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Teachallenjoy Primary Resources

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An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone. Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.




An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone. Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.
English Report Comments

English Report Comments

Over 300 English report comments statements so you can quickly complete your primary English report comments. Select from this extensive bank to create individual differentiated paragraphs. Simply choose the right comment to suit each child, one from each of the 11 sections. There are enough comments to create personalised paragraphs of comments for a whole class of 30. Created with a large variety of phrases, openings and language so you can describe each pupil in a precise, eloquent and efficient way. High Quality English report comments written for KS2 and easily adaptable for KS1. They are perfect for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 as they cover: listening speaking reading reading targets word work story writing different genres grammar and punctuation spelling and handwriting editing writing targets Differentiated There are four different ability groups included with at least 80 comments in each, so a minimum of 320 different statements for your reports. Easy to Use They are all available in girl and boy version saving you having to change any pronouns. All names are shown with 3 stars so you just have to find and replace to insert names. All year groups are shown with 3 dots so you can replace them quickly as well. Save Time Teaching is busy enough without report writing as well, save time whilst doing a good job. Easily copy and paste these thoughtful comments to create personalised and admired reports. Also… Check out these other handy end of year resources: General Report Comments Maths Report Comments Geography Report Comments
Angle Display KS2

Angle Display KS2

A complete KS2 angle display including titles, interactive questions, images, angle types, tips, key words, strategies and reminders. Contains 37 elements. A visual and colourful angle display for your classroom which can also be used in a maths toolkit or as support cards during lessons. All ready to print and put up so your pupils are engaged, enthused and excited about angles. Bright and visual posters of essential angle facts. This extensive display, includes: 3 titles to choose from Question and answer bubbles explain key aspects of this topic. A question flap with an answer inside 5 easy steps to measure angles 10 simple steps to draw angles Key word cards to label an angle and protractor Real life images with a range of angles in to show pupils how this links to life outside of school. Colour-coded images and captions showing and explaining these key angles: acute angle right angle obtuse angle straight line reflex angle complete turn 45, 135, 225, 270, 315 degrees on cards angles on a straight line angles around a point Colour-coded examples showing and explaining equal angles: when two lines intersect when a line intersects a parallel line set 1 when a line intersects a parallel line set 2 Colour-coded examples showing and explaining interior angles of shapes and regular polygons: Triangle Quadrilaterals Pentagon Hexagon Heptagon Octagon Decagon Dodecagon Enthuse your children with learning angles, help them remember these important facts with ease. Use as a display, toolkit or support. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in my other popular angle resources: Drawing angles with games and the context of aliens Measuring angles in the context of football
Arctic Poems

Arctic Poems

A set of 19 Arctic poems written for children to understand, enjoy and learn from. Perfect for teaching a topic on the Arctic. All written in different styles; to engage, inspire and teach about the Arctic whilst developing key reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. The poems are descriptive whilst using facts to educate and inspire. Each poem could spark a whole lesson, they start discussions on important geographical issues about the Arctic: What is the Arctic? What is it like there? Global warming, The future of the Sami people, Understanding Inuit life, Living with the polar night, Taking responsibility for our world Ice burgs Glaciers The Inuit Language Arctic animals Winter Each poem comes with a simple explanation of its essential components. The children could use these as a scaffold before going on to write their own poem about the Arctic, or respond in a different way with a letter/poster/story/newspaper article etc. A range of engaging but easy to imitate poetry styles are used: Cinquains Didactic Poems Etherees Free Verse Ghazal Poems Haikus All the poems are written by me and the images are copyright free. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in my poems about India
Human Impact on Coasts KS2 Geography

Human Impact on Coasts KS2 Geography

A detailed lesson covering coasts and how they can change. Includes a 38 slide PowerPoint, a detailed plan, 2 writing templates and a challenge activity including another writing template. Covers the impact of tourism, shipping, urbanisation, overfishing and communities on the coast. Written for UKS2 but can easily be used by all year 3, 4, 5 and 6. An engaging starter, mixture of independent, paired and group work. Plenty of opportunities for discussion and for children to share ideas. Full of lots of interesting images to prompt discussion about geographical features. An extension activity to challenge the higher ability. Plenary for children to move on in their learning. Covers national curriculum learning objectives: Learn about diverse places, people and resources Learn about natural and human environments Learn about the interaction between physical and human processes Learn about the formation, use of and change of landscapes and environments All resources included. All reviews welcome.
Reading Corner Display Year 5 & 6

Reading Corner Display Year 5 & 6

An eye-catching reading corner display for years 5 and 6, complete with titles, bunting, images, interactive elements, vocabulary, skills, book covers and extra free resources. Perfect for display boards, book shelves, ceiling mobiles and libraries. A giant space themed reading display and reading resource pack to promote the love of reading. Glitter text, classic books and move-able elements, this display will save you time. A useful display for teachers, children, parent helpers and visitors. It includes the year 5/6 reading learning objectives, so they’re accessible to everyone. All the year 5 & 6 reading statements are simplified to child speak. This helps everyone to feel confident with knowing the learning objectives. Adults involved with the class will be able to ask effective questions when listening to children read. Assessments of children will be more accurate and relevant. Children could also use the reading statements on an interactive display to self and peer assess and prompt reading discussions. Whole package includes: A large title Year 5 and 6 New Curriculum reading Skills in bubbles 3 large space images 6 interactive doors to open to see new books 12 Reading Questions - linked to the curriculum 12 Bunting Triangles - with famous inspirational quotes about reading 16 Key Reading Vocabulary - cards to complete your display Top Book Trump review cards Book Recommendation sheets A Reading Challenge Easily adaptable to fit your space, could also be used in a library to prompt whole school progression. All reviews welcome. You might be interested in my other popular reading resources for yr 5/6: Year 5 Reading Assessment Questions Year 6 Reading Assessment Questions Whole Term Yr 5/6 Reading Lessons
British Science Week 2024 Mini Investigations UKS2

British Science Week 2024 Mini Investigations UKS2

10 experiments for years 5 and 6, includes instruction task cards, extensions, challenges and a scientific explanation. Inspire your pupils with a mini investigation for every day of British Science Week. 5 easy to set up and manage science activities for year 5. Plus 5 more simple but effective science activities for year 6. Everyday a range of questions are provided to stimulate scientific thought and discussion. Children are also encouraged to think of their own questions to spark that scientific curiosity which this week is all about. The extension activities and challenges further enrich the learning and engage every child. A short equipment list is provided for each year group so you can quickly collect the things you need for the week. Each activity is time flexible, they could take 10 minutes or easily extend to an hours lesson. The science behind every activity is quickly and clearly explained with helpful images and diagrams. Check out my other updated resources for British Science Week: British Science Week KS2 Posters British Science Week KS2 Homework Tasks British Science Week KS2 Assembly
Book Day

Book Day

Inspire your school with an assembly designed for Book Day on a 26 slide PowerPoint. Includes higher order questions, interactive activities, inspiring video link, many classic books, author quotes, follow up activities and much more. Covers: What is Book Day? What famous people like to read? Video What can we read? Where can we read? When is reading useful? Who is the funniest author? Vote Match the author to the book Top Tips for choosing a new book What book has this as the opening line? Guessing game Favourite Characters - Optional Fashion Show Looking Forward Written for KS2. This assembly takes about 20 minutes to complete. Follow the engaging and colourful PowerPoint for a ready-to-go assembly. Animations, images, video and more will inspire every child to keep reading. Highlights: Interactive Inspiring Involving Use the range of activities to structure the assembly and share some high quality books that are recommended for children of KS2. Could also be used as a lesson, as it includes 3 differentiated writing tasks: Draw and describe your favourite character Write a book review of your favourite book Use 3 favourite characters to write a new story Printable templates included. Enjoy and celebrate this important day. Check out my other popular assemblies on special occasions: World Poetry Day National Speech and Debate Day National Storytelling Week
Persuasive Writing Display

Persuasive Writing Display

An engaging display pack for KS2-3 on persuasive writing. Complete with titles, posters, modelled sentences, word banks, process stars, writing strategies and more. Includes bright colourful posters useful for display or a writer’s toolkit. Eye catching resources designed to engage, support and enhance. Download and quickly pop up on your English display board. Enjoy the examples of language, writing features, modelled paragraphs and key ideas. Focuses on persuading someone to visit somewhere. Easily adaptable to other types of persuasion. All reviews welcome.
'The Piano' Planning Powerpoints Resources KS2 Wk 1

'The Piano' Planning Powerpoints Resources KS2 Wk 1

5 complete English lessons responding to and exploring the powerful video clip ‘The Piano’ by Aidan Gibbons, found on the Literacy Shed. Inlcudes 5 PowerPoints, paired and group work, modelled texts, new vocabulary, editing activities, complete inputs, starters and plenaries and differentiation. Higher order questioning probes deep into this interesting short movie inspiring descriptive writing and progress of writing skills. Engaging and complete Powerpoints provide many opportunities for productive paired, individual and group work. A range of modelled texts are provided so children can magpie new vocabulary whilst developing their editing, writing and publishing techniques. Written for KS2 it covers many relevant teaching points: relative clauses, expanded noun phrases, editing and improving language, parenthesis, creating an atmosphere, showing change within characters, describing settings, building suspense, summarising, identifying word classes and complex sentences. Starters include: spellings, synonyms, identifying verbs and adverbs, relative clauses and handwriting. Lesson 1 - Write a review of the clip responding to an email sent to the class. Lesson 2 - How to write about playing an instrument on your own - description and atmosphere. Lesson 3 - How to write about memories in stories, building suspense. Lesson 4 - Showing change in story characters. Lesson 5 - Planning your own memory story. All resources, a detailed plan and 5 PowerPoints are included, just download, print a few documents and your week of English lessons are ready to go. There are writing frames to support the lower ability and daily challenges for the higher ability. All reviews welcome. You can also download this as part of a bundle to save money: 2 Weeks of Planning Resources PowerPoints and a Display for The Piano Visit My Shop to find all the planning, Powerpoints and resources that you need to survive a teaching life.
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery Assembly/Lesson Pack

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery Assembly/Lesson Pack

A detailed PowerPoint ideal for an assembly or lesson on this important day of December 2nd. Includes a 42 slide engaging and animated PowerPoint, video link, writing templates and writing examples and links to other useful websites on this day. Teach your pupils about the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. Lots of opportunities for discussion and higher level thinking. All concepts explained clearly. Discuss and answer these key questions: Why is this day special? When did it start? What is the UN and its Charter? Who are the General Assembly? What is slavery? Is there slavery today? How does modern slavery happen? What the symbol represents today? Why? Do you agree with these famous quotes about slavery? How do people celebrate today? How can we bring a stop to slavery? Print out these engaging tasks for the children to complete in a lesson: Task 1 - Design a symbol to represent this day, use the ideas provided. Task 2 - Write a poem to raise awareness of modern slavery. Task 3 - Write a short story about starting your dream job and what you would do if you came across inequality or people being taken advantage of in the workplace. Writing templates provided. Relevant for KS2 and KS3. Also useful for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition on August 23rd and for the start of a topic on the Slave Trade. All reviews welcome. Find more engaging and good value assemblies in my Teachallenjoy Shop
Spencer Silver Year 5 Science Lesson Plan and Powerpoint

Spencer Silver Year 5 Science Lesson Plan and Powerpoint

A complete year 5 Science lesson, ready to download and teach about Spencer Silver. Enjoy using the detailed PowerPoint to lead you easily through the lesson. Also included is a helpful video link, differentiated activities, all the necessary resources and the complete lesson plan. Easily teach this new curriculum KS2 Science learning objective: They should find out about how chemists create new materials, for example, Spencer Silver, who invented the glue for sticky notes Use the detailed powerpoint to explain the science behind the post it notes invention of Spencer Silver and the helpful video to explain it in further detail. Give the children a range of activities differentiated for ability - a flow chart, an explanation using analysing skills and a scientific experiment making and testing glue. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in my other popular science resources: Lessons on Famous Scientists Bundle 5 Easy To Do Mini Investigations UKS2 KS2 Forces Unit
World Poetry Day Assembly KS2

World Poetry Day Assembly KS2

An engaging KS2 assembly to celebrate World Poetry Day in your school. Includes a 36 slide PowerPoint, 8 famous poets from around the world, 8 poems, map skills, higher level thinking questions and role models. This assembly teaches the children about 8 famous poets from around the world introduced with a short biography and a famous poem they have written. All the poems are short, relevant for KS2 and inspiring. Includes map skills, higher level thinking questions and inspirational writing role models. Each country has a map, flag and landscape picture to develop geographical understanding as well. Reasoning questions and answers about each poem are provided and time at the end of the assembly to reflect and look forwards. Celebrate World Poetry Day every year on March 21st to encourage diversity, a shared understanding and endangered languages around the world. Use this assembly to inspire your pupils to become writers whilst developing their understanding of how everyone in the world has the same questions and feelings. Show them how poetry can capture the creative spirit of the human mind. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in my packs of poems and lessons: India Culture Poem Collection Arctic Tundra Poem Collection 5 Reading Lessons on Writing Poetry 5 Reading Lessons on Performing Poetry
Beowulf English Week KS2

Beowulf English Week KS2

5 complete lessons teaching the story of Beowulf. There are engaging starters, inputs, differentiated activities and plenaries in a clear and easy to use Powerpoint. Slides cover key writing skills such as relative clauses, openers, word classes, sentence structure, linking sentences for cohesion and expanded noun phrases. Covers the innovate and invent phases of Talk for Writing. There are clear explanations and modelling of how to create suspense for the tense parts of the story and a grammar activity on the different types of nouns. Useful for any class in KS2, differentiated success criteria Green - LA Blue and yellow - MA Red - HA All reviews welcome.
The Highwayman Display KS2

The Highwayman Display KS2

A large eye-catching display for a KS2 English unit on 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes. Includes titles, questions, text extracts, interactive activities, vocabulary, images, text features and examples. Designed to engage and interest your pupils, this display brings this glorious narrative to life. Emotive stills and haunting images, alongside challenging questions and engaging explanations. Includes: - 2 Titles - The poem broken down into lines and images this could also be used for a sequencing or analysis activity. - 12 higher level thinking questions - 2 interactive reasoning questions to answer on the display - 24 key words (including themes of the poem) - 8 important features of the poem - 8 example cards of each poetry feature - 3 interactive activities (matching, sorting, ordering) All reviews welcome. You can find many more reliable and useful KS2 English resources at my shop: Teachallenjoy You might also be interested in my: Modal Verbs Display Persuasive Writing Display The Piano Display
Geography Report Comments

Geography Report Comments

Over 260 differentiated geography comments for boys and girls, covering 10 key areas for your primary KS2 reports. Create your report comments quickly this year by simply choosing a collection of comments to suit each child, one from each section. There are enough comments to create different personalised paragraphs of comments for a whole class of 30 children. Written for the whole of KS2 focusing on learning aptitudes and the general areas covered so perfect for years 3, 4 , 5 and 6. Save Time Teaching is busy enough without report writing as well, save time whilst doing a good job. Easily copy and paste these original comments to create personalised and thoughtful reports. Differentiated 264 comments overall, divided into high, middle and low ability groups. Each group contains 10 sections with enough comments to make 30 personalised reports. 65 low ability, 76 middle ability and 85 high ability statements altogether. There are also 30 next steps included, 10 for each ability group. High Quality Use these high quality geography report comments, covering: Summary Continents World Biomes Physical features Human features Major countries Major cities UK Technical terms Geographical fieldwork Easy to Use They all come in a girl and a boy version saving you having to change any pronouns. Collect statements for each child to make a paragraph then simply add in their name a few times to polish off your work. Just highlight the comments you have used to make sure all your 30 geography reports are quickly made and completely different. Also… Check out my other handy end of year resources: General Report Comments 320+ English Report Comments 280+ Maths Report Comments Report Comments MEGA BUNDLE
Discussion Texts Teaching Pack Week 1

Discussion Texts Teaching Pack Week 1

A detailed week covering the imitate phase of learning about discussion texts. Includes open questions, higher order thinking, engaging texts, video links, differentiation, 5 teaching PowerPoints, all resources, worksheets and answers. Every day starts with an engaging starter focusing on SPAG skills, such as KS2 spellings, parenthesis, conjunctions and handwriting. Extra for experts activities for further challenge and modelled texts to support the lower ability. Learning Objectives: To understand a discussion text and identify its features To identify facts and opinions To use conjunctions to link ideas in a for or against argument To write an introduction and conclusion To plan a discussion text on ‘Is Homework Necessary?’ Main activities differentiated by colour: Green - LA Yellow and blue - MA Red - HA Highlights: Ready to teach All printables provided KS2 appropriate Cross curricular links Differentiated Check out the follow up week for this unit here.
Russia Geography KS2 Lesson Physical Features

Russia Geography KS2 Lesson Physical Features

A lesson pack teaching the physical features of Russia. Includes a teaching PowerPoint, photo analysis, paired and group activities, differentiated written work, all printables and a plenary. Highlights: Starter activity Odd one out photo analysis Videos and information on each biome Varied outcomes The Powerpoint takes you through photo and map analysis of Russia and a range of activities to give the children a deep and rounded understanding of this place. A reasoning plenary brings the lesson together. Resources Maps, videos, images and fact slides show the various biomes, animals, landscapes and weather of Russia. All printable resources included and ready-to-go. Activities Differentiated activities cover three ability groups with a reasoning challenge activity. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in these high quality Geography lessons: Tour Breathtaking Scandinavia Visit the Grand Yosemite National Park Uncover UK Coasts
Comprehension Lessons on Identifying Themes when Reading KS2

Comprehension Lessons on Identifying Themes when Reading KS2

Teach your class how to identify and explain themes within stories when reading. This pack includes 5 lessons, the week’s plan, a 75 slide PowerPoint, 5 short engaging texts, differentiated activities, starters and plenaries. Use the detailed Powerpoint which leads your class through 5 lessons on themes so they are confident and independent with identifying themes when reading. Small extracts of the texts are used as a guided model to support and scaffold pupils before their independent work. Engage your class with the quick and relevant starter activities which build their vocabulary and consolidate their understanding of themes. Identifying Themes Pack Each lesson builds and expands on the previous one. All of the texts are provided, a range of interesting genres and styles. Modeled answers to comprehension assessment questions are included. Written and detailed plan included . Prompt higher order thinking skills using the questions and activities designed to develop comprehension skills and enhance reading assessment results. Include and challenge every child with the main activities which fit children of all learning styles. Cover these teaching points: What themes are. How and why we can group themes. How we can find themes. How to use inference to find themes. How to explain themes. How to use evidence to prove your themes. How to use 4 different types of evidence as proof. Quickly print the differentiated resources for four groups of children (green LA, yellow M/LA, blue MA, red HA). Summarise and extend each lesson using the plenaries planned for everyday. All reviews are welcome. You might also be interested in: Whole Term of Reading Lessons Holiday Saver Bundle Whole Term of Reading Lessons Teacher Survival Bundle
Isaac Newton Powerpoint & Plan KS2 lesson

Isaac Newton Powerpoint & Plan KS2 lesson

A complete lesson on the famous scientists Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei. Includes an engaging PowerPoint to lead you through the lesson, hands on activities, small investigations and differentiated written work. Support and extensions tasks also provided, along with a detailed lesson plan. Engage your pupils with this informative lesson on the famous scientists Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei. Linked together with the easy to understand theme of ‘falling’ your class will enjoy finding out and testing common scientific theories. Full of hands on activities, small investigations and differentiated written work this lesson will delight your afternoon and save you time. Support and extension resources provided, so every child will be on task and able to complete the work without asking questions. Handy links to an interesting video on the PowerPoint, which explains the scientific theories in entertaining and clear ways. Covers these learning objectives from the National Curriculum for year 5 science. Explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object. Identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces. Pupils might find out how scientists, for example, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton helped to develop the theory of gravitation. Check out my other high quality science lessons: KS2 Forces Unit Jane Goodall Famous Scientist British Science Week Resource Bank
Predicting When Reading Planning PowerPoint Texts

Predicting When Reading Planning PowerPoint Texts

A week’s plan, powerpoint and resources for year 5 reading focusing on the skill of prediction. Includes 5 engaging starters, main activities and plenaries. Differentiated resources and activities for four groups of children (green LA, yellow M/LA, blue MA, red HA). Questions prompting higher order thinking and activities designed to develop comprehension skills and enhance reading assessment results. Each lesson builds and expands on the previous one. All reviews welcome.