoint which features all of Act 5 (Scenes 1-3). It includes a warm up activity (explaining what a friar is - with notes to copy). Additionally, it features quotes from the play, checking for understanding questions (some to answer in books and some to discuss as a class) & some brain breaks (viewing activities - two excerpts of the play being staged in The Globe Theatre). This lesson is designed to fit into a unit where students must complete an exam where they respond to an essay which argues that Friar Laurence is solely to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Through studying each scene in depth, students should begin to see that a range of other characters could be referenced in their counter argument. Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced).
Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Unit Introduction

Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Unit Introduction

Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). A PowerPoint designed to engage students / excite them as they ‘tune in’ to the new unit. It includes: a review of my classroom expectations (as well as the positive and negative consequences). Some interesting facts about Ned Kelly. Some questions about the front and back cover of the novel Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson. After getting the students to make predictions about the novel, they complete a K-W-L chart about what they already know about Ned Kelly and what they would like to know. Subsequently we go through what the two assessments for the term will be. We then review some important parts of the novel and how they work (contents, a map of Kelly Country and the Introduction). Some info about the language features in the novel is provided as well as a spelling list of 24 words taken from the novel and ACARA’s English glossary. Students will define these for homework throughout the week. Some extra information is included at the end of the PowerPoint if you happen to finish early. 2)** A handout containing the map, contents, intro and spelling words.**
World War Two - government restrictions on the homefront

World War Two - government restrictions on the homefront

The home front: Australian commitment to war This powerpoint is designed to teach students about The Australian Government’s reasons for joining the war. Changes to the running of the nation during the war including the use of WARTIME GOVERNMENT CONTROLS such as internment, censorship, conscription, rationing and propaganda. These terms are defined, the PowerPoints also include images of propaganda posters used to explain these to civilians and persuade them to do their part for the war. The PPT also includes sources scanned from various textbooks and comprehension questions. It also includes information about the bombing of Darwin during the war & the Japanese submarine attacks on Sydney. Interspersed throughout the lesson are 'checking for understanding' questions to help students to revise the key lesson concepts.
World War Two – the Kokoda track

World War Two – the Kokoda track

A set of PowerPoints which I think History teachers will find helpful. If you use them, and like them, please come and give me a positive star rating / review. Constructive criticism is also appreciated. PowerPoint 1: Kokoda lesson 1 • context o What happened after Pearl Harbor? o Japanese imperialism • Where is New Guinea? What was it called back then? • What were conditions like on the Kokoda track? • Viewing activities clips from Getaway, the 2006 Kokoda film • The experiences of Australian soldiers in the Kokoda campaign o*** Number of Australians killed or injured in Papua New Guinea o The Kokoda track and what it looks like o Images of the golden stairs o Dysentery o What they ate o What they carried o The psychological impact* • Links to other sources (including videos) which you might like to explore with your class (with descriptions) Homework Sheet Definitions to find for a glossary, a photograph (source) to view and answer questions about, two written sources to view and answer questions about PowerPoint 2: Kokoda lesson 2 • The four groups who fought in New Guinea in 1942 (Australians, Americans, New Guineans and The Japanese) • View an SBS news story about a fuzzy wuzzy angel being reunited with an Australian that he saved • Who were the ‘fuzzy wuzzy angels?’ • The Japanese offensive continued • How the Kokoda campaign ended
Feminist Movements - 11 Modern History – British first wave feminists – Suffragists & Suffragettes

Feminist Movements - 11 Modern History – British first wave feminists – Suffragists & Suffragettes

A PowerPoint for the first lesson of the term – an introduction to feminism and the4 British suffragettes. It begins with a basic definition of feminism for students to add to their glossary + the class word wall. Students know they need to copy down whatever text is underlined in my slides. It is followed by a clip from Horrible Histories (on ClickView) about the Suffragettes. This is followed by an opportunity to discuss what students already know about this topic. Students are assigned a homework research task – due the following week. There is a clip from the 1964 Mary Poppins film showing Mrs Banks – a 1st wave feminist. The 4 waves of feminism are summarised before zooming in on Britain’s first wave. There is a YouTube video from 1913, when militant suffragette Emily Wilding Davison threw herself under King George V’s racehorse at a major public event. She died of her injuries and became a suffragette martyr. An extract from Mary Wollstonecraft’s influential text A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) is presented and students must summarise the key ideas. Another primary source an extract from The Declaration of the Rights of Woman (1791) is provided for comparison. There is information about the hunger strikes which were used as a form of protest & the force feeding methods used by the authorities. There are excerpts of prisoner testimonies. An image of a primary artefact (a hunger strike medal) is displayed. Information about some of the advances women achieved in the early 20th century is provided including information about when British women achieved the vote. The trailer for the 2015 film Suffragette is shown and a synopsis is provided. This lends itself well to a discussion of the personal implications of joining the movement for women at the time. To conclude the lesson, students are encouraged to reflect on their learning and compile their own definition of first wave feminism – with examples. Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). Designed as part of a unit entitled Women’s movements since 1893, which has the scope to span from when Women’s suffrage in New Zealand became law to the present. I decided to focus on the Second Wave of Feminism for our assessment (while briefly touching on the other waves of feminism).The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay under exam conditions. As the unit was taught in term 4, it was a shorter, 6 week unit.
Protest Poetry - Analysing poems using the STEP UP acronym

Protest Poetry - Analysing poems using the STEP UP acronym

4 resources designed for a year 8 poetry unit. The first is a PowerPoint which takes students through the STEP UP acronym which they will use to analyse poems in their upcoming assessment: subject matter, theme, emotions, poetic devices, your interpretation, purpose… It includes prompting questions that students should ask themselves to help guide their response for each category. It then includes a poem about a refugee and slides which work through the STEP UP process. The second is a worksheet for modified students which has most of the notes written so that they only have to write a few. The third is a handout which explains STEP UP which could be used as a poster. The fourth is a typed version of the analysis of the refugee poem (in a Word Doc)
Chinese Nationalism: Cultural Revolution Lesson 1

Chinese Nationalism: Cultural Revolution Lesson 1

A lesson designed for a flipped classroom approach. The content of the Word Document was put onto the class One Note with sources attached so that students could work through the lesson independently at their own pace. (Ideal for leaving as a cover or during school closures). **The resource includes: ** A warm up where students receive the definitions for a range of historical concepts, they have to use their prior knowledge to label them. An article from the New York Times (about the Cultural Revolution). There is a retrieval chart for them to fill in and some questions to answer. Some questions for students to answer as they engage with the 2015 Cambridge textbook (see below).** Please note: your school will need access to the following textbook in order to complete one of the activities - Sowdon, T. (2015). Analysing the Chinese Revolution. [2nd e.d.]. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The end of term assessment for this unit was an Independent Source Investigation. The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the China (1931-1976). The other resources are also available in my store – Aussie_Resources.
Romeo and Juliet: Act Four

Romeo and Juliet: Act Four

A group of resources: a handout which includes the questions on the slide (to be given to students to answer / shared electronically.) The PowerPoint. Some information pertaining to the historical context of the play. A summary of each scene with key quotes and questions. Viewing a film of Juliet’s monologue in Act Four, Scene Three. Important things to note from Act 4. Revision questions. An updated PowerPoint which features all of Act 4 (Scenes 1-5). This lesson is designed to run over a couple of lessons. It includes more quotes from the play, checking for understanding questions (some to answer in books and some to discuss as a class) & some brain breaks (viewing activities - two excerpts of the play being staged in The Globe Theatre). This lesson is designed to fit into a unit where students must complete an exam where they respond to an essay which argues that Friar Laurence is solely to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Through studying each scene in depth, students should begin to see that a range of other characters could be referenced in their counter argument. A handout - revision activity - a list of jumbled up events from this act which students have to reorganise into chronological order. Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced).
Protest Poetry - Assessment handout

Protest Poetry - Assessment handout

6 resources developed for a year 8 English Unit. a task sheet explaining their assessment (a multimodal presentation that explains a current social issue and uses poetry to challenge how people think and feel about the issue. ) An example PowerPoint created by a student for their assessment. A written exemplar in a table (which highlights the structural requirements and expected language features) A planning booklet for students to use as they prepare to write their assignment A PowerPoint for a lesson taking them through what to write for body paragraph 1 A personal checklist for the student and parent to use once they have completed their first draft to make sure they have everything they need.
War Poetry - Historical Context of World War One

War Poetry - Historical Context of World War One

1) PowerPoint - This lesson focuses on teaching students about the context of World War One so that they have some frame of reference for approaching the poems written in this period. Afterwards, it explores how the perceptions of war in poetry changed during this period from patriotic beliefs in its valour to disillusionment as World War One saw a complete change in the way wars were fought and the attitudes towards them. This lesson opens with checking students prior knowledge of WW1. It then explains what the world was like during the 19th Century and the imperialist ideology. The beliefs of Europe’s’ Great Powers, the major causes of WW1, The assassination of Franz Ferdinand: A Shot that Changed the World, societal beliefs about war at the time, exploring propaganda posters from World War One, new technologies used in this war and the outcomes of the war. Things we will learn by the study of poetry from the First World War.
End of year trivia / quiz 2024

End of year trivia / quiz 2024

A fun PPT I put together for the end of the year. It has 10 questions per round. The rounds include: Films of 2024 (identifying from pictures) Next lines (given a line of a Christmas carol and must write next line) Famous faces (identifying celebrities from pictures of part of their face / body) Christmas tv viewing (identifying Xmas films from still images) Christmas trivia Songs of 2024 (watch a YouTube clip which has snippets of songs from this year) News of 2024 [questions about events which happened this year] Films of 2023 News of 2023
Rabbit Proof Fence Student Workbook (film analysis)

Rabbit Proof Fence Student Workbook (film analysis)

This 32 page booklet has been designed as part of an Australian film studies unit focusing on the 2002 film The Rabbit Proof Fence. It includes activities exploring characterisation, the beliefs of the time and analysing the aesthetic features (film and language techniques) which students are to complete during and after viewing the film. While used for year 9 in this case, it could be applicable for any junior secondary grade. It could also be used during NAIDOC week. This booklet contains resources which would be useful for preparing students to write a range of genres including film reviews, feature articles, persuasive texts and analytical essays. There are questions about the events/themes/character’s perspectives and the effects of the aesthetic features. It introduces students to concepts such as textual structures, language features, visual features, film techniques and themes. It includes information about the socio cultural context of the film, articles about the women on which the film is based, key quotes from the film, scaffolded analysis activities for key scenes, an introduction to evaluative language and how it is used to describe films. The final pages include an explanation of how to structure an essay (along with planning and editing steps).
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Unit introduction

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Unit introduction

The first lesson to introduce students to the ‘Art and Community’ unit. It introduces students to some key terms they need to know for the unit. I use underlining to indicate to students what notes they need to copy from slides. There is information about some types of art (mosaic, sculpture, recycled art, collage, street art and wheat pasting). There is a viewing activity (a news story about street artworks made early on during the COVID 19 Pandemic). This is followed by some information about the upcoming assessment task and dates so students know where they are heading. Students also learn about the purpose of art which they will have to write about in the front section of their inquiry booklet. The lesson ends with an interesting viewing activity of the 100 most creative street artworks. There is also information about bottle cap art as our school decided to do a fun end of term activity where the students made one collective street art for display at the school.
Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Evaluating sources (skills based lesson)

Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Evaluating sources (skills based lesson)

Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s). PowerPointand lesson plan. Settling activity - copy the definition of bias. Explain the cognitive verb ‘evaluate’ and review concept of modality. Look at some conjunctions (linking words) which can be used in evaluating paragraphs. Subsequently, the lesson explores how to know if the source is useful before introducing the concept of corroborating sources (with a history skills video to consolidate this learning). Look at a sample exam question and deconstruct it. Then look at how to determine if a source is relevant (look at an example which focuses on origin, perspective, context, audience and motive). Then introduce the T.A.D.P.O.L.E acronym for a deeper level of source analysis. Afterwards, there are sources (about the Myall Creek massacre) for the students to evaluate (I use Gradual Release - we do then you do). Finally there is a PEEL/TEEL paragraph writing activity. T.A.D.P.O.L.E handout with sources about the Myall Creek Massacre for students to analyse. Example evaluating paragraph about the Hornet bank massacre (with labels to show key features). Homework sheet - Sources about the Hornet bank massacre for students to analyse.(answers are included at the base of the PowerPoint). I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
Russia 1905-1920: The last 3 Tsars of Russia

Russia 1905-1920: The last 3 Tsars of Russia

A PowerPoint designed to introduce students to what Russia was like under the rule of Tsar Alexander II, Tsar Alexander the III and Tsar Nicholas II. It begins by explaining the terms ‘Tsar’ and ‘Tsarism.’ This is followed by an image of the pyramid explaining the feudal system. Students are asked what they can recall about this system. This is followed by some slides explaining Russia’s social structure where students take notes about the ruling class, upper class, middle class, industrial working class, free peasants and unfree peasants. There are some checking for understanding questions to discuss and a couple of visual sources to unpack. This is followed by a visual image of the line of succession with key details about the dates of their reign and the circumstances of their death. The following slides go into each of the Tsars in more detail. When it reaches Nicholas there is a photograph of his coronation and 2 artists depictions. There is information about he Khodynka field disaster and a couple of images. After this, students are prompted to draw a graphic organiser in their books and have to take notes about the political, geographic, social and economic factors which led to the Russian Revolution. The remaining slides go through these factors. This is followed by some checking for understanding questions. Designed to meet the requirements of the senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019), this unit falls under the category of ‘Ideas in the Modern World.’
Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Unit Introduction

Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Unit Introduction

Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s). This is a PowerPoint which can be used in the the first few lessons of the term. It is part of a Frontier Wars unit which culminates in a 2 hour examination (short response to stimulus). The first part of this lesson explains what history is (followed up with a clip), an overview of the assessment for the year, goal setting, rules and expectations. This is followed by an introduction to The Frontier Wars including terms to be copied into their glossary. Subsequently, contextual information is provided to set the scene: an explanation of what Indigenous life was like pre-contact, how Indigenous people came to be in Australia, the cultural achievements of Indigenous people, their beliefs about the land, language and learning, social organization, the role of elders, weapons, art, face & body painting. Finally, I explain what other groups the first Australians met before Cook, touch on the colonial mentality of the English and the reasons why BRitain wanted to colonise Australia (a place so far away). I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.