I love maths and creating maths resources that fun, simple and engaged to encourage my students enjoy Maths. My passion is to create resources that encourage kids to love maths and to help teachers to prep their maths classes with a little time consuming. 😊
I love maths and creating maths resources that fun, simple and engaged to encourage my students enjoy Maths. My passion is to create resources that encourage kids to love maths and to help teachers to prep their maths classes with a little time consuming. 😊
Pythagoras’ Theorem Bundle (video lesson and workbook) to learn about Pythagoras’ Theorem and using Pythagoras’ Theorem to find the length of an unknown side in a right-angled triangle.
The bundle includes:
Introduction to Pythagoras Theorem (Video Lesson)
Introduction to Pythagoras Theorem - Workbook and Activity
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 8th to 11th
Learning Outcomes:
• Identify the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle
• Understand the relationship between the side lengths of a right angled triangle
• Understand Pythagoras’ Theorem for right-angled triangles
• Use Pythagoras’ Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse given the other two sides
• Use Pythagoras Theorem to find a side of a right-angled triangle given one side and the hypotenuse
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Investigate Pythagoras’ Theorem and its application to solving simple problems involving right angled triangles (ACMMG222)
Apply Pythagoras’ theorem to solve problems (ACMEM116)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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A fun classroom activity to practise connects fractions, decimals & percentages.
Students colour the matching fraction, decimal & percentage with the same colour.
The answer key is also included.
The activity in two formats: Printable and PowerPoint and in British and American English.
Skills Level: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 4th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
– Connect fractions, decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Connect fractions, decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions (ACMNA157)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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Practise calculating 10%, 50% and 25% of the given amounts and colouring activity.
Students find the answers then colour each object with the colour matching the answer.
Answer keys is included.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 4th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
Practise 10%, 25% and 50% of amounts
Australian Curriculum:
Find percentages of quantities and express one quantity as a percentage of another, with and without the use of digital technologies (ACMNA158)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Decimal Mazes is a fun activity to practise adding and subtracting decimals.
All mazes have the same target number which is 100.
Students complete each maze by finding the correct number for each blank box.
Answer keys are also included.
The PowerPoint is editable, teachers can change the numbers to make more decimals mazes.
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Financial Mathematics Lesson 1: Calculating Wages and Salaries
This resource includes:
Lesson Plan in PowerPoint (Editable).
Teacher type the expected learning outcomes/ standards
Lesson in PowerPoint (Editable and clickable)
Teacher follows the PowerPoint slides for the lesson procedure.
Student’s workbook in two styles
Exit Ticket in PowerPoint (Editable). Print the page after edited.
The workbook comes in 2 styles.
Style 1: Cover, fill in the blank notes, worksheets and Homework
Style 2: Cover, completed notes, worksheets and Homework
Total pages in each workbook: 16
Easy classroom preparation: Just print and staple all pages together to
make a workbook.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy).
Grades: 9th to 12th
Learning Outcomes:
Calculate earnings from wages and salaries
Calculate earnings from wages for a various time of periods, given an hourly rate of pay.
Calculate weekly, fortnightly, monthly and yearly earnings
Skill Focus:
Calculating elapsed time
Rounding money to the nearest cent.
Converting income from one period to another.
File 1: Resource Description (pdf format)
File 2: Income Lesson (in PowerPoint, editable and clickable)
File 3: Workbook Style 1
File 4: Workbook Style 2
File 5: Answer Keys
File 6: Exit Tickets (in PowerPoint, editable)
File 7: Lesson plan (in PowerPoint, editable)
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Calculate weekly or monthly wage from an annual salary, wages from an hourly rate including situations involving overtime and other allowances and earnings based on commission or piecework (ACMGM002)
Convert units of rates occurring in practical situations to solve problems (ACMEM015)
Scaffolded Notes + Worksheets + solutions + mini folded notes to learn and practise how to calculate wages and salaries for various time periods.
Grades: 9th to 12th
Learning Outcomes:
Calculate earnings from wages and salaries
Calculate earnings from wages for a various time of periods, given an hourly rate of pay.
Calculate weekly, fortnightly, monthly and yearly earnings
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Calculate weekly or monthly wage from an annual salary, wages from an hourly rate (ACMGM002)
Convert units of rates occurring in practical situations to solve problems (ACMEM015)
Financial Maths Resources:
Financial Maths: Calculating Wages and Salaries
Financial Maths:Comparing Wages and Salaries & Job Advertisements
Financial Maths: Calculating Overtime Pay
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Algebra worksheets and answers to
practise simplifying algebraic expressions that involve multiplication and division.
introduce the index law of multiplication.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 7th to 9th
Also suitable for Australian Curriculum
Simplify algebraic expressions involving the four operations (ACMNA192)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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This resource contains worksheets and answers about rounding multi-digit numbers to the nearest any place value.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner
Grades: 5th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
• Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest whole number, 10, 100, 1000 or up to million.
Also suitable for Australian Curriculum
Round decimals to a specified number of decimal places (ACMNA156)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Fun activities to learn fractions with colouring pages
**Adding & Subtracting Unlike Fractions: **
2 Fraction Mazes with 44 questions for students to practise adding & subtracting unlike fractions (Different denominators) then express the answers in simplest fractions.
The resource is in Printable (pdf) and PowerPoint Slides
Teaching Ideas:
Students work individually or in pairs to complete the fraction mazes then they swap their page with their friend or another pair to check the answers.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
**Grades: **5th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
Adding and subtracting unlike fractions (Different denominators)
Writing fractions in their simplest form.
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Financial Mathematics Lesson 2:
Comparing Wages and Salaries & Job Advertisement (Pair Tasks)
Students work in pairs to complete all tasks.
Lesson Plan in PowerPoint (Editable).
Teacher types the expected learning outcomes/ standards
Lesson in PowerPoint (Editable and clickable)
Teacher follows the PowerPoint slides for the lesson procedure.
Student’s workbook
Easy classroom preparation:
• Just print and staple all pages together to make a workbook for each student.
• Use the PowerPoint slides for the lesson procedure
Grades: 9th to 12th
Learning Outcomes:
• Comparing wages and salaries
• Calculate earnings from wages for various time periods, given an hourly rate of pay.
• Calculate weekly, fortnightly, monthly and yearly earnings
Skill Focus:
Working mathematically, communicating and reasoning
• Read and understand the content of the employment pages of a newspaper.
• Understand how to interpret a job advertisement.
• Use classifieds and advertisements to compare pay rates and conditions for different positions
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Calculate weekly or monthly wage from an annual salary, wages from an hourly rate… Use classifieds and online advertisements to compare pay rates and conditions for different positions (Problem Solving) (ACMGM002)
Convert units of rates occurring in practical situations to solve problems (ACMEM015)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Consumer Math flipbooks help students to
understand the concept of buying on terms.
calculate the cost of buying items by paying a deposit and making regular repayments that include simple interest
The flipbook comes in 2 styles.
Style 1: Cover, fill in the blank notes and worksheets
Style 2: Cover, completed notes and worksheets
Total pages in each flipbook: 11
Easy classroom preparation: Just print and glue each page in students’ notebooks or staple all pages together to make a flipbook.
Answer keys and students’ folded notes are also included.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 9th to 12th
Key learning:
Solve financial problems involving purchasing goods and simple interest.
Understand buying on terms.
Calculate buying on terms deposit.
Finding the interest charged in dollars or as a percentage of the balance owing.
Calculate the total cost using buying on terms.
Calculate the extra pay using the buying on terms method.
Calculate each regular instalment.
Also suitable for Australian Curriculum:
Solve financial problems involving purchasing goods (MA4-6NA)
Solve problems involving simple interest (ACMNA211)
Apply appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems (MA4-2WM)
Calculate a percentage of a given amount (ACMEM011)
Determine one amount expressed as a percentage of another (ACMEM012)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Scaffolded notes + worksheets + activity + solutions + mini folded notes to
learn and practise:
Understand the types of relations
Identify types of relations in a given domain and range in forms such as mapping diagrams, sets of ordered pairs and a table of values.
Classify a variety of types of graphs as a specific type of relation and as a function or not a function.
Understand the formal definition of a function as a set of ordered pairs (x, y) of real numbers such that each x-value is exactly connected to one y-value.
• File 1: Resources Description and other info
• File 2: Teacher Notes for transparencies and whiteboards
• File 3: Workbook A (Fill in the blank notes + Worksheets)
• File 4: Workbook B (Filled notes + Worksheets)
• File 5: Solutions
• File 6: Relations Map activity
• File 7: Student mini folded notes
There are two styles of the workbook.
Style 1: Cover, fill in the blank notes and worksheets
Style 2: Cover, filled notes and worksheets
Total pages in each workbook: 14
Easy classroom preparation:
• For teacher notes: print the notes on transparencies or display them on a whiteboard.
• For the workbook: print and staple all pages together to make a book.
• For the activity: print the activity. Students need scissors and glue.
• For the mini folded notes: print, fold and glue the pages to make a mini notebook.
Grades: 9th & 12th
Learning Outcomes:
Define a relation as any set of ordered pairs (x, y) of real numbers.
Define a function and a relation as mappings between sets, and as a rule or a formula that defines one variable quantity in terms of another.
Identify types of relations in a given domain and range in forms such as mapping diagrams, sets of ordered pairs and a table of values.
Understand the formal definition of a function as a set of ordered pairs (x, y) of real numbers such that each x-value is exactly connected to one y-value.
Write a possible equation for relations.
Classify a variety of types of graphs as a specific type of relation and as a function or not a function.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Use function notation, domain and range, independent and dependent variables (ACMMM023)
Understand the concept of the graph of a function (ACMMM024)
Other resource about Mapping Diagrams:
Mapping Diagrams and Functions Workbook
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Scaffolded notes + worksheets + answer keys + mini folded notes to learn and practise:
Use the notation for recurring (repeating) decimals.
Convert terminating decimals to fractions.
Convert recurring decimals to fractions.
Compare and order terminating decimals and recurring decimals.
The scaffolded notes show step by step how to convert repeated decimals to fractions.
Grades: 7th to 10th
There are two styles of workbook.
Style 1: Cover, fill in the blank notes and worksheets
Style 2: Cover, filled notes and worksheets
Total pages in each workbook: 14
Easy classroom preparation:
For teacher notes: print the notes on transparencies or display them on a whiteboard.
For the workbook: print and staple all pages together to make a book.
For the mini folded notes: print, fold and glue the pages to make a mini booklet.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Investigate terminating and recurring decimals (ACMNA184)
Connect fractions, decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions (ACMNA157)
Apply appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems (MA4-2WM)
Communicates and connects mathematical ideas using appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols (MA4-1WM)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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Students practise:
Identify the base number and index (power or exponent) of numbers written in index form.
Write numbers in index form.
Use BODMAS (PEMDAS) to calculate mathematics operations involving indices.
Use scientific notation to write large and small numbers.
Grade: 6th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
Describe numbers written in index form.
Write numbers in index form.
Calculate mathematics operations involving indices.
Use scientific notation to write large and small numbers.
Also Comply with Australian Curriculum:
Investigate index notation and represent whole numbers as products of powers of prime numbers (ACMNA149).
Use index notation with numbers to establish the index laws with positive integral indices and the zero index (ACMNA182).
Express numbers in scientific notation (ACMNA210)
Indices (Exponents) Resources:
Numbers in Index Form Worksheets
Differential Calculus:
The Equation of Tangent and Normal to a Curve problems and step-by step solutions.
Students think critically, demonstrate knowledge of functions and differential calculus.
Apply the appropriate formulas, sketch the graph of y = f(x) with the tangent and normal.
Use mathematical strategies to solve all questions.
Learning Outcomes:
Understand the derivative as the gradient of the tangent to the curve of y = f(x) at a point.
Understand that the normal on the curve is perpendicular to the tangent.
Find the gradient of the tangent and normal at a point on the curve.
Find the equation of the tangent and normal of the curve at a point.
Practise sketching a curve with the tangent and normal.
Find the angle of inclination.
Grades: 11th to 12th
Also comply with Australian Curriculum
Interpret the derivative as the gradient of the tangent to the graph of y = f(x) at a point (ACMMM085)
Estimate numerically the value of the derivative at a point, for simple power functions (ACMMM086)
understand the concept of the derivative as a function (ACMMM089)
Differential Calculus Resources:
Differential Calculus -The Equation of Tangents to a Curve- Critical Thinking
Back to school Freebie :)
Identifying Significant Figures:
4 tasks (40 questions) for students to practise about significant figures:
Determine the number of significant figures for the given numbers.
Short answer questions to check students’ understanding of significant figures.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 8th to 10th
Geometry Resources:
Trapezium Area: Lesson Notes + Worksheets + Answers
Solving Trapezium Problems
Math Manipulatives Part 1 flipbook about the Trapezium Area
Geometry | The Angle Sum of a Triangle | Printable Activity
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Surds (Radicals) Activity to practise simplifying, comparing and arranging surds.
Surds worksheets and colouring pages to practise surds in a fun way.
6 tasks plus solutions
Easy classroom preparation: Just print then fold the pages.
Skills Level: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 8th to 12th
Learning Outcomes:
Simplifying surds (Writing surds in simplest form).
Comparing surds.
Arranging surds.
There are two versions: American English and British (Australian) English.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Define rational and irrational numbers and perform operations with surds (ACMNA264)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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I designed these calendars for my fellow teachers and their students.
There are two styles: colors and grayscale.
Steps to make a lovely calendar:
Print the page
Punch hole
Give a nice ribbon
Have a lovely Christmas :)
A fun classroom activity to practise converting fractions, decimals & percentages.
Students connect the fractions, decimals and percentages that have the same value and colouring the page.
The answer key is also included.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 4th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
Connect fractions, decimals and percentages.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Connect fractions, decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions (ACMNA157)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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