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German and French resources for KS3, KS4 and KS5 - tried and tested resources that develop pupils' confidence with a range of learning styles catered for.




German and French resources for KS3, KS4 and KS5 - tried and tested resources that develop pupils' confidence with a range of learning styles catered for.
Edexcel IGCSE grammar gap fill practice

Edexcel IGCSE grammar gap fill practice

Multipl GCSE grammar practice worksheets + answers to help students work on their tenses and adjective endings. Cloze grammar practice that support the final task of the Edexcel IGCSE reading and writing paper. Can be used as part of final IGCSE revision or even as an assessment Topics A/B/C/D/E/ covered
German cover work - beginner level

German cover work - beginner level

A series of cover work lessons for beginner’s German, covering house types, pencil-case items, birthdays, family members and pets. Alternatively, the tasks could be used as part of your lessons. Across the worksheets, there is a range of tasks including translations, written tasks, reading comprehensions, as well as more creating tasks such as word searches and drawings (family tree, dream zoo etc.)
pluperfect in German

pluperfect in German

A PowerPoint that build on from the perfect tense, looking at formation and word order with ‘nachdem’ (verb, verb rule). Short translations with answers on the PowerPoint to help pupils understand the basics of the pluperfect tense in German. Aimed at GCSE/IGCSE pupils
French reading comprehension practice

French reading comprehension practice

A worksheet with 2 texts plus quesitons to answer in English. Topics include ‘friends’ and ‘cinema’ - suitable for revision or as part of a lesson. Aimed at year 9/10 pupils. Answers provided at the end.
Stimmt 3: Kapitel 1 resources

Stimmt 3: Kapitel 1 resources

Several PowerPoints and a worksheet focusing on the ‘Vorbild’ concept within Kapitel 1 of Stimmt 3. The PowerPoints cover adjectives, adverbs, opinions, justifications using a range of higher level subordinate clauses and comparisons. Contemporary photos to support. In lesson 4 (PowerPoint), slide 6, run the slide, and students have to provide the translation for each square - these can be clicked (either by teacher using the mouse, or students can come to board and use a pen) and they disappear, square by square - revealing part of an image ;opportunity to bring in some cultural discussion. Also included is a translation task based on a variety of future tense expressions, based on pp.16-17
A level German oral exam support phrases

A level German oral exam support phrases

A set of phrases that can help pupils ensure they use a sufficient range of complexity at A level - sentence starters, phrases to help with developing points as well as drawing conclusions. A list of adverbs (fillers) also included.
KS3 German grammar revision sheet & test

KS3 German grammar revision sheet & test

A revision sheet and test relating to the present tense, indefinite article and adjective endings (both in the accusative case). Aimed at beginners in their first year of learning German. Could form part of a 1 lesson diagnostic check of end of unit grammar assessment.
Ferien GCSE bundle

Ferien GCSE bundle

3 Resources
A series of PowerPoints and worksheets to teach/revise holidays (Ferien) at GCSE. Present tense Perfect tense Future tense Conditional Word order
Phrases to discuss a German text or article at A level

Phrases to discuss a German text or article at A level

A list of higher level phrases to explain a text/article in German; especially useful for the role play component of A2. Sentences focus on: Introductory remarks Explaining key points in a paragraph Linking/developing language (essay type phrases) Linking out to wider issues/giving personal opinion Talking about statistics and figures accurately.
Furniture items in accusative and dative

Furniture items in accusative and dative

A PowerPoint and accompanying support sheets to explain the difference between the accusative after ‘es gibt’ or ‘ich habe’ vs the dative after prepositions. One of the slides has a mouse that moves to different places and pupils have to make sentences to explain where the mouse is e.g. Die Maus ist auf dem Bett, die Maus ist vor dem Sofa etc. (vocabulary on screen to help). Adjective endings in the accusative case explained on a sheet in relation to furniture items for pupils to practise e.g. In meinem Zimmer habe ich einen kleinen Tisch etc. Colours used to explain the grammatical terms with a view to helping pupils understand the difference between the accusative and dative.
les magasins introduction

les magasins introduction

A series of PowerPoints and worksheets covering key shops in towns, as well as the verb ‘aller’ in the present tense e.g. je vais bowling. Also covered are prepositions to describe where shops are in relation to each other. 1-2-3 reading game (21 dares) featured on the PPT: pupils take it in turns to read 1, 2, or 3 words. Whoever has to read a word next to a full stop is out.
Relationships in the family

Relationships in the family

A lesson aimed at KS3 (advanced)/KS4 German pupils- a PowerPoint that covers reasons for liking/disliking family members + reasons why using both weil & denn. There’s a student version of the PPT without answers, which can easily be printed with 2 slides per page to make a booklet/handout. Differentiation through outcome tasks included in the PPT.
French Town or Village?

French Town or Village?

A PowerPoint and worksheet looking at statements that apply to life in a town or village (countryside). Activities include a translation into French, 21 reading game (whole-class reading/listening activity whereby students read 1, 2 or 3 words; anyone who has to read a word by a full stop is out). Also included is a list of speaking questions, either to be completed in class or for homework.
Stadt oder Dorf - town or village

Stadt oder Dorf - town or village

A PowerPoint and accompanying worksheet to help provide pupils with vocabulary to describe pros/cons of town vs. village - suitable for the IGCSE Edexcel course or as an extention material if looking at local area.
Hobbies with spielen

Hobbies with spielen

An introductory worksheet to practise conjugating ‘spielen’ - present tese + question forming using inversion. For beginners and helps them to focus on sports that take spielen.
IGCSE German model writing answers

IGCSE German model writing answers

A series of 6 answers to past Edexcel IGCSE German longer writing answers. They contain a range of structures designed to show pupils how to include more detail in their answers. Aimed at year 11 pupils revising for their IGCSE exams