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Keats' Eve of St. Agnes in pictures
1 picture per stanza. Can be used for display or revision / discussion purposes. The pictures can link to a key quote per stanza.

Songs of Innocence & Experience - Thematic groupings
Suggestions for groupings of ‘Songs’ based on themes of Political and Social Protest writing to encourage confident selection of relevant poems, formulation of argument and discussion.

Key quotes: Death of a Salesman
KS5 AQA Spec B Literature Aspects of Tragedy.
8 Key quotes from across the play with a creative idea to create a quote poem to aid memorisation!

Shelley's use of the epistolary form
Aimed at KS4 students studying ‘Frankenstein’ for the 19th Century novel section of AQA GCSE Literature Paper 1. Includes a focus on the epistolary form in the opening to the novel and encourages students to consider why Shelley may have chosen this particular narrative technique. .

Colour-coded analytical paragraphs (AQA Paper1 Section C - Tragedy)
Model paragraphs in response to 2 exam style questions using colour coding linked to assessment objectives. Second model can be used to apply the colour-coding approach. Also useful as a structuring / scaffolding tool to support analytical writing.

Intro to short stories
Powerpoint for an introductory lesson exploring genres, plot types and typical feaures of short stories. (This leads onto a focus on Gothic genre and specific conventions (Lesson 2) and using conventions to produce creative writing (Lesson 3). These are separate lessons also available on TES.)

Gothic genre and devices (Lesson 2)
Powerpoint to share and consolidate what we know about the gothic genre and understand about some of the typical devices used.

Gothic writing
A powerpoint lesson recapping on the key features and devices of the gothic genre and then successfully applying some of these to our own writing?

Dramatic devices in 'Death of a Salesman'
A powerpoint naming devices used for dramatic effectiveness by Arthur Miller in his modern tragedy. This can be used as a springboard to discuss analysis of techniques used and their impacts on an audience.

AQA GCSE Lit Power & Conflict poetry key quotes
1 slide per P & C poem with 3 key quotes and related images. Can be used for display or edited to use for retrieval activities.