An activity to introduce urban sustainability.
The top trumps styled activity includes UK and EU cities scores on their urban sustainability.
Resource includes all cards and instruction slide.
A scheme of work that explores Nigeria at KS3 level.
A series of 5 lessons with an end of topic assessment.
All resources, powerpoints and assessment attatched.
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Nigeria
Lesson 2 - Why visit
Lesson 3 - Squatter Settlements
Lesson 4 - Urban Sustainability
Lesson 5 - What makes Nigeria an NEE
Introducing Urban Sustainability as a concept and informs pupils on up to date examples and case studies. Overview of contributing factors, UK focus.
starter activity (wordsearch)
differentiated worksheet
Whole scheme of work on Nigeria. Originally designed for KS3 geography, scheme of work includes elements of AQA specification - changing economic world - an example of an LIC / NEE.
Purchase includes all resources, powerpoints and assessment with markscheme.
Lessons could be used at KS4 level (low ability).
Travel and Tourism Unit 1; LO3 Understand employment options within the UK tourism industry (AC3.1-3.2)
AC3.1 Employment opportunities within UK tourism industry
AC3.2 Skills, qualities and qualification required to work in the UK tourism industry