I am a native speaker of French, currently based in India. I am an IGCSE and IB French teacher and I have been teaching for 15 years. I am also Head of Secondary at my school and a former IBDP Coordinator.
I am a co-author of the IBDP Kognity French B textbook and a senior IBDP examiner.
I am a native speaker of French, currently based in India. I am an IGCSE and IB French teacher and I have been teaching for 15 years. I am also Head of Secondary at my school and a former IBDP Coordinator.
I am a co-author of the IBDP Kognity French B textbook and a senior IBDP examiner.
I created this workbook when I studied L'Étranger with my Year 13 French B Higher Level class.
The aim of this workbook is to provide a variety of activities to help students understand the novel, the style and philosophy of its author.
There are comprehension exercises, writing tasks, grammar activities (use of tenses in the novel) and one interactive oral activity.
It is geared towards French B Higher Level students, but could easily be used for A-level students.
Working through this workbook would take 3 to 4 weeks.
Worksheet to introduce the subjunctive to yr12 or yr13. The two practice exercises at the end are linked to the environment, but can easily be adapted to whatever you are currently working on.
PowerPoint presentation introducing the simple future with plans for the future. Other phrases expressing the future (j'ai l'intention de, etc.) are also introduced. Feedback welcome.
I created this wordsearch for my Yr9 top set. Pupils have to work out the meaning of the definitions and find the corresponding word. Great to revise foods and drinks or to introduce healthy eating... Or to set cover when you're snowed in!!!
These revision booklets cover the following IGCSE topics:
- Myself and my family
- Hobbies and free time
- My life at school
- My home and my area
They contain vocabulary and grammar revision exercises, as well as IGCSE paper practice exercises, modelled on the exam papers. I have also created listening exercises (link is on the documents) using authentic recordings.
Each booklet should take 2 - 3 hours to complete and can be used as homework, directed revision or cover work.
This booklet covers:
- Jobs (masculine/feminine)
- Useful vocabulary to describe what you do
- The conditional past
- Summer jobs
- Advantages and inconvenients of different jobs
- Verbs followed by the prepositions 'à' and 'de'
- Talking about work experience (mon stage)
- Understanding when to use the imperfect and when to use the perfect tense
- Understanding the different uses of past participles (advanced)
- 2 listening activities (about summer jobs - B1 level)
- 1 reading comprehension (true or false - my work experience)
- 1 scaffolded writing comprehension (modeled on section 2 from paper 4 - my work experience)
I have created this booklets for 3 of my year 10 students who are working at an advanced level. It covers advanced vocabulary and grammar and includes reading and writing exercises. It is designed so that students can work independently, with limited teacher support. It can also be used for IB/AS level or as cover work.
There is a markscheme for all the exercises at the end of the document.
This resource is based on Paper 1 for French B SL/HL. The questions are modelled on the exam, so it can be used either as a practice in class or for a mock exam. I have included the markscheme at the end.
This article from L'Express is a comparison between the food habits in the US and in France.
This resource booklet is perfect for students to conduct revision just before the exam. This booklet is designed for students to be able to work independently, but could also be used as cover work or directed revisions.
It contains:
- 2 vocabulary exercises (types of movies and hobbies)
- 3 grammar reminders and tasks (direct object pronouns & the pronoun 'y'; the imperfect; and the perfect tense)
- 2 listening exercises, modelled, as far as possible, on the IGCSE listening paper, but with authentic recordings (links to the recordings are on the sheet itself)
- 1 reading exercise, modelled exactly on Paper 2 (last 2 texts)
- 2 writing tasks, modelled exactly on Paper 4 (one short and one long)
- a series of questions with model answers for students to practise the speaking exam.
Ideal as a preparation for French B SL Paper 1 when covering the topic of health and smoking. It could also match the difficulty of Text A in an HL paper.
The questions are modelled exactly on the comprehension questions in the exam.
Can be used for a mock exam or an end of unit assignment. Can also be used in class.
I have included a markscheme at the end.
This article looks at how certain French schools have started to allow students to smoke on the premises after the November terrorist attacks in Paris and the state of emergency, alleging that students would be safer smoking at school than outside.
Ideal as a preparation for French B SL Paper 1 when covering the topic of health and smoking, or looking at current affairs. It could also match the difficulty of Text A in an HL paper.
The questions are modelled exactly on the comprehension questions in the exam.
Can be used for a mock exam or an end of unit assignment. Can also be used in class.
I have included a markscheme at the end.
Here's a guided worksheet to complete as you watch the movie. It focuses mainly on developing vocabulary and enhancing comprehension but can be supported by class discussion. The second worksheet is a follow-on from the booklet and gives students the opportunity to read a film review for 'Amélie', look at how to write a film review, and plan their own review.
The level of difficulty is A2/B1, accessible for students who have been learning French for 2-3 years at least.
It is a great opportunity for students to gain an insight into French culture.
Watching the movie and completing the booklet would take up to 5-6 hours. The film review worksheet would take about an hour to complete and the review can be set as an assessed task or a homework.
This booklet covers:
- Parts of the body
- Illnesses and injuries
- Food and drinks
- Healthy eating
- Smoking and addictions
- The partitive article
- Past tense of reflexive verbs
- The present participle/The gerund
- The pronoun 'en'
- The subjunctive in context
- Modal verbs and modal expressions
I have created this booklets for 3 of my year 10 students who are working at an advanced level. It covers advanced vocabulary and grammar and includes reading and writing exercises. It is designed so that students can work independently, with limited teacher support. It can also be used for IB/AS level or as cover work.
I created this resource for my year 12 student. It introduces the subjunctive in French, step by step and is linked to the topic of healthy eating. I have also added comparisons to Italian, as my student is Italian, but if that is not relevant to you, just delete that bit. Let me know what you think!
I created this resource for 3 of my year 10s who are much more advanced than the rest of the class. It is designed so that students can work independently and introduces new vocabulary and grammar, but also includes a reading comprehension task and some opportunities for speaking. This should represent about 7 or 8 hours of work for a student, providing they take the time to learn the vocabulary, take notes and practise the grammar. This is also ideal to set as cover and it can be given to students up to year 12 as thorough revision. I have also included an answer sheet for all the activities.
This pack contains 2 differentiated activities based on an article from December 2016 on gendered toys in toy magazines.
These are aimed at IB French B classes, but could also be used for A/AS-levels.
The first one is at Standard Level, the second is at Higher Level
Standard level:
Reading comprehension based on Paper 1 + vocabulary building tasks + translation (English to French and French to English)
Higher level:
Reading comprehension based on Paper 1 + vocabulary building tasks + translation (English to French and French to English) + introduction to/revision of the passive voice + practice exercises (within the context of the text)
Both these activities can be completed by a class discussion on the issues raised by the text, and by watching the ad for gender-neutral toys by the Magasins U (available on YouTube).
The whole activity should take 60 to 90 minutes.
I created this resource as part of a unit on education. It explores the strengths and weaknesses of different school systems around the world and gets students to think about how they learn and how different school systems attempt to provide the best answer to today's challenges around education.
All sources are authentic (1 radio programme and 3 videos) and the links are on the worksheet.
It is also an opportunity for students to learn and practise new vocabulary, as well as revise/learn about conjunctions that call for the subjunctive (bien que, pour que, sans que, etc.).
This activity represents 1200 minutes of class work.
This activity is ideal for A2 students, IB Higher level students or B2 level students.
This is a comprehensive worksheet based on a text describing table manners in France.
It includes
1) vocabulary-building exercises (crockery and cutlery at a French table);
2) exercises on pronouns (what does this pronoun refer to? - typical exercise for IB French Paper 1);
3) looking at different ways to express polite advice - using the future tense, the imperative, the pronoun 'on', etc;
4) an exercise to develop an understanding of useful connectives and applying them to a summary of the text;
5) opportunities for a whole-class discussion based on what students have read and learnt from the text.
This worksheet should be covered over a series of 2 to 3 lessons and can be followed up by the following written task: write a comprehensive table manners guide for a foreigner visiting your country.
This is aimed at AS/A-level students, as well as IB French B (SL or HL) students.
I have included a correction for all the exercises.
The video is over an hour long, but I only used the introduction.
In this worksheet, there is a listening comprehension, a gap-fill activity, as well as a couple exercises on pronouns and vocabulary, which mirror the questions asked in the French B Paper 1 exam.
It is meant to practise/assess both listening and reading comprehension.
The video is authentic and the link is included at the beginning of the worksheet.
I used this song as part of my unit on relationships and love with my IB first year group (French B SL).
There is a listening activity, as well as vocabulary and comprehension exercises. I have also included a short revision task on possessive adjectives.
This song could also be used to introduce a topic on French slang.
Grand Corps Malade is always well liked by students as his music is relevant and engaging. As a slammer, his pronunciation is also very clear, making his songs very useful teaching resources.
I created this resources as an exam revision tool for my Year 10, before they sat their IGCSE.
It covers regular, irregular and reflexive verbs in the following tenses and modes:
- infinitive
- Pluperfect
- Imperfect
- Perfect
- Recent past
- Present
- Future with 'aller'
- Simple future
- Conditional
It can be given as a task to complete in class (in which case you will have to wipe it clean). I also had it printed out with answers on A3 and laminated so my students could keep it on their desks and refer back to it.
Students found it extremely clear and very useful for their revision.