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Japan assembly or lesson for Tokyo Olympics 2020 theme

Japan assembly or lesson for Tokyo Olympics 2020 theme

This powerpoint introduces Japanese culture, the Olympic mascots and emblems and then teaches basic greetings and numbers in Japanese. It was written for Y9 but would work just as well as a starting point for primary, perhaps without the assumption that there may well be some in the audience obsessed with Japanese pop culture who might know answers to questions. I’ve written guidance on the notes pages and ideas of what to discuss based on having delivered it, trying to assume it’s being delivered by someone with minimal familiarity with Japan and Japanese. If I’ve made assumptions there I do apologise but most of it is googlable - the Japan Foundation has a lot of good resources.
Japanese Genki 1 textbook chapters 1-6 revision booklet

Japanese Genki 1 textbook chapters 1-6 revision booklet

This booklet helps students review the kanji, vocabulary and structures introduced in Genki textbook 1, chapters 1-6. It contains kanji matching, gap-fill, a reading comprehension and prompts to review and write out verb forms and vocabulary.
Scaffolded Japanese verbs for beginners

Scaffolded Japanese verbs for beginners

Japanese masu form verbs introduced to beginner students who have learnt some basic Japanese and hiragana. Kanji and katakana have furigana provided. Students match verbs to the pictures - first just the words then in a sentence. Then they progress, over a couple of lessons, to a diary gap fill exercise. I usually use this once students have covered hiragana and learnt a few of the verbs orally - it secures and develops simple activity sentences and practices using hiragana.