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multiply/divide by 10,100,1000 spinner

multiply/divide by 10,100,1000 spinner

Three spinners, one generates a random number upto 4 digits, second random multiply or divide, third chooses 10,100,1000. I use it with whiteboards as a quick starter. Rate and comment please....
Subitising Powerpoint

Subitising Powerpoint

A very simple Subitising Powerpoint. Select the time that each slide is on screen -1.5,2,3 seconds -click to play. The slide show will randomly choose 1 of 38 random slides with dots, then move on. It will run through 20 slides and return to start. Children call out how many dots they see. Rate and comments please (email on last slide for any problems) Ta


Powerpoint that I used for teaching fraction and decimal equivalents. Has interactive activities in there such as a matching pair -fraction to decimal, as well as some differentiate problems for children to do independently. Ta
Interactive Self Register Powerpoint

Interactive Self Register Powerpoint

This Powerpoint has the children's names displayed and when clicked asks them a random maths question. Question types are addition to 10, addition of 2 2digits to 50, multi to 10, multi to 5 -so can easily be used throughout KS1 &2. Hope someone finds it useful. Ta
Maths Games -Interactive Whiteboard

Maths Games -Interactive Whiteboard

Here's a Powerpoint that has five maths games on. They cover -Place Value, addition of single digit numbers, tables, addition and subtraction of single digit, and missing number problems (this on can generate quite testing ones needing a calculator). Please leave a comment and rate -as with all the PPt I put up here, please ensure the marcos are set to enable. Thanks
Multiplication Triangles

Multiplication Triangles

A Powerpoint that will generate 6 mulitplication at a time, covering the screen over about 30 seconds so as to put children on a time limit. Tables 2 to 12 can be chosen to practice. Please rate and comment...thanks
Subitising Updated -version 2

Subitising Updated -version 2

A very simple Subitising Powerpoint. Select the time that each slide is on screen -now ranging from 1.5seconds to 10 seconds in 1 second increments-click to play. The slide show will randomly choose 1 of 38 random slides with dots, then move on. It will run through 20 slides and return to start. Children call out how many dots they see. Rate and comments please (email on last slide for any problems) Ta
Times Tables Gladiator School

Times Tables Gladiator School

Here's a Powerpoint game that can be used on interactive whiteboards. The children are able to choose the level at which they'll play (times are 3, 5 ,and 10 second to answer). They then choose the tables to practice. They will face 20 random questions from the chosen one, they choose the correct answer from 6 random answers from those tables. On clicking the correct one they gain a point -if they hit incorrect they minus 1 point. There is also slides to record names and scores. My class love this game. Please comment and rate...Thanks


A small powerpoint that has `what number am I thinking of?' ¬guess my shape' and a spinner for probability. Easily changeable so could be used more than once. Any feed back would be welcomed.
Interactive Self Register 2

Interactive Self Register 2

Works in the same way as the first Self Register only this time the child is asked a random x10,100,1000 or /10,100, 1000. It generates random 2digit with up to 2 dp.It has been set to random so will ask any of the above or can be changed to just the one type. Hope you find it useful...Please leave comment and rating. Ta