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Using adjectives to describe a setting Year 1

Using adjectives to describe a setting Year 1

A resource used when teaching a year 1 class about adjectives. Contains a powerpoint with two pictures of an icy setting to describe, a sound clip to be played when the children are thinking about what they may hear in this setting, a thermometer picture to use as a prompt when thinking about how cold it may be there. I used the resource alongside fake snow and fans in boxes. There are senses spinners for lower ability children as a prompt to get them thinking about using the 5 senses to describe the setting. There are also a range of snowflakes. Blank snowflakes for children to write their own adjectives on to share with the class and others with a range of different adjectives on for LA children to decide which ones would be well chosen and which wouldn't. They are then to match the well chosen adjectives to the picture.
Coordinating conjunctions KS1

Coordinating conjunctions KS1

A SP&G lesson on coordinating conjunctions. This was used when teaching my year 1 children what a coordinating conjunction was for the first time. Begins with a revisit of what we know about main clauses and simple sentences and then moves on to looking at coordinating conjunctions. There is an activity at the end of the powerpoint where the children are to choose the best coordinating conjunction to complete the compound sentence.
Year 3 Writing a Persuasive Advert

Year 3 Writing a Persuasive Advert

A range of different resources created to get year 3 children to write persuasively. Resources include starters, main group activities and a powerpoint. Gets children thinking about what a good advert looks like and what techniques we can use in persuasive writing. The overall aim of the unit of work was to be able to sell products to ‘dragons den’. The children were asked to design their own tea and to persuade the rest of the class to buy it. This can be linked to DT as the children then can design and make their product.
Money Year 1- knowing the value of coins and adding coins in my purse

Money Year 1- knowing the value of coins and adding coins in my purse

A whole lesson on teaching money to year 1. The starter gets the children to match the coins to their value which is one of the NC objectives. There are then a few examples of coins in a purse on the board. This gets the children thinking about how to add different coins and how to write this as a number sentence. After the whole class input the children have their own purses in their books. This activity is differentiated with LA children working with 1p’s and 2p’s. MA are using coins up to 10p and HA children are working with coins up to 50p. The pack also comes with next steps stickers to be used when marking or when moving the children on in the lesson.
Whole class reading where the wild things are year 1

Whole class reading where the wild things are year 1

A week long flipchart and resources to be used as a whole class read for year 1 based on the book ‘Where the wild things are’. Covers the domains- inference, sequencing, retrieval, prediction, vocabulary. Only open if you have publisher and activinspire otherwise it wont work. Activities are differentiated.
Whole Class Guided Reading 'Charlie Cook's Favourite Book' (Active inspire needed!)

Whole Class Guided Reading 'Charlie Cook's Favourite Book' (Active inspire needed!)

An active inspire flipchart and differentiated activities accompany whole class guided for year 1 based around the story ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’. The pack comes with differentiated extracts from the story as well as differentiated follow up activities. All are linked to the VIPERS and reading domains. This will only work if you have active inspire downloaded as the presentation is on a flipchart NOT powerpoint.
Year 1 teaching symmetry

Year 1 teaching symmetry

A lesson which has been differentiated three ways to teach year 1 children about symmetry. The pack includes a powerpoint, a plan, three different differentiated activities and next steps for the year 1 children to complete.
Whole Class Guided Reading The Weather Monster Year 1 (need active inspire!)

Whole Class Guided Reading The Weather Monster Year 1 (need active inspire!)

A lesson plan, flipchart and resources for 2-3 weeks whole class guided reading using the book ‘My Friend the Weather Monster’ depending on how often you do whole class guided reading. The planning and flipchart is linked to the Vipers and domains for teaching guided reading. This will only work if you have active inspire already downloaded as it is a flipchart NOT a powerpoint.
Non fiction- Invitations KS1

Non fiction- Invitations KS1

A resource used when learning how to write invitations in my year 1 class. All resources are linked to our Peter Pan theme. For the first lesson we looked at what needs to be included in an invitation and the children investigated existing party invitations and then wrote notes on what they were going to include in their own. The following day the children used the reminder sheet to help them to turn their notes into a proper invitation. This pack contains a lesson plan and powerpoints for the two days as well as writing frames and help sheets.
Division- sharing and grouping year 3

Division- sharing and grouping year 3

A range of different resources to be used when teaching division to year 3. I linked the learning to the Ice Bear topic and as a result the children were sharing and grouping using the Eskimos and sleds as well as 'snow balls'. This resource pack contains pictures as well as lesson ideas and word problems for both grouping and sharing. I have also included a 'be the teacher' starter activity where the children have to find and fix the mistakes.
Non fiction letter writing year 1/2

Non fiction letter writing year 1/2

A lesson on letter writing which based upon our Peter Pan topic. This pack contains a powerpoint presentation and activities. I first read the letter from Tinkerbell to Peter to the children to see what they noticed about the way that the letter was set out, we then looked at a range of other letters and the children used sugar paper to mind map their thoughts. The powerpoint then highlights the different features of a letter and where they can be found. Afterwards the children were given another letter from Wendy to her parents and the children were to identify the features we had been looking at. I have included labels for the LA children to place in the correct place on the letter.
Year 1 Addition to 20

Year 1 Addition to 20

The first lesson for block 1 Spring 1 following the White Rose scheme. Due to the aility levels in my class the first lesson comprises of a warm up where ‘Beaky’ has jumbled up the numerals and words counting to 20 and the children have to move them around so that they are correct. I have then focused the first lesson solely on counting by adding on using the pictures for ‘first’, ‘then’ and ‘now’. This is the only part of the varied fluency included in this pack. The activities are differentiated. LA are to just fill in the sentences using the pictures with colour coordinated words. MA have higher numbers and have to complete the the ‘now’ picture (and in my class will have support) and HA are to complete independently without the colour coordinated words as a clue. I have then included two reasoning questions. I know that there are often problems when opening up a publisher document so I have also included the PDF. I hope it saves you time!
Year 1 making sentences more interesting by adding adjectives

Year 1 making sentences more interesting by adding adjectives

A follow on lesson used with year one after teaching adjectives and what they mean. This pack contains a power point with recaps what makes a sentence and then moves on to using adjectives to improve my sentence. This then leads to three differentiated activities with the necessary resources included in the pack. LA are to copy the sentence and add an adjective, MA are to add adjectives and check for the correct punctuation and HA are to extend sentences using and.
Year 1 RE celebrations pack

Year 1 RE celebrations pack

A plan and resources following the new RE curriculum for year 1 on celebrations. The pack contains a six week plan following the new national curriculum guidelines. The plan looks at celebrations- the celebrations the children may have been to, achievements, Jewish Passover, Eid, Christian wedding ceremonies and special places. The pack contains a powerpoint presentation to go with the plan along with activities for each lesson.
Year one imaginative descriptions and settings

Year one imaginative descriptions and settings

A lesson plan and power point used to teach year one about adjectives and settings. We had begun to look at the wizard of oz and started looking at adjectives. I explained what they were and the children looked at examples. We then discussed what the setting in a story is and shared ideas about adjectives we could use to describe munchkin land. The children wrote their ideas down on post it notes and then stuck them to the board around the picture.
Writing compound sentences year 1

Writing compound sentences year 1

A resource made to recap writing compound sentences with year 1. We have previously learnt about coordinating conjunctions and compound sentences but revisited them before learning about complex sentences. The powerpoint and activity is linked to the Julia Donaldson stories as we are currently writing stories based on books by other authors. I have also included an activity where children are to match the two main clauses and turn them into a compound sentence.
Year 3 Angles

Year 3 Angles

A range of resources to help children to come to terms with different angles. I created angle eaters so that the children could first investigate the angles that they could find around the classroom. Once the children had found a range of different objects containing right angles I used the alien angles display to get the to think about obtuse and acute angles. After investigating these with the angle eaters we moves on to labeling and sorting different angles and the angles within shapes.
Year 1 creative writing

Year 1 creative writing

A lesson where children were improving sentences to make a powerful sentence by changing the verb and adjective in the sentence depending on the mood of the story. The pack contains a lesson plan, an activity for the children to complete in their books and the powerpoint presentation to accompany it.