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Jenay's Sociology and Health and Social Care lessons

Average Rating3.19
(based on 16 reviews)

I am the head of Sociology, Ethics Health and social care. with a strong passion for planning and developing lessons.




I am the head of Sociology, Ethics Health and social care. with a strong passion for planning and developing lessons.
Feminist views on education

Feminist views on education

This lesson is a lesson on feminist attitudes towards education. It allows students to explore general feminist views and intersectionality as well as information on radical, Marxist and liberal feminists. All the lessons are differentiated and have clear activities to construct lessons. Lessons come complete with resources. some tasks will have colour coded questions please see below for the key: Red -everyone must do the questions Blue - less challenging tasks Pink -more challenging tasks Purple -extension or stretch task Thank you for downloading my resource, please leave a review.
Intro to feminism part 2

Intro to feminism part 2

This lesson is part two of an introduction to feminism. It allows students to explore the gender pay gap and intersectionality as well as information on radical, Marxist and liberal feminists. All the lessons are differentiated and have clear activities to construct lessons. Lessons come complete with resources. some tasks will have colour coded questions please see below for the key: Red -everyone must do the questions Blue - less challenging tasks Pink -more challenging tasks Purple -extension or stretch task Thank you for downloading my resource, please leave a review.
What is socialisation

What is socialisation

lesson exploring what is socialisation and the different ways people learn norms and values. Green means everyone gets the information down Red =everyone completes the tasks Blue = tasks for most students to complete Pink =task completed by the more able
Norms and values

Norms and values

Complete lesson introducing students to norms and values Green means everyone gets the information down Red =everyone completes the tasks Blue = tasks for most students to complete Pink =task completed by the more able


An introduction to functionalism.Guidance on colors Green means everyone gets the information down Red =everyone completes the tasks Blue = tasks for most students to complete Pink =task completed by the more able


A complete lesson looking at the method of observation. Guidance on colors Green means everyone gets the information down Red =everyone completes the tasks Blue = tasks for most students to complete Pink =task completed by the more able


A lesson looking at the different methods of sampling and the pros and cons of each. you will need sweets/ colored cubes for this lesson
Labelling and crime

Labelling and crime

This lesson explores the relationship between labeling and crime. The lesson uses reciprocal reading to engage students with the concept of labeling and master status


An introduction to feminism, complete with diffrentiated resources. I cannot upload one of the resouces as a paid resource as i did not make it only ammended it, however i will share it for free under feminism info for feminsim lesson.


this is an introdutory lesson on marxism the lesson does rely on a resource that i do not have teh rights for however the resource is available here https://resources.collins.co.uk/free/Sociology/AQA GCSE Sociology 9-1 Student Book Sample.pdf the lesson includes diffrentiated resources and tasks


This lesson introduce students to functionlsim. It includes diffrentaited tasks and resources


9 Resources
Resources that will help with your teaching of the WJEC GCSE sociology. There are a series of lesson that are diffrentiated by choice,