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Barclayfox's Shop. Ready to use KS3 & KS4 lessons.

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(based on 76 reviews)

No preparation required! Physics, Chemistry, Biology also Maths Complete and ready to use high quality science lessons that automatically navigate you and your class expertly through the lesson and activities. All answers are built in. For up to 60% off these resources visit www.foxteach.com. FREE resource, leave a positive review and email us your tes user name and the resource you'd like (to the same value). Contact Barclayfox at: foxteach@hotmail.com




No preparation required! Physics, Chemistry, Biology also Maths Complete and ready to use high quality science lessons that automatically navigate you and your class expertly through the lesson and activities. All answers are built in. For up to 60% off these resources visit www.foxteach.com. FREE resource, leave a positive review and email us your tes user name and the resource you'd like (to the same value). Contact Barclayfox at: foxteach@hotmail.com
History of the atom, discovery of the nucleus, Thompson, Rutherford, Alpha particle scattering, Bohr

History of the atom, discovery of the nucleus, Thompson, Rutherford, Alpha particle scattering, Bohr

A complete and ready to deliver high quality KS4 / GCSE lesson from Barclayfox. Updated 20th October 2017. This is a complete lesson from start to end. You do not need to spend a huge number of hours carefully planning it and writing differentiated resources, I have already spent those hours creating this great lesson. Furthermore it has been improved time and again after each use - it is tried and tested, you will not find better. There is nothing for you to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it. Lesson objectives - I can: *Describe the structure of the atom (Protons, neutrons, electrons: charges, masses and locations). * Explain the history of our model of the atom (billiard ball model, plum pudding model, nuclear model, planetary model, quantum mechanical model). * Describe Rutherford’s experiment which led to the discovery of the nucleus This carefully crafted lesson is over 40 slides long, has differentiated activity sheets (with answers), and is full of learning activities as below: * Simple starter - self assess vs objectives * Matching task - answers are provided. * Differentiated activity sheets - support, medium ability, high ability. * Activity sheet - answers. * Sequencing activity. * Gap fill activity - all answers are provided. * Quiz with answers. * Questions – all answers are provided * Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’). * Video clip links (carefully selected – this alone can save you 20+ minutes of searching). * Paired work activities – answers are provided. * Homework worksheet * Scientific literacy activities. * Plenary formative / summative assessment quiz / activity. * Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – learners judge for themselves how much they have learnt. As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your friends and family by purchasing more lessons created by “Barclayfox” once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources. Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review. This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series: 0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available not all my series are bundled) 1. Atoms, history of the atom and discovery of the nucleus. THIS LESSON. 2. Isotopes and Mass number and Atomic number. 3. Alpha, Beta and Gamma – ionising radiation. 4. Changes in the nucleus – decay equations 5 to 14 Please read the list in the powerpoint. Happy teaching ! Yours, Barclayfox.
Specific latent heat

Specific latent heat

Specific latent heat. Includes specific latent heat of vaporisation and of fusion. An excellent ready made modular lesson made up of 8 parts. Simply chose the parts that best suit the ability of your group. Covers all main exam boards including AQA, Edexcel, OCR etc. Ready to use, complete lesson. Engaging and it has differentiated worksheets and all answers provided throughout. Students will be able to: Understand the relevant scientific literacy Define specific latent heat. Understand the difference between fusion and vaporisation Explain what happens to the temperature when the specific latent heat is applied. Explain why. Sketch heating and cooling graphs when a change of state occurs. Explain the curves Conduct a practical to melt ice and do calculations. Perform latent heat calculations (differentiated worksheets) Happy teaching, Barclayfox Search words specific latent heat, latent heat, latent heat of fusion, latent heat of vaporisation, fusion, vaporisation, vapourisation, state change, solid, liquid, gas, fusion, latent heat, heating curve, cooling curve, bonds, physics, latent heat, latent heat of fusion, specific latent heat.
Momentum, rate of change of momentum, impulse, Safety, crumple zones, air bags. Full lesson.

Momentum, rate of change of momentum, impulse, Safety, crumple zones, air bags. Full lesson.

A complete, and ready to deliver, high quality KS4 / GCSE lesson from Barclayfox. This is a complete lesson from start to end. You do not need to spend a huge number of hours carefully planning it and writing differentiated resources, I have already spent those hours creating this great lesson. Furthermore it has been improved time and again after each use – it is a tried and tested excellent lesson. There is nothing for you to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it. Lesson objectives: * I can use the rate of change of momentum equation F = (mv-mu)/t. * I know what impulse is and can complete calculations. * I can explain how seat belts, airbags and crumple zones etc work. This carefully crafted lesson is over 40 slides long, and is full of learning activities as below: * Notes to help the teacher. * Starter - matching names, symbols and units. * Starter - simple task where students self-assess against the objectives. * Matching task - answers are provided (this is the starter). * Activity sheet - differentiated GOLD and PLATINUM. * Answers are provided. * Quiz with answers. * Differentiated Questions in the powerpoint – all answers are provided. * Peer marking * Self marking * Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’). * Play ball. * Video clip link (carefully selected – this alone can save you 20+ minutes of searching). * Paired work activities – answers are provided. * Homework * Plenary formative/summative assessment quiz / activity. * Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt. As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by “Barclayfox” once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources. Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review. This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series: 0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all my series are bundled) 1. Momentum. 2. Conservation of momentum, collisions, elastic and inelastic. 3. Momentum, impulse, crumple zones and safety. Thank you, and happy teaching! Yours, Barclayfox.
Nuclear fission & fusion, chain reactions, controlling CRs, bombs & nuclear power stations.

Nuclear fission & fusion, chain reactions, controlling CRs, bombs & nuclear power stations.

A complete, and ready to deliver KS4 lesson There is nothing for you to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it. Objectives / students learn to: * Describe what is happening during the fission of uranium-235. * Describe U-235’s fission products. * Explain how a chain reaction works. * Understand how a chain reaction can be controlled. * Understand the different roles of control rods and moderators * Understand the difference between fission and fusion. This lesson majors on fission and chain reactions and their control (and briefly mentions fusion) and it contains the following activities: Starter - picture puzzle to get the students thinking. Starter (more) - game / quiz. SPaG / literacy based on fission. Video links (very carefully chosen and 3 in total). Differentiated work sheets - 3 different levels of difficulty. Gap fills. Animations (2 different animations): A single Fission reaction. Fission chain reactions. Kinaesthetic activity - get your students up and moving about. Gap fill (on a different area of this subject). Plenary quiz game. All answers to all activities are provided. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all my resources. This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series: 0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available not all series are bundled) 1. History of the atom, discovery of the nucleus, Thompson and Rutherford. 2. Isotopes and Mass number and Atomic number. 3. Alpha, Beta and Gamma – ionising radiation. 4. Changes in the nucleus – decay equations 5. Half life, radioactivity and decay. 6. Activity and half life practicals 7. Dangers and precautions 8. Nuclear radiation in medicine (uses in medicine) 9 -14 Please see this powerpoint for the full list. Thank you, and happy teaching! Yours, Barclayfox.
Filtration (filtering) - separating mixtures.

Filtration (filtering) - separating mixtures.

A complete and ‘ready to deliver’ KS3 lesson. This is a complete lesson from start to end, there is nothing to do but give it a read through and perhaps remove a few slides to reduce its length if required for your particular group. It contains: Lesson objectives (see below). Questions with answers. Paired work activities with answers. Practicals in groups – with scaffolding and expected results. Equipment list - to give to your technicians. Video clip link. Matching task with answers. Differentiated questions with answers. Student self assessment versus objectives activity. Working long hours each week? Stop, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by ‘Barclayfox’ once they appear on TES. Simply type barclayfox into the TES search engine. Thank you for your time. Yours, Barclayfox. Lesson objectives: - understand what a mixture and a compound are. - explain how to filter a mixture - explain how filtration works.
Extinction, preventing extinction, conservation, captive breeding etc. KS3 Biology complete lesson.

Extinction, preventing extinction, conservation, captive breeding etc. KS3 Biology complete lesson.

Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology lesson. All resources are included in this excellent lesson, save yourself lots of lesson preparation time! Students learn to: * Know what extinct, stewardship, exert etc mean and create a list of extinct animals. * Describe different way in which animals can become extinct and give examples. * Explain various ways to prevent extinction. STARTER Pupils start the lessons by working together to work out what today’s lesson is about. This leads the pupils to think about the Los and self-assess against their current understanding of this topic and then undertaking a scientific literacy activity. MAIN and MAIN and MAIN… This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There is a very good variety of interesting student activities such as: up and about, gap fills, unscramble, literacy activities, questions, video, discussion, recall, think/pair/share, questions with answers, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities etc etc. PLENARY Learners self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes. EXTENSION ACTIVITIES Several extension activities are provided in case any group you teach requires them. Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a huge amount of time and effort. If you choose to buy, your positive feedback on tes would be very much appreciated :) Other Barclayfox lessons in this series: 0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled). 1. Vaccinations – lesson 1. (Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner) 2. Vaccinations – lesson 2. (Advantages & disadvantages of vaccinations, how pathogens spread etc) 3. Antibiotics - lesson 1. (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin and selecting an appropriate antibiotic) 4. Antibiotics - lesson 2. (Antibiotic resistance, super bugs, MRSA, resistant bacteria) 5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review. (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc) 6. Preventing extinction. (Preventing extinction, conservation, seed banks, captive breeding etc) 7. Revision lesson. (Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, Evolution, extinction etc) Happy teaching ! Barclayfox. Search Words: Extinction, conservation, seed banks, gene banks, zoo, safari park, captive breeding etc etc
Hypotheses, theory acceptance, making predictions, peer review, scientific method, trial by evidence

Hypotheses, theory acceptance, making predictions, peer review, scientific method, trial by evidence

A complete and ready to deliver high quality GCSE lesson from Barclayfox. This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do not need to spend many hours carefully planning, creating, resourcing and improving this lesson after each use. I have already spent those hours preparing this lesson for my students and improving it over many years. There is nothing to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it. Lesson objectives: * Explain key words and phrases including “hypothesis”, “peer review”, “theory” and the “prediction”. * Explain the scientific method and how new hypotheses are validated by other scientists before they are accepted. * Understand trial by evidence. This carefully crafted lesson is over 40 slides long, and is full of learning activities as below: * Notes to help the teacher. * Starter 1 - unscramble the words. * Starter 2 - simple task where students self-assess themselves against the objectives. * Matching task - answers are provided. * Activity sheet - built into the powerpoint simply print this slide for each student. * Unscramble the words race. * Sequencing activity. * Gap fill activity - all answers are provided. * Quiz with answers. * Questions – all answers are provided. * Up and about activity * Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’). * Differentiated questions with answers (ACTIVITY SHEETS built into powerpoint simply print them). * Play ball. * Paired work activities – answers are provided. * Scientific literacy activity. * Homework * Plenary is the activity sheets. * Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt. As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by “Barclayfox” once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources. Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review. This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series: 0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available not all series are bundled) 1. History of the atom, discovery of the nucleus, Thompson and Rutherford. 2. Isotopes and Mass number and Atomic number. 3. Alpha, Beta and Gamma – ionising radiation. 4. Changes in the nucleus – decay equations 5-14. See this powerpoint for the list. Thank you, and happy teaching, Barclayfox.
Charles' law

Charles' law

This lesson is on Charles’ law for KS4. It covers temperature, KE, the Kelvin scale, and absolute zero. Students also learn how to convert between Kelvin and degrees Celsius (centigrade) and vice versa. It then moves on to the relationship between temperature and volume and calculating temperatures and volumes using Charles’ Law. Also covers all the key language. Well organised and succinct with clearly made key points and well chosen images. This lesson explains the material in an easy to understand way. Provides an excellent ready to use lesson on this topic, or it can easily be adapted if you wish. UK KS4 and USA grades 9 to 11 (ages 13 to 16). Happy teaching! Barclayfox Here are a few more of my lessons that I’m sure you will find helpful: Cells, tissues and organs (hierarchy of biological organisation) KS3 complete lesson. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/cells-tissues-and-organs-11288571 Adaptation, habitat and adaptations and inherited variation, survival. KS3 complete lesson. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/adaptation-habitat-and-adaptations-and-inherited-variation-survival-ks3-complete-lesson-11743787 Genes, DNA, Darwin, evolution, peer review and collaboration. Complete KS3 Biology lesson. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/genes-dna-darwin-evolution-peer-review-and-collaboration-complete-ks3-biology-lesson-11818249 Space, solar system, stars, galaxies, moons, light years and the universe. Complete KS3 lesson. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/space-solar-system-stars-galaxies-moons-light-years-and-the-universe-complete-ks3-lesson-11772336 There are many more high quality lessons I’ve created, then repeatedly used and improved over the last decade+ . Please type “barclayfox” into the resources search box. Search words: Charle’s law, Charles’s law, Charles’s law, Charles law, temperature and volume, volume and temperature, T V P, gas law, gas laws, Kelvin, kelvin, absolute zero, temperature scales, Celcius, kelvin, degrees celcius, centigrade, kinetic energy and temperature.
Antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria, superbugs, super bugs, MRSA. Complete Biology KS3 lesson

Antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria, superbugs, super bugs, MRSA. Complete Biology KS3 lesson

Complete KS3 Biology lesson 4 KEY STUDENT OUTCOMES: Recall what antibiotics are and what they do… Describe some methods for preventing the spread of bacterial infection… Explain what is meant by antibiotic resistance and superbugs… Challenge Mission: Demonstrate (using diagrams) how superbugs proliferate. STARTER Pupils start the lessons by working together to unscramble words that lead them to thinking about what the lesson is about. Next they think about the Los and self-assess against their current understanding of this topic and undertake a scientific literacy activity. MAIN and MAIN and MAIN… This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There is a very good variety of interesting student activities such as: up and about, gap fill, matching, literacy activities, quick quiz, recall, think/pair/share, questions with answers, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities etc etc. PLENARY Learners self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes. EXTENSION ACTIVITIES A good variety of extension activities are provided just in case any group you teach requires them. Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a huge amount of time and effort, if you choose to buy, your positive feedback on tes would be very much appreciated :) Other Barclayfox lessons in this series: 0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled). 1. Vaccinations – lesson 1. (Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner) 2. Vaccinations – lesson 2. (Advantages & disadvantages of vaccinations, how pathogens spread etc) 3. Antibiotics - lesson 1. (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin and selecting an appropriate antibiotic) 4. Antibiotics - lesson 2. (Antibiotic resistance, super bugs, MRSA, resistant bacteria) 5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review. (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc) 6. Preventing extinction. (Preventing extinction, conservation, seed banks, captive breeding etc) 7. Revision lesson. (Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, Evolution, extinction etc) Happy teaching ! Barclayfox. Search Words: Superbugs, super bugs, resistance, resistant, antibiotics, Penicillin, Bio, Biology, Alexander Fleming, medicines, virus, bacteria, Doctor, nurse, medicine, syringe, petri dish, microscope, MRSA, science, scientific methodology, smallpox, cowpox, antibodies, illness, ill, cure, pathogen, antibody.
Antibiotics, medicines, Alexander Fleming, discovery of penicillin. Complete KS3 Biology lesson.

Antibiotics, medicines, Alexander Fleming, discovery of penicillin. Complete KS3 Biology lesson.

Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology lesson from Barclayfox. All resources are included in this well differentiated excellent lesson, there is nothing for you to do but deliver it ! STUDENTS WILL LEARN TO: * Understand what antibiotics can treat and what they cannot. * Describe the use of antibiotics and how they work. * Explain how Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. * Successfully complete an experiment to select an appropriate antibiotic. STARTER Pupils start the lessons by thinking about the Los and self-assessing against their current understanding of this topic and undertaking a scientific literacy activity. MAIN and MAIN and MAIN… This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There is a very good variety of interesting student activities such as a practical experiment, gap fill, matching, literacy activity, quick quiz, recall, think/pair/share, questions with answers, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities etc etc. PLENARY Learners self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes. EXTENSION ACTIVITIES A good variety of extension activities are provided just in case any group you teach requires them. Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a lot of time and effort, if you choose to buy your positive feedback on tes would be very much appreciated :) Other Barclayfox lessons in this series: 0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled). 1. Vaccinations – lesson 1. (Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner) 2. Vaccinations – lesson 2. (Advantages & disadvantages of vaccinations, how pathogens spread etc) 3. Antibiotics - lesson 1. (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin and selecting an appropriate antibiotic) 4. Antibiotics - lesson 2. (Antibiotic resistance, super bugs, MRSA, resistant bacteria) 5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review. (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc) 6. Preventing extinction. (Preventing extinction, conservation, seed banks, captive breeding etc) 7. Revision lesson. (Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, Evolution, extinction etc) Happy teaching ! Barclayfox. Search Words: Antibiotics, Penicillin, Alexander Fleming, medicines, vaccine, vaccination, immunity, immune, virus, bacteria, Doctor, nurse, medicine, syringe, petri dish, microscope, illness, ill, cure, blood, white blood cell, fungus, germ, germs, disease, roll, MMR, Mumps, Measles, Rubella, vaccination, German measles, HPV, human papilloma virus, cancer, immune system, injection, droplet, observation, hypothesis, theory, experiment, pathogen, antibody, skin, stomach acid, primary defences, etc
Food chains and food webs. Complete lesson. KS3 Biology.

Food chains and food webs. Complete lesson. KS3 Biology.

A complete, and ready to deliver, high quality KS3 Biology lesson from Barclayfox. (For USA - this lesson is for use between 6th to 8th grade). This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do not need to spend many hours carefully planning, creating, resourcing and improving this lesson after each use. I have already spent those hours preparing this lesson for my students and improving it over many years. This is a very high quality lesson. There is nothing for you to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it. Lesson objectives: * Describe predators, prey, herbivores and carnivores within food chains. * Understand the roles of producers and consumers. * Construct food chains and food webs. * Predict the affects on organisms when different food sources are removed. This carefully crafted lesson is over 30 slides long, and is full of learning activities as below: * Notes to help the teacher. * Starter - simple task where students self-assess against the objectives. * Matching game - answers are provided. * Worksheet (unique) - simply print for each student. * Activity - create a garden food web - simply print for each student. * Activity sheet - answers. * Sequencing activity. * Quiz with answers. * Questions – all answers are provided. * Peer marking / Self marking opportunities. * Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’). * Play ball opportunities. * Video clip links- 2 off (carefully selected – this alone can save you 20+ minutes of searching). * Paired work activities – all answers are provided. * Homework * Scientific Literacy activity. * Plenary formative/summative assessment activity. * Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt. * Extension activities – just in case additional activities are required. As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by “Barclayfox” once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources. Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review. This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series: 0. Bundles – contain 3 or more of these lessons at a discounted price (however please note not all my series are bundled). 1. Variation 2. Adaptation 3 to 6 - please see list in this powerpoint. Thank you, and happy teaching! Yours, Barclayfox.
Light, refraction, concave lens, convex lenses, refractive index and calculations. Complete lesson.

Light, refraction, concave lens, convex lenses, refractive index and calculations. Complete lesson.

This lesson is 3 in a series of 5 that expertly and fully delivers all the points within the NEW KS3 specification SoW on the “light” topic. I find that this powerpoint and its interesting activities keep lower level students engaged during the lesson while allowing differentiation for higher achievers. I’m sure you’ll find it useful. For more lessons designed to meet the new KS3 and KS4 specifications please type Barclayfox into the tes resources search engine to see all my lessons. STARTER Pupils will start the lessons by thinking/working in pairs to solve a picture puzzle to find out what today’s lesson is about. After revealing the title and lesson outcomes students self assess against their current understanding of this topic. Next there is a scientific literacy Q&A activity to ensure all students learn the key words required to understand this lesson. MAIN The slides then move on to lead the students into understanding refraction. TTN is introduced as a means of working out whether refraction with bend light towards or away from the normal. Students then undertake an activity and apply TTN to predict the way the light bends at various boundaries between various mediums, they then self-assess using the answers provided. MAIN Next, the lesson focuses on two types of lenses, concave and convex. Diagrams are clear and help get the key points across succinctly and accurately. Students are shown incident rays into a concave lens and then try to predict and draw the ray diagram for the refracted rays. MAIN Students do a class practical with ray boxes and glass blocks to investigate refraction. Students share their results and observations and then undertake a quiz to bring out the key points from the experiment. MAIN Students do a gap fill activity – this can be differentiated by providing or not providing the missing words, they then and self-assess or peer assess using the answers provided. MAIN Refractive index is introduced and students undertake some calculations based around refractive index. This is peer-assessed using the model answers provided. PLENARY Each student self-assesses versus each of the objectives and marks their progress on their progress bars. EXTENSION ACTIVITIES A variety of activities are provided just in case any of your groups requires them either this year or in future years. All resources are included in this great lesson, there is nothing for you to do but order the equipment for the class practical (simply hand your technician the printed off kit list.doc). Thank you for looking, your feedback is much appreciated! :) Lesson 3 in a series of 5. Happy teaching, Barclayfox.
Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner. Complete KS3 Biology lesson.

Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner. Complete KS3 Biology lesson.

Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology lesson. All resources are included in this engaging and fun lesson. Students learn to: * Understand new key words such as vaccine, smallpox, bacteria etc * Describe the role of vaccines in fighting disease. * Explain how vaccines work. * Analyse the sequence describing how Edward Jenner developed the very first vaccine. STARTER Pupils will start the lessons by thinking and working in pairs in a race to work out a picture puzzle. This leads to revealing the title and lesson outcomes, and then students self assess against their current understanding of this topic (at the end of the lesson they will use this assessment to reflect on how much progress they made during the lesson). MAIN and MAIN and MAIN… This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused as they have fun learning. There are various interesting and fun student activities such as gap fill, matching, video, sequencing, literacy activity, questions with answers, recall, think/pair/share, quiz, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities, up and about game etc. PLENARY In the plenary activity pupils complete a physical (up and about) quiz to uncover how much they have learnt during the lesson. Next they self assess their progress against the lesson outcomes. Students who need further support set themselves additional homework to enhance learning of today’s lesson. EXTENSION ACTIVITIES These are provided just in case any group requires them. Thank you for looking, your positive feedback would be very much appreciated :) Other Barclayfox lessons in this series: 0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled) 1. Vaccinations – lesson 1 (Immunity & Edward Jenner & Penicillin etc). 2. Vaccinations – lesson 2 (Advantages & disadvantages, how pathogens spread etc). 3. Antibiotics - lesson 1 (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin, selecting an appropriate antibiotic) 4. Antibiotics - lesson 2 (Antibiotic resistance, superbugs, MRSA, antibiotic resistant bacteria). 5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc) 6. Preventing extinction (conservation, seed banks, gene banks, captive breeding etc) 7. Revision lesson. (Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, evolution, extinction etc). For more great lessons please type Barclayfox into the tes resources search engine to see all my lessons. Happy teaching ! Barclayfox. Search Words: vaccine, vaccination, Edward Jenner, immunity, immune, virus, bacteria, smallpox, cowpox, antibodies, MMR, Mumps, Measles, Rubella, vaccination, German measles, HPV, human papilloma virus.
Breathing , inhaling and exhaling, and lung capacity. KS3.

Breathing , inhaling and exhaling, and lung capacity. KS3.

A complete and ‘ready to deliver’ KS3 lesson. Lesson title: Breathing (inhaling and exhaling) and lung capacity. Please note this is KS3 - breathing mechanism. It is not KS4 / G Lesson objectives: Describe the “process” of “inhaling” and “exhaling”. Describe how a “bell jar” can be used to model what happens during breathing. Explain how to measure lung “volume”. Measure lung volume in the classroom (simple experiment) CHALLENGE MISSION: Calculate your own lung capacity This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do NOT need to spend hours carefully planning and resourcing this lesson – I have already spent those hours preparing this lesson for you. There is nothing to do but give it a quick read through and familiarise yourself with it, and if necessary, take some simple decisions the lesson guides you to make before delivering it. You may also wish to remove a few slides to reduce its length if required for your particular group of learners - it’s modular design makes this very easy to do. The lesson contains: * Need list – telling you what to photocopy or what kit to order etc * Notes to help the teacher * Title & lesson objectives (as above). * Starter task where students self-assess themselves against each objective * Scientific literacy activity * Homework (you choose whether your learners need to do it) Video * Questions – all answers are provided. * Paired work activities with answers. * Theory slides (minimal – interspaced with thinking activities - not ‘death by powerpoint’) * Practicals in groups – with scaffolding text * Equipment list - to give to your technicians (excel file). * Numeracy activity * Gap fill activity – answers are provided * Plenary formative/summative assessment activity / quiz * Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learned As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by ‘Barclayfox’ once they appear on TES. Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review. Thank you for your time. Yours, Barclayfox. About this lesson. This lesson is one of a set of 4, these are titled: L1 Cells, tissues and organs. L2 Gas exchange and alveoli. L3 Breathing (inhale and exhale). L4 Skeleton, joints and muscles. You may find it useful to buy all the lessons in the set as they are linked together (for example a homework maybe given in one lesson and then tested in another). Key words Breathing mechanism, breathing, diapgragm, lungs, lung caopacity, lung capacity, how we breath, muscles, rib cage, diaphragm, inhale, exhale, lung capacity, lung capacity experiement, lung capacity experiment, numeracy, literacy, Breathing , inhaling and exhaling, and lung capacity,
Contraception methods

Contraception methods

This lesson explains what contraception is and the various methods of contraception. By the end of the lesson your young people will understand the effectiveness and be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of these different methods. This will give them appropriate knowledge to make informed decisions for themselves as they grow up. This lesson is easily and quickly adaptable. It contains SPaG, uncovers and corrects misconceptions, has a true or false activity, gap fill, picture puzzle, carefully selected NHS Video clip, homework and FAQ’s etc Suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Please do not buy my other “contraception” lesson if you buy this one, they are very similar, thank you. Here are a few more of my (many) lessons that I’m sure you’ll find helpful: Cells, tissues and organs (hierarchy of biological organisation) KS3 complete lesson, forms part of a complete series of lessons for this topic. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/cells-tissues-and-organs-11288571 Adaptation, habitat and adaptations and inherited variation, survival. KS3 complete lesson. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/adaptation-habitat-and-adaptations-and-inherited-variation-survival-ks3-complete-lesson-11743787 Genes, DNA, Darwin, evolution, peer review and collaboration. Complete KS3 Biology lesson. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/genes-dna-darwin-evolution-peer-review-and-collaboration-complete-ks3-biology-lesson-11818249 Space, solar system, stars, galaxies, moons, light years and the universe. Complete KS3 lesson AND part of a full series. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/space-solar-system-stars-galaxies-moons-light-years-and-the-universe-complete-ks3-lesson-11772336 There are many more high quality lessons I’ve created, and repeatedly used and improved over the last decade. Please type “barclayfox” into the resources search box. Happy teaching ! Barclayfox Key words Contraception, methods of contraception, the pill, rhythm, pregnant, avoiding pregnancy, pregnancy, condom, pill, patch, rhythm method, withdrawal, sheath, ejaculation, fertilisation, IUD, coil, female condom, durex, diaphragm, cap, spermicide, injection, implant, sterilization, boy, girl, sex, sex education, reproduction, PSHE, RSE, fertilization, sex and relationships, health care, STI’s, health, reproduction, sex and science, human reproduction, sex and relationships.
Energy stores and conservation KS3. (Teaches KS3 to agree with GCSE 9-1 spec).

Energy stores and conservation KS3. (Teaches KS3 to agree with GCSE 9-1 spec).

KS3 Energy and conservation of energy - complete lesson, ready to use, pick up and go. This KS3 lesson teaches energy stores in the new way required for GCSE 9-1 spec - so it builds the correct foundation for KS4. This supports good student progress and avoids confusing them by teaching them the old ideas about energy at KS3 (e.g. light is an energy store, sound is energy etc) and then the new ones at GCSE (9-1 specification). By the end of the lesson learners will (ALL) Understand what energy is. (ALL) Know the unit of energy. (ALL) Be able to name the 8 energy stores (as per new 9-1 GCSE requirements) (MOST) Understand what each store is and identify them in the world around them. (MOST) Explain that energy transfers from one store to another (SOME) Demonstrate an understanding of the law of conservation of energy. What do you get? Complete and ready to use lesson that includes: Energy cross word worksheet - with ANSWERS. Energy circus activity sheet - with ANSWERS. Two carefully chosen videos Powerpoint that navigates you and the learners throughout and includes questions, answers, peer marking, self marking, video links, plenary quiz with answers etc. Helpsheet Equipment list for the circus practical (simply give it to your technicians) Why buy this? Very high quality (over 15 hours to create). Optimised - low teacher effort for great student results. Tried and tested (taught to my classes in 2017 and again in 2018). Differentiated. Complete and ready to deliver. Easy to use Simple and clear. Engaging and varied. Unique. Correct to the new 9-1 GCSE spec. Beware! Most KS3 lessons on tes are not correct, they are contradicting the new 9-1 GCSE spec. Get a free lesson! Purchase this resource, leave a fair review and choose another Barclayfox resource (to the same value as this one) for free! Instruction about how to claim are included as part of the download. Happy teaching! Barclayfox. There are lots more great time saving lessons in my tes shop: barclayfox shop Search words: KS3 energy, energy stores, new specification, new spec., new science spec, new science specification, new physics spec, 9-1, 9 – 1, GCSE, AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, IOP, energy, energy stores, energy types, not energy resources, joules, Joules, conservation of energy.
Effects of the environment, environmental variation, inherited variation. KS3. Complete Lesson.

Effects of the environment, environmental variation, inherited variation. KS3. Complete Lesson.

A complete, and ready to deliver, high quality KS3 lesson from Barclayfox. (For USA - this lesson is for use between 6th to 8th grade). This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do not need to spend many hours carefully planning, creating, resourcing and improving this lesson after each use. I have already spent those hours preparing this lesson for my students and improving it over many years. This is a very high quality lesson. There is nothing for you to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it. Lesson objectives: * Identify causes of environmental variation. * Describe adaptations to both daily changes and seasonal changes. * Identify which variations are environmental, which are inherited and which are both. This carefully crafted lesson is over 30 slides long, and is full of learning activities as below: * Notes to help the teacher. * Starter - simple task where students self-assess against the objectives. * Matching task - answers are provided. * Activity sheet (unique) - 2 separate pages * Gap fill activity - all answers are provided. * Questions – all answers are provided. * Peer marking and self marking opportunities. * Up and about game/activity * Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’). * Play ball. * Video clip link (carefully selected – this alone can save you 20+ minutes of searching). * Paired work activities – all answers are provided. * Homework (optional using activity sheet) * Scientific Literacy activity. * Plenary up and about game. * Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt. * Extension activities – just in case additional activities are required. As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by “Barclayfox” once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources. Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review. This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series: 0. Bundles – contain 3 or more of these lessons at a discounted price (however please note not all my series are bundled). 1. Variation 2. Adaptation 3. Effects of the environment (environmental variation). 4. Effects on the environment (organisms effects on the environment). 5. Transfers in food chains Thank you, and happy teaching! Yours, Barclayfox.
Loudness and pitch for KS3

Loudness and pitch for KS3

KS3 Sound and hearing ready to deliver. This lesson covers: Sound and hearing, vibrations, loudness, amplitude, frequency, pitch LisA FisP, sound vs light, speed in a solid and gas, and hearing range. There is nothing to do but give it a quick look through it. you make a change its modular nature makes it very quick and easy to tune it to your exact requirements. No marking for you ! All answers for all activities are included in the PPT to allow peer and/or self-assessment to reduce your workload ! Thank you for your time, and happy teaching! Barclayfox. Students will be able to: Understand that vibrations create sounds. Explain why there is no sound in a vacuum. Explain why the speed of sound is different in a solid compared to a gas. Compare the speed of sound and light in a thunderstorm. Calculate how far away a thunderstorm is Know and use the LisA FisP memory trick. State the range of frequencies of human hearing and compare to some animals. Activities this lesson contains: Unscramble starter puzzle. Demo or video (depending on your groups needs) with Q&A. Literacy activity. Numeracy activity / calculations. Theory - carefully sculpted, lots of learning activities, Quiz with answers. Videos x2 (simply finding good videos can save you 20 minutes). Questions scattered throughout - all answers are provided. Paired work activities / TPS. Simple student self-assessment activity (learners judge their own progress vs LOs). Extension activities (if required) All answers are provided to make things easy for you. . . . . Key words: Waves, wave, waves wsave, wavse, wvaes, hearing, energy, vibrations, oscillations, frequency, pitch, loudness, frequency, types of waves, light, sound, thunder, sound and hearing, lightning, lightening, literacy, scientific literacy, waves, energy, KS3, hearing range, human hearing, dog, cat, sound in a vacuum, vacuum, vaccum, lisa fisp, LisA FisP
Drugs, types, recreational, medicinal, legal, illegal. Differentiated activity sheets with answers.

Drugs, types, recreational, medicinal, legal, illegal. Differentiated activity sheets with answers.

Two differentiated KS4 Biology activity sheets with answers. Drug names (from alcohol to tranquilisers), 4 types of drugs: Stimulants, Depressants, Analgesics, Hallucinogens, therapeutic and recreational, legal and illegal, risks and effects etc. HA - Higher Ability MA - for lower and middle ability. Both have answer sheets. Good activity sheets to form the differentiated centre piece of your lesson. Happy teaching! Regards, Barclayfox.