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AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: New Media

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: New Media

Objectives: To understand the impact of new media on its audiences and society. Key terms / studies /concepts: Cultural convergence Participatory culture Collective intelligence Digital divide Digital underclass Social capital Key Question: What is the impact of new media on society?
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Active Audience Models (Two-Step Flow, Cultural Effects etc)

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Active Audience Models (Two-Step Flow, Cultural Effects etc)

Objectives: To understand the way in which audiences react to violence in the media Understand the application of evidence and studies of audiences and violence in the media and in real life. Evaluate theories on the relationship between audiences and violence in the media and in real life. Key terms: Homogeneous audience Disinhibition effect Deviancy amplification Scapegoat Key Questions: How influential is violence in the media?
AQA A2 Sociology- Crime and Deviance: Functionalism

AQA A2 Sociology- Crime and Deviance: Functionalism

Objectives: To outline the Functionalist theories on crime To evaluate functionalist theories on crime Key terms/Concepts: Durkheim- Functionality Merton- Strain Cohen-Status Cloward and Ohlin- Opportunity structures Miller- Focal concerns Key Questions: How can you evaluate the Functionalist view of crime?
AQA AS Sociology- Families & Households: Demography

AQA AS Sociology- Families & Households: Demography

Objectives: To become familiar with the trends in birth rate, death rate, life expectancy, family size, age at which women have their first child and migration. To become familiar with the reasons for the changes in the trends in birth rate, death rate, life expectancy, family size, age at which women have their first child and migration. Key terms/concepts: Demography | Fertility rate | General fertility rate| Total fertility rate Key Question: What are the trends and patterns with families in the UK?
AQA AS Sociology: Research Methods- Introduction

AQA AS Sociology: Research Methods- Introduction

Objectives: To gain an understanding of the importance of research methodology in Sociology. Key terms: Research Explanations Objective Methodology Key Questions: How do we look into and explore problems in society
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Influences on news content

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Influences on news content

Objectives: To understand the various influences behind the selection of media news content Key terms: News management News diary Social construct Key Questions: What sort of influences do you think there are for the selection of media news content?
AQA AS Sociology- Families and Households: Functionalism (Parsons) and the symmetrical family

AQA AS Sociology- Families and Households: Functionalism (Parsons) and the symmetrical family

Objective: To apply and compare theoretical perspectives on the family (AO2) To evaluate the functionalist explanation of the family and its relationship to social change (AO3) Key terms/concepts: Consensus Socialisation Instrumental and Expressive Role Symmetrical family Key Questions: How can we compare the sociological evidence of the family to the relationship between family and social change?
AQA AS Sociology- Families & Households: Family Diversity Essay Exemplar

AQA AS Sociology- Families & Households: Family Diversity Essay Exemplar

Objective: To account for reasons behind diversity in the family To understand how to plan and write a sociology essay Key terms/concepts: Family Diversity Family types Key Questions: What are the reasons behind family diversity? How do we put together a 20 mark answer? How should we structure our answers to demonstrate our knowledge?
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Globalisation

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Globalisation

Objectives: To understand cultural and media imperialism theories of globalisation To know cultural flows and network and reception theories of globalisation Examine studies and evidence of competing models of globalization Key terms: Globalisation Cultural imperialism Public sphere Key Questions: What is our understanding of globalisation? How has globalisation impacted the public sphere?
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Tasks and Activities

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Tasks and Activities

A range of resources and activities for the start of this A2 unit (Ownership, control and mass/popular culture) Includes: - Research task for marketplace activity - Key terms for Bingo - Research and comprehension - Key questions
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Mass Culture

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Mass Culture

-To understand the mass culture debate -To evaluate the competing theoretical positions. Key terms: Mass culture Folk culture Popular culture Key Questions: What media changes have taken place and how has it changed our ‘mass culture’? What are the concerns of the right and left wing?
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Culture

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Culture

Objective: -To understand the mass culture debate -To evaluate the competing theoretical positions. Key terms: Mass culture Folk culture Popular culture Key Questions: What media changes have taken place and how has it changed our ‘mass culture’? What are the concerns of the right and left wing?
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Ownership and Control

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Ownership and Control

LO: To understand the relationship between ownership and control of the mass media A LOT of the theory and researchers broken up with a few tasks. - Definitions - Concepts - Marxist and Neo-Marxist ideas - Evaluation and AO3 focus Enjoy!