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Descriptive writing- New Spec AQA
Easily adapted lesson for creative/descriptive writing. Can be used for any year group. Originally used for a year 8 class. Lesson can be used multiple times as you just need to change the pictures. Lesson encourages group work, building confidence with creative writing and descriptions. I have used this lesson with year 7s- year 11s and all have really enjoyed!

New Spec AQA English Language Creative/Descriptive Writing
Easily adaptable, can be used over and over. Includes differentiated success criteria/mark scheme as well as reflect and review.

AQA English Language New Spec Creative/Descriptive Writing
Range of images and tasks for Q5 writing on Paper 1. Can be used all year by changing the images. Includes differentiated success criteria for Grade 3-5 as well as Grade 6-9.

The History Boys - Group Essay Lesson (AQA)
Group essay lesson. Can be used for students working individually if adapted. Extract not attached as any extract can be used which makes the lesson easily adaptable. Originally used for low ability. Differentiated success criteria / check list.

Jekyll & Hyde (AQA) English Literature
Chapter by chapter revision. Exam questions. Around 3 lessons.

AQA Power & conflict poetry lesson
AQA English literature Power & conflict lesson.
Themes for comparison
Lesson sets up for own essay using own thesis but differentiated so students have an option.
Used on both a Yr 10 and a Yr 11 class. Easily adapted.

AQA English Literature Jekyll & Hyde Revison 2 hr
Jekyll & Hyde revision
Structuring an essay
Language analysis
Great for revision.

Jekyll & Hyde chapter by chapter revision
Whole lesson on each chapter of J&H. Each chapter has a summary.

KS3 English Language GCSE Prep AQA Scheme of Work
A complete SOW for KS3 that prepares them for end of year exams/GCSE papers. For the AQA spec but easily adapted.
4 weeks of lessons.
Resources included. (Some from other resources here at TES so added in this for free) Again these can be changed.
Can also be used for GCSE as goes through what should be done for each question.
Written by an AQA examiner.

Simon Armitage- 'Hitcher' Poetry lesson
‘Hitcher’ poetry lesson
Taught to year 9 cohort but can easily be adapted.
Follows AQA English literature AOs
Two lessons.

Lamb to the Slaughter- distance learning
3/4 lessons based on the short story- Lamb to the slaughter
Using AQA style tasks
Has been put together for home learning, but could be used in school too.
Very easy to follow and can be adapted as needed.
All resources included.

Carol Ann Duffy- 'Education for leisure' Poetry lesson
Two lessons based on Carol Ann Duffy- ‘Education for leisure’
AQA English literature tasks
Used for a year 9 class but easily adaptable.

KS3 AQA Language paper 2- Home/distance learning
A weeks worth of lessons put together for KS3.
AQA English Language Paper 2- Section A
Easy to follow lessons for students to access whilst at home.
Can easily be adapted.
Paper 2 practice papers are not my own.