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Alexpce's Shop

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I am a TES recommended author and a UK Science teacher with a Chemistry specialism. You'll find various KS3 and KS4 Science resources here (Biology, Physics and Chemistry) as well as some A level Chemistry stuff. I try to make my lessons visually appealing, with clear diagrams and text and a variety of different tasks. If you have any suggestions of resources you'd like to see uploaded, I'd be happy to hear from you.




I am a TES recommended author and a UK Science teacher with a Chemistry specialism. You'll find various KS3 and KS4 Science resources here (Biology, Physics and Chemistry) as well as some A level Chemistry stuff. I try to make my lessons visually appealing, with clear diagrams and text and a variety of different tasks. If you have any suggestions of resources you'd like to see uploaded, I'd be happy to hear from you.
Density of Solids and Liquids year 8 PowerPoint and worksheet

Density of Solids and Liquids year 8 PowerPoint and worksheet

LOs: To make predictions about whether an object will sink or float. To define density and relate it to the particle model. To use the equation to calculate the densities of different objects. Aimed at a lower set year 8 class. A higher ability class will probably require more. Density of solids and liquids PowerPoint. Includes heavily scaffolded worksheet on density calculations and a cloze exercise. Mini-plenary using mini-whiteboards or similar. Demonstration of density using water and a range of different objects. For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)
Leaves and photosynthesis - Structure and function

Leaves and photosynthesis - Structure and function

Year 8 lesson (could be extended to two lessons), including various activities and worksheets. LOs: To describe the adaptations of leaves To explain the functions of different parts of a leaf To evaluate the structure of a leaf as regards to the function of each part Activities: 1. Do Now: MCQs on photosynthesis 2. Exposition: Photosynthesis equation recap 3. Group activity: Think, pair, share on adaptations of leaves 4. Mini-plenary: Adaptations of leaves check for understanding (join up activity) 5. Mini-plenary: If this is the answer, what is the question? 6. Independent Task: Cloze exercise on leaves and photosynthesis 7: Exposition: Structure of a leaf 8. Independent Task: Structure of leaves worksheet 9. Extension: Planning an investigation into the factors that affect photosynthesis. (Practical activity could follow next lesson.) 10. Plenary: Learning triangle For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)
Specialised cells worksheet

Specialised cells worksheet

A worksheet on specialised cells, suitable for KS3 (year 7 or 8) or above. Students are asked to match diagrams of specialised cells with their names, separate specialised plant cells from animal cells and match specialised cells with their adaptations. Specialised cells covered include root hair cells, palisade cells, sperm cells, red blood cells, ciliated epithelial cells and nerve cells. Worksheet and answers included in .pdf and .docx (same worksheet). For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)
Cells Do Now

Cells Do Now

GCSE level Do Now on cells (organelles, plant and animal cells, diffusion)
Conduction, convection and radiation GCSE lesson

Conduction, convection and radiation GCSE lesson

GCSE lesson on conduction, convection and radiation (the 3 heat transfer processes). LOs: Describe the processes of heat transfer in solids, fluids and vacuums. Explain convection currents in detail. Compare and contrast the three types of heat transfer. 1. Do Now: What is happening in the picture? Explain this process in terms of the energy of the particles 2. Exposition/Demonstration: Modelling the 3 types of heat transfer using a ball (students could write down their understanding of the 3 processes) 3. Mini-plenary: 'Back to back' activity, where students split into pairs, with one facing the front. This student has to describe what they see without using the 3 key words (conduction, convection or radiation) 4. Student Activity: Venn diagram for students to complete on conduction, convection and radiation, using words, diagrams etc. (helper sheet if needed) 5. Plenary: Exam style question about keeping a house warm Option extension/extra activities included: 1. Table for students to complete on conduction, convection and radiation 2. Video questions (video on YouTube) for students to complete on conduction, convection and radiation For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)
Changes of State lesson

Changes of State lesson

Year 8 lesson on changes of state. PowerPoint and worksheets included (at back of PowerPoint) LOs: To recognise changes of state as being reversible changes. To use scientific terminology to describe changes of state. To explain changes of state using the particle model and ideas about energy transfer. 1. Do Now: Which particle diagram shows a solid, a liquid and a gas? 2. Group Activity: Think, pair, share - what do the photos show? 3. Exposition: Changes of state and the particle model 4. Student Activity: Complete the diagram to show the changes of state and answer the questions 5. Mini-Plenary: Mini-whiteboard quiz on changes of state 6. Exposition: Different substances have different melting and boiling points 7. Exposition: Heating curves 8. Student Activity: Asking students to deduce what states different substances are at different temperatures, using their melting and boiling points 9. Plenary: Multiple choice questions exit ticket For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)
Evaporation and boiling lesson

Evaporation and boiling lesson

Year 8 lesson on evaporation and a comparison with boiling. PowerPoint and worksheets included (at back of PowerPoint). LOs: To describe the process of evaporation. To explain the differences between boiling and evaporation using the particle model. To investigate factors affecting evaporation. 1. Do Now: Underline Mr. Wrong’s mistakes 2. Group Activity: Think, pair, share - what is happening in the pictures? 3. Exposition: Explaining evaporation using the particle model 4. Exposition/Group Activity: Comparing evaporation to boiling 5. Student Activity: Students complete table comparing evaporation to boiling (highly scaffolded and less scaffolded versions available) 6. Mini-plenary: True or false quiz 7. Demonstration: Factors affecting evaporation (eg. wind speed, temperature, surface area, liquid being evaporated). Worksheet for students to complete. 8. Plenary/Reflection: What quality did I demonstrate today? For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)
Mass Spectrometry questions

Mass Spectrometry questions

Key questions for year 12/year 13 on Mass Spectrometry. Answer key included. The topic of the questions is molecular mass spectrometry and assumes some prior knowledge on atomic mass spectrometry and isotopes. There are 10 questions, which are designed to test knowledge and understanding. They could be used as a homework task pre-lesson as part of 'flip' learning, or as an independent or group task, using text books/online research to answer them. For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)
Understanding diffusion lesson

Understanding diffusion lesson

Year 7 or 8 lesson on diffusion LOs: Describe the process of diffusion and its relation to the cell. Explain how different factors affect the speed of diffusion. Analyse results into an experiment of the factors which affect diffusion. Activities: 1. Do Now: Starter question on liquids and gases 2. Student Activity: Demonstration of diffusion using potassium permanganate, iodine or perfume 3. Exposition: Introduce the particle model of diffusion 4. Mini-plenary: Whiteboard quiz 5. Exposition: Diffusion in cells and the factors affecting the rate of diffusion 6. Independent Task: Diffusion worksheet 7: Plenary: Check for understanding question For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)
The Human Digestive System lesson

The Human Digestive System lesson

Year 8 lesson on the human digestive system (name, sequence and function of organs). Worksheets included (end of PowerPoint). LOs: To identify the different parts of the digestive system. To explain the function of the different parts of the digestive system. To explain how the structure of each organ is adapted to its function. 1. Do Now: Review previous lesson on food groups 2. Exposition: Introduce the different organs and the sequence in which food passes through 3. Student Activity: Digestion card sort (ordering the organs) 4. Independent Activity: Label the organs on the diagram (Stretch: What is the function of each?) 5. Mini-plenary: Point to an organ and write down the name on mini-WBs 6. Class Activity: Organ riddles - which organ am I? 7. Class Activity: Write a question for the answer 8. Independent Task: Why is each organ the shape it is? 9. Plenary: Write yourself a WWW and an EBI For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)
Collision theory / kinetic theory crossword Do Now

Collision theory / kinetic theory crossword Do Now

Collision theory / kinetic theory crossword Do Now Students are required to 'fill in the gaps' to complete the crossword. The purpose is to check their understanding about the collision theory and how scientists can increase rates of reaction. This resource tests students on 7 words which are present at the bottom of the worksheet in a 'word bank'. To differentiate this resource for more able students, you could remove the word bank. The 7 solutions are: activation, collide, energy, kinetic, orientation, speed, temperature
Metal alloys lesson

Metal alloys lesson

A year 7 or 8 lesson on metal alloys. PowerPoint and worksheets included (at the back of the PowerPoint). LOs: To state what is meant by an alloy. To describe the uses of some alloys. To explain why an alloy can be stronger than a pure metal. 1. Do Now: Can you remember the names of these 4 metals? Which would you use to build a bridge? Why? 2. Exposition: Video (BBC) or exposition on alloys. Ask students to define what an alloy is (could be done via Think, Pair, Share). 3. Student Activity: Worksheet answering questions on alloys video (higher and scaffolded version included) 4. Student Activity: 'Information hunt' on what various alloys contain and what their applications are 5. Exposition: Why are alloys strong? Linking strength to microscopic structure 6. Plenary: Exam style question on why alloys are strong (keywords may be provided to help) For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)
Density of solids and liquids worksheet

Density of solids and liquids worksheet

For a lower set year 8 class. A highly scaffolded worksheet teaching students how to use the density formula to calculate densities of various solids. A cloze exercise testing understanding of key concepts about density.
Structure of a leaf worksheet

Structure of a leaf worksheet

A worksheet to check students' knowledge of the various layers of a leaf and their functions. .docx and .pdf files included (same worksheet)
Transition Metal Complexes

Transition Metal Complexes

Year 13 lesson on Transition Metal complexes (based on AQA syllabus). PowerPoint and worksheet included. Print out last 3 slides to hand out examples of TM complexes to students. LOs: To define key terms in relation to complex ion formation. To describe how the size of ligands affects the shape of complex ions. To explain how ligand charge determines the charge on a complex ion. 1. Do Now: Recap on transition metals 2. Student Activity: Think, pair, share - what does TM complex diagram show? 3. Student Activity: Students come to their own definitions of 'ligand' and 'coordination number' 4. Exposition: Monodentate, bidentate, tridentate terms introduced 5. Mini-plenary: Checkpoint activity asking for ligand, coordination number and shape for 3 new complexes 6. Student Activity: Students draw out bidentate ligand and answer questions 7. Exposition: Introduce and discuss various multi dentate ligands, perhaps introducing the term 'chelate' 8. Exposition: Explaining shapes of complexes with regard to the size of a ligand 9. Exposition: How to calculate total charges on complex ions 10. Independent Task: Students complete worksheet on TM complexes 11. Plenary: Recap of all new terms learnt, using 3 new TM complexes 12. Extension Task: Drawing TM complexes For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)
Investigating Static charge lesson

Investigating Static charge lesson

Year 8 lesson on Investigating Static Charge. PowerPoint and worksheets included (back of PowerPoint). LOs: To recognise the effects of static charge. To explain how static charge can be generated. To use evidence to develop ideas about static charge. 1. Do Now: What is happening in the photos? 2. Exposition: Difference between current and static charge 3. Group Activity: Static experiments (you will need some balloons, pieces of paper, water from a tap, a comb etc.) 4. Mini-Plenary: Attraction or repulsion? 5. Student Activity: Video (on YouTube) and accompanying worksheet 6. Independent Task: Levelled questions and self assessment 8. Plenary: Learning triangle For more resources check out my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexpce If you liked this resource, please write a review! :)