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Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers




Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 20 Understanding Mental Well-being Learning Aim C

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 20 Understanding Mental Well-being Learning Aim C

BTEC L3 Unit 20 continuation of booklet, 21 pages of spec content which is not in the core Pearson text book. Covers Learning Aim C, as below and has an applied activity for P4 and P5 which teaches students how to achieve the Merit and Distinction. Learning aim C: Examine the impact of mental ill health on individuals and others in their social networks C1 The impact of mental ill health on individuals • Psychological and emotional outcomes. • The effects of medication. • The outcomes of psychological treatments. • The use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). • Counselling. • Other treatments. • Ethical considerations, to include informed consent C2 Mental ill health and relationships How mental ill health might have an impact on the individuals’ relationships. • Practical and financial outcomes. • The impact of using services. • Social exclusion. • Discrimination and stigma. • The effects on informal carers and family members. • The impact on the community and society. For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology Revision Quiz about symptoms

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology Revision Quiz about symptoms

54 slide quiz presentation testing students knowledge on the spec health conditions and malfunctions in body systems and the biology behind the symptom, with additional slides which help students who were not abloe to answer correctly. Presented in a team fun competitive way which students will engage in, especially when they are fed-up with revision! There is an accopanying team quiz answer sheet and a blank and a completed table of the whole list of the spec malfunctions and health conditions which cover the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, which students can then complete as a follow on task. For the full range of resources for Level 2 and 3 BTEC or CTEC resources, follow me on TES to find them all in the same place with a handy search facility #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources :-)
T-Level Health 2024-2025 B2.5-B2.7 Cardiovascular system and CHD

T-Level Health 2024-2025 B2.5-B2.7 Cardiovascular system and CHD

T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package for B2.5 B2.6 and B2.7. If you are following my SoW it is for weeks beginning 25th Sept & 6th Oct 2024. There is a 133 slide presentation which you can stop-start, set slides as homework, encourages class discussions and has embedded YouTube clips to engage learners. Alongside this is a 30 page booklet with guided for note taking, activities and exam questions (with answers) The cardiovascular system and Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) complete spec is covered below B2.5 The role of the components in performing the functions of the cardiovascular system: components of the cardiovascular system: o mammalian heart: atria, ventricles, aorta, vena cava, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, mitral value and aortic valve o arteries o veins PLEASE REVIEW THIS PACKAGE :-) o capillaries o blood made up of plasma, platelets, erythrocyte and leukocytes o the path blood would take around the human cardiovascular system B2.6 The process of the cardiac cycle: • the electrical activity of the heart (for example, PQRST waves) and how heart rate is controlled and regulated • pressure changes in the heart and blood vessels and how this is linked to blood pressure B2.7 The development, impact and management of coronary heart disease (CHD): • causes of the disease • impact on systems within the body and on physical and mental health • how common treatments relieve symptoms: o blood thinning medicines o statins o betablockers o lifestyle changes o surgery, to include stents and transplant PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW FOR THIS RESOURCE, THANK YOU The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time. You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up! Good luck in your teaching :-) #hscresources #tlevelhealth
CTEC L3 Unit 15 Promoting Health; LO1 Assignments, Benefits of a healthy lifestyle

CTEC L3 Unit 15 Promoting Health; LO1 Assignments, Benefits of a healthy lifestyle

This resource package contains two assignments, student check-off front sheets, five presentations, activities, guidance which covers all the content required, for the delivery of the Cambridge Technical Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 15 Promoting Health and Wellbeing Learning Objective 1. The resources cover the content of the LO1 spec, below:- 1.1 Personal benefits of regular physical activity, i.e. physical (e.g. weight loss, increased muscle mass and tone, lower pulse rate, larger heart, increased lung • efficiency, increased bone density) • health (e.g. reduced chance of developing: obesity, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis) • psychological/emotional (e.g. reduced stress, increased motivation, reduction in depression, improved self-esteem, improved confidence) • social (e.g. increased social contact) 1.2 Personal benefits of healthy eating, i.e. • physical (e.g. healthy skins, improved immune system, optimum organ function, weight loss) • health (e.g. less chance of developing obesity, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, some cancers; improved fertility) • emotional (e.g. improved self-esteem, improved confidence, improved concentration) 1.3 Benefits to society of maintaining a healthy lifestyle (e.g. increased life expectancy, reducing sickness and dependency, reducing cost of care, controlling communicable diseases) 1.4 Adverse life style choices, i.e. • smoking • alcohol • drug use • legal highs • unprotected sex • overexposure to UV light #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources #hscresources
T-Level Health 2024-2025 A6 Recording and sharing information linked to A5

T-Level Health 2024-2025 A6 Recording and sharing information linked to A5

T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package, if you are following my SoW Wk14 for 13th January 2025. Included is a 46-slide presentation with discussion points, embedded videos and guidance and a 21-page student booklet for notes. The content of these resources covers the below; A6.1 Their role in relation to record keeping and audits: their role in relation to record keeping, their role in relation to audits A6.2 Why personal information is collected, stored and protected: collected: stored: protected: data protection regulations, information governance A6.3 The types of information needed when obtaining a client history: name, date of birth, individual NHS or hospital number, presenting complaint, history of presenting complaint, drug history, family history, social history, social care involvement A6.4 The purpose and common types of abbreviations used in the healthcare sector: purpose of common abbreviations: common abbreviations used: PRN, BP, MAR, DNR, MST, NEWS2, PEW A6.5 The advantages of reporting systems for managing information with regards to incidents, events and conditions: advantages of reporting systems A6.6 When it may be appropriate to share information and the considerations that need to be made when sharing data: when it is appropriate to share information, considerations when sharing data A6.7 The different formats for the sharing of information A 6.8 The reasons for record keeping and how this contributes to the overall care of the individual: reasons for record keeping, how it contributes to the overall care of the individual ** PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW FOR THIS RESOURCE, THANK YOU ** The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time. You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up! Good luck in your teaching :-) #hscresources #tlevelhealth
BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy & Physiology C1 Medical Research

BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy & Physiology C1 Medical Research

This resource package consists of two PowerPoints and an 8 page accompanying booklet, covering the BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy & Physiology C1 Medical Research part of the spec. You have the option to alter or add to this and make the data in examples, local to your particular area to make it more relevant for students. For the rest of the Unit 3 A and P spec resources, follow me on TES and they can be found easily. Life is too short to spend all your time working so take a short cut for a few pounds… …so you have enough time to get on with the relentless marking! There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources Thank you and good luck! Alison
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 20 Understanding Mental Well-being Learning Aim B

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 20 Understanding Mental Well-being Learning Aim B

This 32 page booklet was created as the BTEC Unit 20 Mental Well-being Learning Aim B is not in the book. It is covering information of the below spec and is a continuation of the Learning Aim A booklet also on TES (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-level-3-health-and-social-care-unit-20-understanding-mental-well-being-learning-aim-a-11797204) There is space for student notes and activities to help students analyse the classifications and be able to evaluate this applied to their case study. Learning Aim B: Examine how the main forms of mental ill health are classified B1 Recognised mental ill-health conditions and their symptoms according to current classification systems Categories within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), e.g.: • mood disorders • personality disorders • anxiety disorders • psychotic disorders • substance-related disorders • eating disorders • cognitive disorders B2 Strengths and limitations of classification systems • Raising awareness of mental ill health. • Influencing the research agenda. • Labelling and stigmatisation. • The diagnosis of the main depressive disorders. • Atypical presentations There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
BTEC Level 3 Unit 4 Current Research in Health and Social Care, Learning Aim B1 research methodology

BTEC Level 3 Unit 4 Current Research in Health and Social Care, Learning Aim B1 research methodology

A 34 page booklet with places for students to write their own notes, applied activities and reference to the BTEC HSC L3 Student Book 2, which can be adapted and altered (on Word) to meet your own teaching style. (The booklet follows on from the Learning Aim A booklet, also on TES). The page numbering continues from the Unit 4 LAA booklet, also on TES To accompany this there are TEN PowerPoints which cover the content for all of Learning Aim B1, as below... B1 Research methodologies • Organisations involved in research, to include health authorities, local authorities, social service departments and charities and community organisations, Office for National Statistics (ONS). • Research methods, including questionnaires, interviews, case studies, scientific experiments, checklists, observation, and their advantages and disadvantages. • Analysis of data, e.g. data compiled from local authorities and GP surgeries, to identify whether methods of care and support or treatment for health conditions are successful, to identify trends. • The difference between qualitative and quantitative data. • Conducting effective literature searches. • Identifying, analysing and evaluating source material. There's a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
Risk Assessment Activity - Health and Social Care

Risk Assessment Activity - Health and Social Care

This is a Risk Assessment activity for Health and Social Care students. The first risk assessment in a Residential Home for Moving and Handling as well as Slips, Trips and Falls, is completed and can be part of an initial discussion, after the definition of Risk Assessment, Hazard, Risk and Control Measure. There are two video’s to watch. This follows with a whole class activity, completing a risk assessment together, for a trip out, with some prompts Finally, there is a paired activity is for students to demonstrate their understanding. For more free and small charge complete resource packages, visit my TES shop to find resources for Level 1, 2 and 3 Health and Social Care #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources Good luck, with your teaching :-)
Medical or Biomedical Model and Social Model of Health and Well-Being

Medical or Biomedical Model and Social Model of Health and Well-Being

PowerPoint presentation on both the Medical or Biomedical Model of Health and a second one for the Social Model of Health. Card sort activity which has statements comparing the differences Application to health care treatment - Case Study Mrs.Mistry showing how treatment varies depending on the models to ensure complete understanding. For more Health and Social Care resources, follow me on TES to find the wide range of resource packages in one place with a handy search facility, to cut down on time. #hscresources TES shop Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
Nephron dice game with cards - filtration and reabsorbtion

Nephron dice game with cards - filtration and reabsorbtion

This is an A4 size game board which requires a dice to engage students and test their learning about Anti-Diuretic Hormone controls and urine production, aimed at Level 3’s. Print off back to back and preferably laminate the cards. The instructions are included, working in pairs. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources Good luck in your teaching :-)
BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 26 Health Psychology Learning Aim C1. C2. D1 and D2

BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 26 Health Psychology Learning Aim C1. C2. D1 and D2

A 51 page booklet with information covering the BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 26 Health Psychology Learning Aim C1. C2. D1 and D2 in preparation for students assignment 2. There is information relating to each part in the spec and seven Powerpoints with areas for activities and notes. The booklet is a Microsoft word document which means you can add to it or alter it, to suit your teaching needs. This is a continuation booklet from the initial Unit 26 Learning Aims A and B, also uploaded onto TES and is page numbered accordingly, however, this can also be changed. The content covered, as below:- Learning aim C: Investigate models of stress and related strategies for managing stress C1 Development of stress models • The fight or flight model, general adaptation syndrome. • Life events theory. • Psychosocial models of stress. • Role of psychological factors, locus of control, personality type. C2 Stress management strategies • Coping strategies and responses, including problem focused, emotion focused, defence mechanisms. • Stress-illness link, including effects of stress on immune system, effects of lack of or too much information on illness, role and extent of family and wider social support. Positive coping mechanisms, including relaxation techniques. • Negative coping mechanisms, including alcohol or other substance abuse. • Behavioural techniques, cognitive techniques. • Importance to professionals of having knowledge of stress-management strategies. Learning aim D: Explore the role of psychology in dealing with pain and ill health D1 Concepts of pain and ill health • Theories of pain. • The role of psychological factors in pain perception. • Organic pain, psychogenic pain. • Acute and chronic pain, referred pain. • Injury without pain, pain without injury. • Measuring pain. • Controlling pain, application of psychological approaches to alleviation of pain. D2 Psychological theories related to pain and ill health • Diagnosis and behaviour change. • Alleviation of symptoms, coping mechanisms. • Effect on families and dependants. • Illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, back pain, asthma. For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out Good luck in your teaching :-)
BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 4 Current Research Resources for examining May 2018 Asthma

BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 4 Current Research Resources for examining May 2018 Asthma

A resource package of a 26 slide PowerPoint Step-byStep Walk-through of how to tackle the Pearsons Unit 4 May 2018 Part A Asthma Atricle. It inclucdes, initial research thoughts, the 4-sides of research and references to take into the Part B exam and model answers for students to analyse as well as the exam board feedback for this paper. There is also some revision guidance and resources. For more free and small charge OCR CTEC and Pearson’s BTEC Level 2 and 3 Health & Social Care resources, visit my shop to find the full range, with a handy search facility to cut down on time. #hscresources TES shop Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out Good luck in your teaching, this is a challenging unit!
CTEC level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Impact on Long-Term Physiological Conditions resources

CTEC level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Impact on Long-Term Physiological Conditions resources

Twelve informative and engaging PowerPoints covering the content for Unit 14 P1.  A types of illness or medical condition; chronic illness P2.  Possible causes P3. Range of symptoms i.e. M1. Biological explanations i.e. P1.  A type of illness or medical condition; neurological conditions (Now more detail, choose either multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s disease) P2.  Possible causes (e.g. lifestyle, social influences, inherited, birth injury occupational) P3. Range of symptoms i.e. M1. Biological explanations i.e. P1.  A type of illness or medical condition; degenerative conditions (Choose from either type II diabetes or osteoporosis) P2.  Possible causes (e.g. lifestyle, social influences, inherited, birth injury occupational) P3. Symptoms i.e. M1. Biological explanations i.e. P1.  A type of illness or medical condition; autoimmune conditions (Choose between coeliac disease or rheumatoid arthritis) P2. Causes (e.g. lifestyle, social influences, inherited, birth injury occupational) P3. Symptoms i.e. M1. Biological explanations i.e. For more resources for the Cambridge Technical other units or BTEC L2 and 3, follow me on TES to find them all in the same place, cutting down on your time, searching for resources :-) #hscresources
CTEC Level 3 Unit 1 Building Positive Relationships in HSC resources; communication, assessment

CTEC Level 3 Unit 1 Building Positive Relationships in HSC resources; communication, assessment

A week by week delivery plan,nine PowerPoints, guidance, activities, group interaction case studies and witness statements for the delivery of CTEC Level 3 Unit 1 Building Positive Relationships in Health and Social Care. For more Cambridge Technical Level 3 resources and BTEC Level 2 and 3 resources, follow me on TES to find them all in one place, cutting down on time spent searching ... #hscresources
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 4 Enquiries into Current Health Mini Mock exam

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 4 Enquiries into Current Health Mini Mock exam

A mini mock exam; a simplified article and familiar topic of Measles outbreak so less time needed to research, unlike the 18 Controlled Assessment hours in the real exam! Exam model answer mapped to the marking criteria for students to have a go themselves, then look at areas they could improve using model answer. First get them thinking about what they can research about relating to the article, then move onto answer exam answers. There is a guidance sheet and examples of how to plan to answer a ‘further research’ question Q3, breaking it down and how it leads to Q4. The section for further research is left open for students to practice their learning on how to carry out research and use their imagination as to how their research findings could influence improvements in the up-take of the MMR vaccine, especially the 2nd dose. There is a visual guidance with considerations as a ‘help sheet’ also included. There is good use of current research, using weblinks to draw in students who have been struggling to engage, as it’s interesting stuff,my students loved it and they haven’t been loving the until! In addition there is a methodologies advantages and disadvantages revision sheet as a homework activity and an extension research task about children consenting and Gillick Compentency testing Did you know their is a Health and Social Care Resource sharing Facebook group with over 5,000 teachers all supporting each other, join the biggest ever subject team. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Cambridge Technical Level 3 Unit 4 Anatomy & Physiology Malfunctions and disorders and revision

Cambridge Technical Level 3 Unit 4 Anatomy & Physiology Malfunctions and disorders and revision

Revision resource package for the Cambridge Technical Level 3 Unit 4 Anatomy & Physiology, wihich cotains a malfunctions and disorder summary sheet, neuron sweetie activity, roll-a-die adaptable game, motivation poster and PowerPoin of command words, revision ideas and how to answer longer questions activity. A revision booklet that can be enlarged to A3for students to summarise key points from each body system is also included. For more CTEC Cambridge Technical resource packages, visit the HSCresources shop and find the wide range of resources all in the same place, with a handy search facility to cut down on time. #hscresources TES shop Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,200 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
CTEC L3 Unit 13 Sexual Health LO1 Assignments, Sexual Consent, STI's, grooming and personla safety

CTEC L3 Unit 13 Sexual Health LO1 Assignments, Sexual Consent, STI's, grooming and personla safety

A resource package for the delivery of the OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3’s Unit 13 Sexual health, reproduction and early development Learning Objective 1. There are two assignments and student check-off sheets as well as teaching resources to cover all aspects of the spec below. LO1. Understand sexual health and contraception 1.1 Sexual consent, i.e. • Sexual Offences Act 2003 • statutory definition of consent • legal age of consent • sex and relationship education at school 1.2 Sexual health, i.e. • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), i.e. o chlamydia o bacterial vaginosis o genital herpes o gonorrhoea o hepatitis o pubic lice o syphilis o HIV/AIDS • personal safety (e.g. alcohol, nights out, transport, social media, ‘stranger danger’) • grooming (e.g. Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre (CEOP), vulnerable groups (e.g. looked-after children, learning disabilities)) • medical checks (e.g. smear tests, self-examination (e.g. male and female), tests for STIs (e.g. GUM clinic) 1.3 Methods of contraception, i.e. • combined pill • female/male condoms • contraceptive implant • contraceptive injection • contraceptive patch • diaphragms/caps • intrauterine device (IUD) • intrauterine system ( IUS) • natural family planning • progestogen-only pill (mini pill) • vaginal ring • emergency contraception (‘morning after pill’) • female sterilisation • male sterilisation #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,200 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy & Physiology B11. Reproduction Systems

BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy & Physiology B11. Reproduction Systems

This is a resource package, which consists of an 18 page interactive student booklet for the BTEC Health and Social Care Level 3 Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology B11 Reproductive System and dysfunctions, which you can use as it is or make additions and alter. There are nine engaging PowerPoints and additional work sheet tasks and activities and you can add to or alter these to suit your teaching style. PowerPoints are well designed and have embedded videos in them, with booklet pages for students to make notes and example of possible exam questions that may be asked. To finish of this area of content, there is a 100 mark exam paper with mark scheme which B11 Structure, function and disorders of the reproductive system, content… Female reproductive structures and functions:  ovaries – production of eggs o fallopian tubes – carrying eggs to uterus and site of fertilisation  uterus – site of development of embryo and foetus  cervix – neck of the womb canal for sperm entry o vagina – muscular, lubricated canal providing point of entry for penis and exit of baby during childbirth  vulva – external opening of vagina o disorders – endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome. Male reproductive structures and functions:  penis – introduction of semen with sperm into female  urethra – carriage of semen along penis  scrotum – holds testes outside body to keep them cooler than body temperature  testes – manufacture of sperm  vas deferens – carries sperm from testes to penis  seminal vesicles – secretion of fluids of semen  prostate gland – production of secretions of fluids of semen Main Health disorders, causes, diagnosis and treatment  hydrocele, prostate cancer/BPH., infertility The way in which natural conception occurs and patterns of pre-natal growth:  the production of gametes, to include meiosis  the physiological process of conception from fertilisation to birth, to include cell division and chromosomal behaviour, cell division for growth, to include mitosis and DNA replication  the stages and significant developments during foetal growth through the trimesters  basics of birthing Factors affecting prenatal development:  how the following factors affect foetal development – positive and negative factors, to include genetic; age, diet, health, smoking, alcohol consumption  forms of teratogen and their effects  congenital disorders, to include spina bifida; cerebral palsy, effects of rubella. If you find you like this teaching resource package, there are similar packages offered for all the body systems. Follow me on TES to find all my resources in one place with a handy search facility There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources
BTEC First - Unit 7 Equality & Diversity  in Health & Social Care LAA.

BTEC First - Unit 7 Equality & Diversity in Health & Social Care LAA.

A complete resource package for the delivery of the BTEC First Unit 7 Equality and Diversity Learning Aim A. There are nine engaging PowerPoints, activities and links to relevant Youtube clips and websites. The content covered is, as below:- A.1 Discriminatory and non-discriminatory practice in health and social care ● definition of non-discriminatory practice in health and social care: not treating individuals or groups less fairly than others, valuing diversity, adapting care to meet diverse needs ● examples of discrimination in health and social care, e.g. prejudice, stereotyping, labelling, refusal of medical treatment, offering inappropriate treatment or care, giving less time when caring for an individual than needed ● examples of non-discriminatory practice in health and social care, e.g. providing appropriate health and social care to meet the needs of individuals, adapting care to meet the diverse needs of different individuals, providing equality of access of health and social care services. A.2 Impact of discriminatory and non-discriminatory practice in health and social care ● effects of discrimination on service users, including loss of self-esteem, stress, reluctance to seek support and treatment, impact on waiting times for different groups ● non-discriminatory practice meeting the diverse needs of individuals ● importance of meeting legal and workplace requirements, including adherence to current and relevant legislation, e.g. Equality Act (2010) ● importance of following workplace and national codes of practice on non-discriminatory practice, e.g. by relevant regulatory body (Health and Care Professions Council, Care Council for Wales, Northern Ireland Social Care Council) ● how legislation and codes of practice support non-discriminatory practice in health and social care, e.g. how the legal framework protects carer and service user, enforcement of non-discriminatory practices, employer and employee responsibilities, desire to avoid litigation/deregistration, safeguarding. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources