Teacher and content creator (@biologywitholivia) providing concise, bullet-point revision notes based on mark schemes designed to help students understand exactly what the examiners are looking for. Follow me on TikTok and Instagram (@biologywitholivia) to find out more.
Teacher and content creator (@biologywitholivia) providing concise, bullet-point revision notes based on mark schemes designed to help students understand exactly what the examiners are looking for. Follow me on TikTok and Instagram (@biologywitholivia) to find out more.
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals), for paper 2.
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find common misconceptions and why they’re wrong, as well as example application questions and model answers.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Included are separate versions for combined science (trilogy) and triple science.
Homeostasis and response
Inheritance, variation and evolution
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Alteration of the sequence of bases in DNA can alter the structure of proteins (aka mutations)
Most of a cell’s DNA is not translated (aka stem cells)
Regulation of transcription and translation
Gene expression and cancer
Using genome projects
Recombinant DNA technology
Differences in DNA between individuals of the same species can be exploited for identification and diagnosis of heritable conditions (aka DNA probes)
Genetic fingerprinting
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals), for paper 1.
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find common misconceptions and why they’re wrong, as well as example application questions and model answers.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Included are separate versions for combined science (trilogy) and triple science.
Cell Biology (1. cell structure, 2. cell division and 3. transport in cells)
Organisation (1. principles of organisation, 2. animal tissues, organs and organ systems and 3. plant tissues, organs and systems)
Infection and response (1. communicable disease, 2. monoclonal antibodies (triple), 3. plant disease (triple))
Bioenergetics (1. photosynthesis, 2. respiration)
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Monomers and polymers
Required practical 1
Nucleic acids
Inorganic ions
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Surface area to volume ratio
Gas exchange
Digestion and absorption
Mass transport in animals
Required practical 5
Mass transport in plants
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Cell structure
All cells arise from other cells
Required practical 2
Transport across cell membranes
Required practical 3
Required practical 4
Cell recognition and the immune system
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find common misconceptions and why they’re wrong, as well as example application questions and model answers.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Included are separate versions for combined science (trilogy) and triple science.
6.1.1 Sexual and asexual reproduction
6.1.2 Meiosis
6.1.3 Advantages and disadvantages
6.1.4 DNA and the genome
6.1.5 DNA structure
6.1.6 Genetic inheritance
6.1.7 Inherited disorders
6.1.8 Sex determination
6.2.1 Variation
6.2.2 Evolution
6.2.3 Selective breeding
6.2.4 Genetic engineering
6.2.5 Cloning
6.3.1 Theory of evolution
6.3.2 Speciation
6.3.3 The understanding of genetics
6.3.4 Evidence for evolution
6.3.5 Fossils
6.3.6 Extinction
6.3.7 Resistant bacteria
6.4 Classification of living organisms
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Required practical 7
Required practical 8
Required practical 9
Energy and ecosystems
Nutrient cycles
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find common misconceptions and why they’re wrong, as well as example application questions and model answers.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Included are separate versions for combined science (trilogy) and triple science.
7.1.1 Communities
7.1.2 Abiotic factors
7.1.3 Biotic factors
7.1.4 Adaptations
7.2.1 Levels of organisation
Required practical 9
7.2.2 How materials are cycled
7.2.3 Decomposition
Required practical 10
7.2.4 Impact of environmental change
7.3.1 Biodiversity
7.3.2 Waste management
7.3.3 Land use
7.3.4 Deforestation
7.3.5 Global warming
7.3.6 Maintaining biodiversity
7.4.1 Trophic levels
7.4.2 Pyramids of biomass
7.4.3 Transfer of biomass
7.5.1 Factors affecting food security
7.5.2 Farming techniques
7.5.3 Sustainable fisheries
7.5.4 Role of biotechnology
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Evolution may lead to speciation
Populations in ecosystems
Required practical 12
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Survival and response
Required practical 10
Control of heart rate
Nerve impulses
Synaptic transmission
Skeletal muscles
Principles of homeostasis and negative feedback
Control of blood glucose concentration
Required practical 11
Control of blood water potential
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
DNA, genes and chromosomes
DNA & protein synthesis
Genetic diversity mutation meiosis
Genetic diversity and adaptation
Required practical 6
Species and taxonomy
Biodiversity within a community
Investigating diversity
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals), for paper 1.
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find common misconceptions and why they’re wrong, as well as example application questions and model answers.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Included are separate versions for combined science (trilogy) and triple science.
1.1.1 Eukaryotes and prokaryotes
1.1.2 Animal and plant cells
Required practical 1
1.1.3 Cell specialisation
1.1.4 Cell differentiation
1.1.5 Microscopy
1.1.6 Culturing microorganisms
Required practical 2
1.2.1 Chromosomes
1.2.2 Mitosis and the cell cycle
1.2.3 Stem cells
1.3.1 Diffusion
1.3.2 Osmosis
Required practical 3
1.3.3 Active transport
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals), for paper 1.
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find common misconceptions and why they’re wrong, as well as example application questions and model answers.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Included are separate versions for combined science (trilogy) and triple science.
4.1.1 Photosynthetic reaction
4.1.2 Rate of photosynthesis
Required practical 6
4.1.3 Uses of glucose from photosynthesis
4.2.1 Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
4.2.2 Response to exercise
4.2.3 Metabolism
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals).
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of common mistakes that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Follow my TikTok and Instagram @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk.
Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the AQA specification (including required practicals), for paper 1.
These notes are presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format. Colour coding, diagrams and a simple layout makes learning easy.
After each sub-topic, you’ll find common misconceptions and why they’re wrong, as well as example application questions and model answers.
Having refined these over the last 3 years alongside working as a teacher, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.
Included are separate versions for combined science (trilogy) and triple science.
Cell Biology (1. cell structure, 2. cell division and 3. transport in cells)
Organisation (1. principles of organisation, 2. animal tissues, organs and organ systems and 3. plant tissues, organs and systems)
Infection and response (1. communicable disease, 2. monoclonal antibodies (triple), 3. plant disease (triple))
Bioenergetics (1. photosynthesis, 2. respiration)
Homeostasis and response
Inheritance, variation and evolution