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La cybersociété - articles à discuter - A-level

La cybersociété - articles à discuter - A-level

4 articles about the danger of cybersociety or changes it brings in. Each article is followed by question to prompt discussion. Les moyens de communication privilégiés par les Français pendant leurs vacances Frédéric Beigbeder claque la porte de Facebook Recrutement : les employeurs utilisent Facebook Votre employeur peut-il vous coincer sur Facebook ?
"Au Revoir Les Enfants" study pack 1 - Louis Malle

"Au Revoir Les Enfants" study pack 1 - Louis Malle

20 Resources
PROMOTION: SAVE 30% by buying in a bundle! The bundle includes 20 resources to give students ideas on different aspects of the film: Characters (description, analyse of one character) The cinematography The themes (analyse of 13 themes/essay titles) Grammar to use in essays (subjunctive and si clauses) A model essay
Le futur proche - le week-end prochain - cryptogramme

Le futur proche - le week-end prochain - cryptogramme

Cryptogram with activities that last a lesson. Great for numeracy and literacy skills. The message is a text with verbs in the near future, opinion, reason, connectives.. Students love it! Great to keep them focused, especially after break time or in the last period of the day! Translation and writing tasks included. The document includes the answer so you don't have to work it out :)
Exprimer la comparaison - Studio 2 Module 4.1. Là où j'habite

Exprimer la comparaison - Studio 2 Module 4.1. Là où j'habite

Full lesson on comparative (using Studio 2 and the topic of housing, but could be adapted) Range of exercises to push students to use a variety of adjectives to describe houses and other objets or people. Speaking, reading and writing skills. Can be easily used for GCSE lessons on the topic “Where I live”.
French A-levels - how to impress an examiner

French A-levels - how to impress an examiner

This presentation contains many outstanding features that would impress an examiner of French A Level: sophisticated vocabulary, compound tenses, grammatical structures, idioms, etc. with exercises and link to extra practice online. Examples can directly be implemented in any essay or speaking practice.
La famille en voie de changement - le mariage (A-level)

La famille en voie de changement - le mariage (A-level)

Range of written resources followed by questions to prompt discussion and have students reflect on the context in which gay marriage was legalised in France: Historique du mariage Citations sur le mariage A l’Assemblée, l’UMP repousse le mariage homosexuel Les Français favorables au mariage homosexuel
L'importance des lieux dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle

L'importance des lieux dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle

Presentation to work on the essay title “Où se passe l’action de l’œuvre que vous avez étudiée ? Croyez-vous que cet aspect de l’œuvre soit bien illustré par l’auteur ou le directeur ? Justifiez votre réponse.” This is worth a full lesson. Several activities to have students discuss the importance of social class in the film, give students ideas with concrete scenes and examples, and have them come up with an essay/essay plan by the end of the lesson.