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Anna jordan's Shop

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10 BALL GAMES: SUBVERSIVE TEACHING IN 21ST CENTURY. We innovate, constantly. We see the extraordinary in the everyday. We know that real education is about feeding the soul, not just passing exams. We sometimes see children with problems, we don't see children as problems. We re-draw the boundaries of the possible. We survive, despite the slings and arrows of outrageous policy. Freely sharing resources gives us time to do these things. Please help yourself, and play on.




10 BALL GAMES: SUBVERSIVE TEACHING IN 21ST CENTURY. We innovate, constantly. We see the extraordinary in the everyday. We know that real education is about feeding the soul, not just passing exams. We sometimes see children with problems, we don't see children as problems. We re-draw the boundaries of the possible. We survive, despite the slings and arrows of outrageous policy. Freely sharing resources gives us time to do these things. Please help yourself, and play on.
Paper dolls of Roman army tactics

Paper dolls of Roman army tactics

Guide to cutting paper structures that act as models for the 4 main tactics of the roman army - the wedge, orb, repel-cavalry and tortoise. Not flashy but worked really well with my students as a 3d visualisation rather than just looking at a drawing. easy to enact also, once has been seen. short, straightforward activities included also.
Henry VIII and English Reformation

Henry VIII and English Reformation

Complete notes (basically like a textbook) for AS students. It is written as a chronological account, building in key debates. The reason for chronological rather than thematic focus is because the course has been taught in discrete sections and this is designed to bring it all together. It is not the final, proofed draft and some of the footnoting still needs to be done, but I thought I would upload it in case anyone finds it useful for the imminent exams. I'll post a revised copy when it is complete.
Causes WWI Spaced Learning Activity

Causes WWI Spaced Learning Activity

PPT and follow up resources for a lesson using 'spaced learning' technique to explore the causes of WWI. Detailed notes about delivery for those who haven't used this technique before are provided in word doc. It's great fun and you might be surprised how good the students' memories are even a week later. http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6007881
Why did Germany surrender?

Why did Germany surrender?

Group activity - 'running dictation'. Teacher has flash cards on which are events that lead to the end of the war. One student from each group comes to the front and looks at the card for 30 seconds, has to remember it and then take it back to the group, who all record it. Full instructions provided with plenary activities. By the end students should know what happened and be able to explain why Germany surrendered
League of Nations Strengths & Weaknesses

League of Nations Strengths & Weaknesses

This exercise is designed to introduce students to the strengths &weaknesses of the structure, membership and powers of the LON. It is also designed to reinforce essay planning techniques. It is fairly straightforward. It starts off as a card sort of strengths and weaknesses. Students then have to categorise into the 3 areas, add an explanation to the description. It can be done as ICT or paper exercise. Assertions for the paragraphs and a conclusion can be added also to extend into total essay plan.
Modern World GCSE Revision Quiz cards

Modern World GCSE Revision Quiz cards

there are a number of ways of using this resource. a) you can give it to the class as a chain card exercise for a plenary - students read out the first part of their card and then someone else has to provide the answer. You can do this in reverse to be even more challenging? You will notice when you download this resource that the answers dont match the questions (answers have been shuffled down one space and the last answer brought to the top). this is for this exercise b) the correct version of the q&a starts on page 6. these can be used as a memory game. students cut out the strips and fold/stick them backwards so the answer is on one side of a small card and the question on the other. this can be used as a memory game in class, or can simply be given to students as a revision aid c) the questions can be cut up and put in a pot in class on the teachers desk and a few qéa quiz questions done as a starter activity there are separate quizzes on Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations and the causes of WW2 The exercises are easy to add to/amend to suit. It’s just a way of keeping the factual framework in student’s minds to help lessons to focus on skills development rather than factual recall.
AQA Unit 6 A2 The Holocaust - various

AQA Unit 6 A2 The Holocaust - various

1. historiographical spectrum - students read the summaries of historians’ views and decide where to plot those historians on a spectrum of intentionalist to functionalist and on a spectrum of responsibility for the holocaust 2.chronology exercise - students to identify 4 phases of nazi policy towards the jews by identifying turning points. 4 suggested phases are discrimination, physical attack, physical segregation, genocide. Terminology can obviously be varied by teachers 3. Nuremberg Laws notes 4. Kristallnacht notes both 3 & 4 used as basis for students to consider significance of the phase of ‘aryanisation’ 1933-1939. students to create a diagram suggesting causes and consequences of Nuremberg Laws and Kristallnacht and also to create summary of significance of the whole phase. 5. Summary notes on the period 1933-1939 6. Summary notes on the period 1939-1941 (poland - barbarossa) 7. (added april 9th) summary notes from launch of barbarossa to wannsee conference - again, a synthesis of the required reading for aqa a2 unit 6, so includes lots of historiography 8. added 17 april 2008 - set of notes on wannsee conference and death camps, includes copy of the wannsee protocol
AQA Unit 1 Option G: Germany from Bismarck to Weimar

AQA Unit 1 Option G: Germany from Bismarck to Weimar

This is just an outline of the constitution, with some appropriate historiographical quotes included. Its mainly taken from Gordon Craig Germany 1866-1945 Chapter 2. As background prep we did an exercise on the state of germany in 1871 after unification, then had a discussion of what type of constitution would be necessary, thinking about key areas of policy such as the economy, control of the military, social measures (education/health), etc and deciding whether these should be under national or regional control. we also discussed whether we would have a parliament with representation or whether it would be run autocratically as the individual states had been previously. Students basically came up with all this anyway, so these notes were consolidation and the basis for a discussion on the nature, strengths and weaknesses of the constitution. also attached sets of notes for students; synthesised from various books
Winning the war and losing the peace

Winning the war and losing the peace

Students use (differentiated) set of cards provided to investigate the consequences of World War I. They use this information to create a circles diagram to explore how the war was won, but the peace was lost. Notes provided about how to construct the diagram.
Medieval church game

Medieval church game

From a SOW I'm currently writing about Henry II and Becket. This board game is about the medieval church. A priest, a noble and a peasant have to get to heaven. Journey by way of church courts and indulgences, to set the scene for the specific church privilege which caused conflict between Henry II and Becket and also the indulgences issue which is a long-term link to a planned future unit on the reformation.
Visual imagery illustrating Nazi Propaganda and how it made genocide possible

Visual imagery illustrating Nazi Propaganda and how it made genocide possible

This is a great resource that I put together for a presentation at uni years and years ago. I have used it with all different age and ability groups in different schools. it should be self-explanatory as i have added notes to indicate the kind of things dicussed throughout the slide show David - Slightly harsh my man, to rate it on the basis you couldn’t see it! Its probably your firewall, as it has been downloaded many times - not that that helps! If you email me at jordansnotes@yahoo.com I will email it to you, size permitting.