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HumanitiesResources' Shop

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We provide KS3, GCSE and A-level History and Sociology resources that inspire, challenge and encourage students knowledge and understanding. You will find a range of resources for example Venn diagrams, matching activities, flashcards, primary sources, mysteries and full lessons and lectures. If there are topics you would like to see featured on our shop please let us know via our Twitter account!




We provide KS3, GCSE and A-level History and Sociology resources that inspire, challenge and encourage students knowledge and understanding. You will find a range of resources for example Venn diagrams, matching activities, flashcards, primary sources, mysteries and full lessons and lectures. If there are topics you would like to see featured on our shop please let us know via our Twitter account!
*FULL LESSON* Become a Sociology Ninja in Methods in Context. A-Level Sociology Education

*FULL LESSON* Become a Sociology Ninja in Methods in Context. A-Level Sociology Education

This 60-minute lesson will teach students to become Sociology Masters at the Methods in Context question on Paper 1 Education. The lesson includes: an AQA Paper 1 Methods in Context question; tasks which guides students through the examination process where they take the role as examiners; an exemplar answer is also provided including a P.E.R.V.E.R.T document which students can use to answer the question.
*FULL LESSON* Does violence in the media cause violent behaviour? A-Level Sociology Mass Media

*FULL LESSON* Does violence in the media cause violent behaviour? A-Level Sociology Mass Media

This 60-minute A-Level Sociology lesson on ‘Media Violence’ starts with the story of Jamie Bulger and the relationship between film and reality. The Hypodermic Needle Theory is briefly introduced. A Think Pair Share task asks students to explore a ‘bigger picture’ question, before exploring theories that support views that media violence leads to violent behaviour eg Newson 1994, Morgan 1980 and Dworkin 1990. Two tasks then explore the contradictions about the effects of violence in the media. There are video clips in this lesson which are freely available online. AQA The Media: the relationship between the media, their content and presentation, and audiences. The Slides reference pages found in Ken Browne’s A-Level Sociology.
AQA 1F Industrialisation and the People Student Workbook: A-Level History 25 pages 56 Tasks Flipped

AQA 1F Industrialisation and the People Student Workbook: A-Level History 25 pages 56 Tasks Flipped

This is a 25-page student workbook which should be used alongside the main AQA History text for the course (ISBN: 978-0-19-835453-6). This first booklet includes learning activities for Pressure for Change 1783-1812. This booklet has been used successfully for Flipping the Classroom: set the work to be completed before the lesson and then work on essays and conceptual knowledge. If a students has missed a lesson, just direct them to the appropriate part of the booklet. The booklet contains guided questions and activities using AQA’s textbook Industrialisation and the People 1783 - 1885. The booklet includes a range of tasks including comprehension questions linked to specific pages of the book, mind-maps, essay planning tasks, article and sources extracts with follow-up questions, historiography, timeline task and more. The download is fully editable.
Year 7 History Crusades Sources Exam. Mark scheme and Student Help Sheets. KS3 History Assessment

Year 7 History Crusades Sources Exam. Mark scheme and Student Help Sheets. KS3 History Assessment

This is a 50 minutes Year 7 History Exam on the Crusades. The exam is based solely on sources and challenges students to answer questions ranging in difficulty, for example from ‘What reasons can you see why people wanted to go on a crusade? 4 marks’ to ‘How useful is Source E to historians studying the history of the Crusades? 9 marks’. There is a ‘Help box’ (help sheet) for each of the questions should the students wish to get a helping hand. There is also a teacher mark scheme. Good source analysis assessment.
Representations of  AGE and DISABILITY. A-level Activity Sociology of the Media

Representations of AGE and DISABILITY. A-level Activity Sociology of the Media

Matching task where students read about a study or definition and have to decide wether it's about AGE and DISABILITY and/or the correct perspective! Students can either add the correct heading or colour-code. This is a great resource to use for introducing new content to gauge understanding; consolidating learning or revising representations of age and disability in the media.
Sociology of The Media Revision Topics 2 3 and 4. A-Level Revision Lessons

Sociology of The Media Revision Topics 2 3 and 4. A-Level Revision Lessons

Three lessons revising the knowledge and understanding (AO1. AO2 and AO3) of the Sociology of The Media Revision including 31 detailed slides. Each of the following topics will be revised in great depth: Topic 2: The relationship between ownership and control of the mass media; Topic 3: The mass media, globalisation and popular culture; Topic 4: The processes of selection and presentation of the content of the news.
Assembly: Its Good to Fail - Mistakes are a Part of Learning: Growth Mindset and Resilience

Assembly: Its Good to Fail - Mistakes are a Part of Learning: Growth Mindset and Resilience

This assembly starts with a riddle to solve as students settle. The next part of the assembly deals with stories of some legendary public figures who never gave up - growth mindset and strong resilience. You then consider the question 'When is the last time you failed?'. Why not share your own! The assembly then looks at VALUES which can help in overcoming and dealing with failures and mistakes - 'If you were to mix a potion which could help with dealing with setbacks and failure, which two ingredients do you think would be in it? ' . Either use those listed in this presentation or add your own school values. The assembly examines five 'Top Tips for Dealing with Failures' and then explores a case-study about Malala Yousafzai.
*FULL LESSON* What is Labelling Theory? A-Level SOCIOLOGY

*FULL LESSON* What is Labelling Theory? A-Level SOCIOLOGY

This 60-minute A-Level lesson explores the concepts of 'labelling'. The hook asks students to consider a quote by Becker, followed by a definition of 'labelling'. The class is then given scenarios to consider, followed by a brief expo by the teacher on Howard Becker. Students are given a research opportunity and then a piece of homework to watch a Flipped Lesson on the 'Effects of Labelling'. The main task challenges students to work through new knowledge using the Quiz Quiz Trade process. This learning strategy gets them rehearsing knowledge by quizzing themselves and others and is a fun way of getting to grips with new material.
AQA 1F Revision Specific Knowledge: Political Development 1783-1885 - TEST and ANSWERS KS5 Britain

AQA 1F Revision Specific Knowledge: Political Development 1783-1885 - TEST and ANSWERS KS5 Britain

This is an A-level History revision tool as well as an activity to help A-Level students build AO1 knowledge about Political Development for the whole period of 1783-1885 - AQA Industrialisation and the People; Edexcel Britain, c1785–c1870: democracy, protest and reform. This 21-page REVISION resource also includes QUESTIONS + ANSWERS as well as a BLANK TEST. Students go through all the questions and answers for each ‘Section’. Then, with a study-buddy, test each other verbally. Students then take the written test, swap with their partner and peermark. There is also a timeline activity where students add all their SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE and annotate! The test includes events and knowledge such as demographic setup of the House of Commons, the franchise, pocket borough, rotten borough, mince-pie administration, parliamentary reform, Pitt, Peel, Prime Minister Liverpool, Liberal Tory Government , Whigs, Liberal Party, Conservative Party, Reform Act of 1832 , Great Reform Act, Ladies of the Bedchamber incident. Specific questions such as 'Why did Peel win the 1841 election?', What other issues (aside from Corn Law repeal) had triggered the breakdown of the Tory Party? , Why did Robert Peel's Maynooth Grant proposal help destroy his political career.
*FULL LESSON* How successful were Peel's economic and financial policies during 1841-1846? A-Level

*FULL LESSON* How successful were Peel's economic and financial policies during 1841-1846? A-Level

This 60-minute A-Level lesson investigates Robert Peel's economic policies. Briefly look at historiography of Peel. Students to summarise key historians. 10-minute lecture and follow-up quiz. Key points relating to Peel and finance + 10 min lecture with questions for students to answer. Peel responded to the challenges of his age by ‘adapting his policies in the light of reasoned argument and practical necessity’? True? Discussion. Using their understanding of the historical context, students assess how convincing the arguments are in three extract in relation to Sir Robert Peel. Students complete table identifying argument and providing evidence which corroborates or refutes. Sources from provided.
*FULL A-LEVEL LESSON* Was the repeal of the corn laws Peel’s treachery or Peel’s success?

*FULL A-LEVEL LESSON* Was the repeal of the corn laws Peel’s treachery or Peel’s success?

This 60-minute A-Level lesson investigates the reasons why Peel repealed the Corn Laws. There is a presentation and accompanying Source Worksheet and Sources Table. The lessons starts with a recap of Peel and the Conservative Party + brief look at key historian’s view of why Peel won the election of 1841. Why did Peel repeal the Corn Laws? Students use the Sources Worksheet to complete a table (also provided). There is an exam question planning task where they use sources and plan an answer. An example is modelled which shows how to identify, then use specific knowledge and how to corroborate or refute the argument. There is a further opportunity to model using the examples in the lesson. This part of the presentation can also be set as homework.
REVISION: Economic Developments 1783-1885  Industrialisation and the People 1783-1885 AQA Britain

REVISION: Economic Developments 1783-1885 Industrialisation and the People 1783-1885 AQA Britain

This is an extensive A-Level revision or lesson resource for Y13 or Y12 History studying Britain during the 1780-1880s. The resource provides specific information for the theme of ‘ECONOMY’ across the whole time period. Students use the booklet to revise or learn new knowledge. They can then test each other, followed by a written test of the information. The task could either be used across two lessons or if homework is set, one lesson consolidating the theme of economic development. Statistics, individuals, inventions and much more are included for example: industrial revolution, Cartwright, water frame, Samuel Crompton - the ‘Mule’, Hargreaves - Spinning Jenny, golden age of agriculture, impact of enclosures, Free Trade/Laissez-faire, development and impacts of the railway, Robert Stephenson, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Great Exhibition.
46 Question Test with Answers A-Level History: Robert Peel, Poor Laws, Corn Laws

46 Question Test with Answers A-Level History: Robert Peel, Poor Laws, Corn Laws

This 46-question test will give students a revision tool and teachers an assessment resource will test students on: Prime minister Peel, Poor law amendment act 1834, Manchester School, Great Famine, Corn Laws and reasons for their repeal, Anti-Corn Law League, Maynooth Grant crisis. There are also a few questions on Chartism and trade unionism during the 1840s. This test is an excellent lesson resource and can be used for students to test each others verbally, do the test in silence then peer-assess each others work.
How Successful was Stolypin as Prime Minister? A-Level Activity Russian History

How Successful was Stolypin as Prime Minister? A-Level Activity Russian History

This is a fully editable worksheet challenging students to assess how far Stolypin was a successful PM, categorising his actions into a range of different reforms e.g. Political or Economic reform. Students annotate a reason for their choices next to each card on the sheet. This activity is ideal for OCR Russia 1894–1941; Edexcel Russia in revolution, 1894–1924 or The making of modern Russia, 1855–1991; AQA Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964.
*FULL LESSON* What is Social Action Theory?

*FULL LESSON* What is Social Action Theory?

This 60-minute A-Level Sociology Lesson teaches students about Social Action Theory (focus on Weber and four types of Action). There is opportunity for a brief teacher exposition, quiz (with answers of course) and Peer-assessment possibilities. Students are also asked to consider how the four types of action can be applied in a real-world context - lots of possibilities for discussion! There is also an evaluative element towards the end of the lesson. If you like this resource take a look at our range of Sociology resources in the shop https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/HumanitiesResources . Do leave feedback if you like the resources : )
*FULL LESSON*  How do the Mass Media represent men? A-Level Sociology Lesson

*FULL LESSON* How do the Mass Media represent men? A-Level Sociology Lesson

This 60-minute lesson explores how 'masculinity' is represented in the media. Students explore questions such as What are ‘typical’ portrayals? What is your definition of masculinity? How has perceptions of masculinity changed over time? Concepts are explored: hegemonic masculinity, ideological myths, metrosexuality, metrosexual male. Theories are discussed from Gauntlett (2008), Mort (1988), Edwards (1997), Whannel’s (2002) – Study on David Beckham and a brief analysis is undertaken of 'Iron John, A Book About Men' by Robert Bly, 1990. Engaging tasks accompany the slides.
Sociology Revision Resources: The Media

Sociology Revision Resources: The Media

7 Resources
This large selection of A-level sociology revision resources will help you teach and support students revision for the Media (Mass Media) paper. It covers Topics 2-4 as well as representations of age, disability and gender. It also has a large number of flashcards and matching activities students can use to test themselves and their peers e.g. media ownership, new v traditional media - main key words and concepts.
*FULL LESSON* How did the Depression and the New Deal Affect Black Americans? A-Level Civil Rights

*FULL LESSON* How did the Depression and the New Deal Affect Black Americans? A-Level Civil Rights

How Did the Depression and the New Deal Affect Black Americans? This A-Level or top ability GCSE History lesson will challenge students to consider the impact the depression and New Deal had on African-Americans. This is a full 60 minute lesson including all the resources you need to actively engage your students to think hard. The lesson gets A-Level students up from their seats, quizzing each other whilst learning new knowledge. The final main task includes a Venn Diagram which asks students to categorise information. The lesson ends with the class consolidating their understanding in a Tweet! This has been used in 'review' and 'observation' lessons with 'exceptional feedback'. Success criteria: Can give examples of what the New Deal did for black Americans. Can analyse what factors affected black Americans the most.