All resources
Artaud Year 12 Practitioners
6 lessons exploring Artaud, his history and tasks revevant to his practice. This work is designed to be delivered to Year 12 but could be shown to a high ability year 11
It is ready for action, starters, lesson objectives and plenaries
Berkoff Year 12 Practitioners
6 lessons exploring Berkoff , his history and tasks revevant to his practice. This work is designed to be delivered to Year 12 but could be shown to a high ability year 11
It is ready for action, starters, lesson objectives and plenaries
I also have a range of other practitioners too…
OCR Blood Brothers Full SOW
This is a full SOW looking into all elements of the written OCR exam for Blood Brothers. Includes
Historical context
Social Context
Cultural Context
Stage Shapes
Practice questions
Very Visual :)
Stanislavski Year 12 Practitioners
6 lessons exploring Stanislavski, his history and tasks revevant to his practice. This work is designed to be delivered to Year 12 but could be shown to a high ability year 11
It is ready for action, starters, lesson objectives and plenaries
I also have a range of other practitioners too…
Design elements inspired from other work
Blood Brothers Visual Plot Summary Map
Social Context Map for Blood Brothers
Historical Context Map for Blood Brothers
Cultural Context Map for Blood Brothers
Plot Summary timeline for Blood Brothers **
Can purchase as a bundle or individually
Live Theatre Evaluation - Component 3 Section A
A whole Powerpoint on how to answer Section A - Live Theatre evaluation for A Level students
How they will be assessed
Structure of whole essay
Structure of main body points
Writing your response
Achieving top band explanation
Analysing example
Frantic Assembly Year 12 practitioners
6 lessons exploring Berkoff , their history and tasks revevant to their practice. This work is designed to be delivered to Year 12 but could be shown to a high ability year 11
It is ready for action, starters, lesson objectives and plenaries
I also have a range of other practitioners too…
Level 1/2 Component 1: BTEC in Performing Arts (Drama) Curious Incident
Component 1 - all powerpoints
Student booklets
Help sheets
Feedback sheets
Focus on Curious Incident
Missing Dan Nolan OCR
Full powerpoint for written OCR exam for missing dan nolan.
Stage shapes
social context and much more!
Physical Theatre Year 8/9
Full SOW on physical theatre including lesson objectives and plenarys
7 lessons in total
Perfect for Year 8 & 9
Antigone full SOW
This is a complete scheme of work for Antigone AQA
It goes through each scene/episode/stasimon and includes;
Practical exploration
Written exploration
Knowledge and understanding information
Links to wider reading and myths.
Retrieval starters
It has everything you’ll need.
Writing frames I refer to in the powerpoint are not included due to being adapted from someone elses work.
Stage Shapes/ Stage configurations
This lesson is to either recap or teach different types of staging. This is designed for Year 11 but can be used for other year groups.
It clearly states pros and cons of each stage shape. Used for OCR GCSE Drama.
AQA A LEVE Comp 1 Section C Live Evaluation (How to write)
This is a full powerpoint with lesson objectives, starters and plenaries.
It breaks down how to write comp 1 section c in full. It also includes examples and tasks for the students. It is matched against the spec and criteria.
Enjoy :)
Year 8 Stage Shapes/Configurations full SOW
This SOW is aimed at teaching all stage shapes for the written exam, however in a practical way.
Includes tasks within all stage shapes, definitions, pros & cons for each.
New stage shape each lesson
Very visual. All with lesson objectives, starters, games etc
Blood Brothers Context Maps (HISTORICAL CONTEXT)
Social Context Map for Blood Brothers
Historical Context Map for Blood Brothers **
Cultural Context Map for Blood Brothers
Plot Summary timeline for Blood Brothers
Can purchase as a bundle or individually
Component 3 - Theatre makers in practice Section C: Interpreting a performance How to write the exam
In this powerpoint I go into detail on how to write the exam for COMP 3 - Theatre makers in practice Section C: Interpreting a performance text
It includes,
Information about the exam
Their concept
Exam questions - Dicussing the fact their are two they can chose from and how different they are
How to respond to each question
What to write
How to get a higher grade
How to answer both different types of question
Essay structure - Intro
Essay structure - Main body
Essay structure - Conclusion
Paragraph structure
Level 1/2 BTEC tech award in performing arts - Component 1 (Finishes 2023 cohort)
Included are the following
LAA - Learning aim A powerpoint
LAB - Learning aim B powerpoint
Exploring blood brothers through stanislaviski and another seperate powerpoint on Curious incident.
New scheme added for new tech award
Blood Brothers Context & Plot Maps (SOCIAL CONTEXT)
Social Context Map for Blood Brothers **
Historical Context Map for Blood Brothers
Cultural Context Map for Blood Brothers
Plot Summary timeline for Blood Brothers
Bundle available for all or can purchase individually
Level 1/2 BTEC iin performing arts - Component 2
All powerpoints - Workshops for filming
Student guide
Concept Planning Document
Preparing for Section C : Interpreting a performance text
This is the concept planning document I use.