A large crossword & two interactive webpages covering keyword definitions e.g. Absorption Spectra, Action Spectrum, Antennae complex, Calvin cycle, Carboxylation, Chlorophyll, Chloroplast, Chromatography, Envelope, Grana, Light independent reactions, Lipids, Magnesium, Midrib, NADP, Noncyclic phosphorylation, Oxidoreductase, Phloem, Photolysis Photosystem 1, Photosystem 2, Starch, Stroma, Xanthophyll, Xylem
The Crossword has 48 questions for this A-level and IB topic.
The resource consists of: Two interactive webpages and a text document:
The text document is in PDF and word format.
a. Page 1 is the crossword.
b. Pages 2 and 3 the Across and Down clues.
c. Page 4 is the crossword grid with the answers filled in.
d. Page 5 is an alphabetical list of the keywords, which can be given out with the crossword making it easier for students who have just studied the topic
The webpages can be put on an intranet site such as Moodle. This enables the crossword to be done on a laptop. The webpages come in two forms:
a. The crossword, with a time limit and no hints.
b. The crossword, untimed and with a hints button
I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Crosswords a particularly useful in lessons when students are working at a different pace.
Keywords covered:
o Absorption Spectra
o Action (Spectrum)
o Antennae complex
o Calvin cycle (C3 cycle)
o Carbon dioxide
o Carboxylation
o Chemotroph
o Chlorophyll
o Chloroplast
o Chromatography
o Compartmentalization
o Cuticle
o Cyclic (Phosphorylation)
o Electrochemical (Gradient)
o Envelope
o Grana
o Green
o Leaf
o Light independent (reactions)
o Lipids
o Magnesium
o Midrib
o Noncyclic (Phosphorylation)
o Oil
o Oxidation
o Oxidoreductase
o Oxygen
o Palisade
o Phaeophytin
o Phloem
o Photolysis
o Photon
o Photosystem one
o Photosystem two
o Protons
o Reaction centre
o Reduction
o Rf value
o Starch
o Stomata
o Stroma
o Temperature
o Transducer
o Water
o Xanthophyll
o Xylem
Ecology: x4 Narrated PowerPoint shows/WMV films on this A-level and IB topic to help with distance/online learning.
Ecological Definitions: Terms such as: Ecosystem, Niche Community, Succession pioneer species etc.
Ecological Techniques, Plants: *Terms such as Quadrat, Species diversity, line and belt transect *
Ecological techniques: Animals: Terms such as : Mark release recapture, Kick sampling and Pooters
Ecosystems, Energy and Productivity: Terms such as: Gross and Net productivity and Food pyramids.
Belt transect
Climax community
Ecological stability
Food chain
Fossil fuels
Gross primary productivity, GPP
Indicator species
Light intensity
Line transect
Mark release recapture
Nett primary productivity, NPP
Pioneer species
Primary consumer
Primary succession
Pyramid of biomass
Pyramid of energy
Pyramid of numbers
Random sampling
Secondary succession
Seral stage
Species diversity
Species richness
Trophic level
A large crossword & two interactive webpages covering keyword definitions e.g. Abiotic, Belt transect, Biomass, Climax Community, Ecosystem, Heterotroph, Net primary production, Niche , Pioneer species, Succession, Zonation. The Crossword has **38 questions **for this A-level and IB topic.
The text document is in PDF and word format.
a. Page 1 is the crossword.
b. Pages 2 and 3 the Across and Down clues.
c. Page 4 is the crossword grid with the answers filled in.
d. Page 5 is an alphabetical list of the keywords, which can be given out with the crossword making it easier for students who have just studied the topic
The webpages can be put on an intranet site such as Moodle. This enables the crossword to be done on a laptop. The webpages come in two forms:
a. The crossword, with a time limit and no hints.
b. The crossword, untimed and with a hints button
I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Crosswords a particularly useful in lessons when students are working at a different pace.
A large crossword with 50 questions covering the keywords for this A-level/IB topic.
Four A4 sheets, page four has the answers
I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Particularly useful in an observed lesson guaranteeing that all of the students have something to get on with.50
A large crossword with 51 questions covering the keywords for this A-level/IB topic.
Four A4 sheets, page four has the answers
I have found these crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Particularly useful in an observed lesson guaranteeing that all of the students have something to get on with.
A large crossword with 37 questions covering the keywords for this A-level/IB topic.
Four A4 sheets, page four has the answers
I have found these crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Particularly useful in an observed lesson guaranteeing that all of the students have something to get on with.
A narrated Power-Point show and WMV format files covering this A-level IB topic by distance learning . the content covers the reasons for circulatory systems and the different forms of circulation found in:
Amoeba, Flatworms, open circulation in Insects, closed single circulation in Fish and double circulation in Birds and Mammals. With an additional section on Squid and the Octopus for comparison.
A large crossword & two interactive webpages covering keyword definitions e.g. Amino acid, Amylose, Cellulose, Ester, Hydrolysis, Isomer, Monosaccharide, Polysaccharide, Primary structure, R Group, Ribose, Saturated fatty acid, Starch, Triglyceride.
The Crossword has 58 questions for this A-level and IB topic.
The resource consists of: Two interactive webpages and a text document:
The text document is in PDF and word format.
a. Page 1 is the crossword.
b. Pages 2 and 3 the Across and Down clues.
c. Page 4 is the crossword grid with the answers filled in.
d. Page 5 is an alphabetical list of the keywords, which can be given out with the crossword making it easier for students who have just studied the topic
The webpages can be put on an intranet site such as Moodle. This enables the crossword to be done on a laptop. The webpages come in two forms:
a. The crossword, with a time limit and no hints.
b. The crossword, untimed and with a hints button
I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Crosswords a particularly useful in lessons/practicals when students are working at a different pace.
Keywords covered:
o Amino (group)
o Amino acid
o Amylopectin
o Amylose
o Benedict’s (reagent)
o Biurets test
o Carboxyl
o Cellulose
o Chitin
o Cholesterol
o Condensation
o Deoxyribose
o Disaccharide
o Disulfide
o Emulsion
o Ester
o Fat
o Fatty acid
o Fructose
o Galactose
o Globular
o Glucose
o Glycogen
o Glycoprotein
o Glycerol
o Hexose
o Hydrogen
o Hydrolysis
o Hydrophilic
o Hydrophobic
o Iodine
o Ionic (bond)
o Isomer
o Lactose
o Lipoprotein
o Maltose
o Monomer
o Monosaccharide
o Oligosaccharide
o Pentose
o Peptide
o Phospholipid
o Polysaccharide
o Primary (structure)
o Purple
o Quaternary (structure)
o R Group
o Reducing (sugar)
o Ribose
o Ribulose
o Saturated (fatty acid)
o Secondary (structure)
o Starch
o Sucrose
o Tertiary (structure)
o Triglyceride
o Triose
o Unsaturated (fatty acid)
A large crossword & two interactive webpages covering keyword definitions e.g. Activation energy, Active site, Catalyst, Coenzyme, Cofactor, Dehydrogenase, Denature, Enzyme substrate complex, Induced fit theory, Lock and Key hypothesis, Noncompetitive inhibition, Peptide bond, Protease, Protein, Reversible inhibition, Secondary structure, Specific, Substrate, Thermostable.
The Crossword has 52 questions for this A-level and IB topic.
The resource consists of: Two interactive webpages and a text document:
The text document is in PDF and word format.
a. Page 1 is the crossword.
b. Pages 2 and 3 the Across and Down clues.
c. Page 4 is the crossword grid with the answers filled in.
d. Page 5 is an alphabetical list of the keywords, which can be given out with the crossword making it easier for students who have just studied the topic.
The webpages can be put on an intranet site such as Moodle. This enables the crossword to be done on a laptop or phone. The webpages come in two forms:
a. The crossword, with a time limit and no hints.
b. The crossword, untimed and with a hints button
I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Crosswords a particularly useful in lessons/practicals when students are working at a different pace.
Keywords Covered:
o Activation energy
o Active site
o Allosteric (enzyme/site)
o Anabolism
o Buffer
o Catabolism
o Catalyst
o Coenzyme
o Cofactor
o Collisions
o Cyanide
o Dehydrogenase
o Denature
o Enzyme substrate complex
o Extracellular (enzymes)
o Globular
o Hydrolase
o Immobilised
o Induced fit (theory)
o Intracellular (enzymes)
o Irreversible
o Kinetic
o Lock and Key (hypothesis)
o Metabolic pathway
o Metabolism
o Noncompetitive (inhibition)
o Peptide bond
o pH
o Protease
o Protein
o Reversible.
o Secondary (structure)
o Specific
o Substrate
o Tertiary (structure)
o Thermostable
A large crossword & two interactive webpages covering keyword definitions e.g. Cell wall, Chloroplast, Compartmentalisation, Cristae, Eukaryota, Glycoprotein, Lysosome, Microtubule, Mitochondrion, Nucleolus, Organelle, Plasma membrane, Plasmid, Plasmodesmata, Prokaryota, Rough ER, Tonoplast, Vacuole. The Crossword has 34 questions for this A-level and IB topic.
The text document is in PDF and word format.
a. Page 1 is the crossword.
b. Pages 2 and 3 the Across and Down clues.
c. Page 4 is the crossword grid with the answers filled in.
d. Page 5 is an alphabetical list of the keywords, which can be given out with the crossword making it easier for students who have just studied the topic
The webpages can be put on an intranet site such as Moodle. This enables the crossword to be done on a laptop. The webpages come in two forms:
a. The crossword, with a time limit and no hints.
b. The crossword, untimed and with a hints button.
I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Crosswords a particularly useful in lessons and practicals when students are working at a different pace.
Keywords covered:
o Capsid
o Cell wall
o Chloroplast
o Cholesterol
o Cilia
o Compartmentalisation
o Cristae
o Cytoplasm
o Eukaryota
o Flagella
o Glycocalyx
o Glycoprotein
o Grana
o Lysosome
o Matrix
o Microtubule
o Mitochondrion
o Nuclear envelope
o Nuclear pore
o Nucleolus
o Nucleus
o Organelle
o Plasma membrane
o Plasmid
o Plasmodesmata
o Prokaryota
o Ribosome
o Rough ER
o Smooth ER
o Stroma
o Thylakoid
o Tonoplast
o Vacuole
o Virus
A large crossword & two interactive webpages covering keyword definitions e.g. Anticodon, Antiparallel, Codon, Degenerate Code, Gene, mRNA, Nucleotide, Polypeptide, Post transcriptional Modification, Primary Structure, Rough ER, Universal code, Uracil.
The Crossword has 52 questions for this A-level and IB topic.
The resource consists of: Two interactive webpages and a text document:
The text document is in PDF and Word format.
a. Page 1 is the crossword.
b. Pages 2 and 3 the Across and Down clues.
c. Page 4 is the crossword grid with the answers filled in.
d. Page 5 is an alphabetical list of the keywords, which can be given out with the crossword making it easier for students who have just studied the topic.
The webpages can be put on an intranet site such as Moodle. This enables the crossword to be done on a laptop. The webpages come in two forms:
a. The crossword, with a time limit and no hints.
b. The crossword, untimed and with a hints button
I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Crosswords a particularly useful in lessons when students are working at a different pace.
Keywords Covered:
o Adenine
o Amino Acid
o Anticodon
o Antiparallel
o Antisense
o Base
o Base Pairing
o Chromosome
o Codon
o Complimentary (Base pairing)
o Cytosine
o Degenerate Code
o Deoxyribose
o DNA Helicase
o DNA Polymerase
o Exon
o Gene
o Guanine
o Histone
o Hydrogen
o Insertion
o Intron
o Messenger RNA
o Modification
o Monomer
o Nuclear Pore
o Nucleotide
o Pentose
o Polypeptide
o Post transcriptional (Modification)
o Primary Structure
o Purine
o Pyrimidine
o Ribosomal RNA
o Ribosome
o RNA Polymerase
o Rough ER
o Semiconservative
o Sense
o Stop Codon
o Substitution
o Template
o Tertiary Structure
o Thymine
o Translation
o Triplet
o tRNA
o Universal
o Uracil
Five large Crosswords each with two interactive webpages. The crosswords cover the keyword definitions for these A-level and IB topics: 1. Biological Molecules, 2. Cells, 3. Enzymes, 4. Membranes and Transport, DNA and Protein synthesis.
For each of the Five Core topics there are two interactive webpages and a text document:
The text document is in PDF and word format.
a. Page 1 is the crossword.
b. Pages 2 and 3 the Across and Down clues.
c. Page 4 is the crossword grid with the answers filled in.
d. Page 5 is an alphabetical list of the keywords, which can be given out with the crossword making it easier for students who have just studied the topic
The interactive webpages allow the crosswords to be done online and can be put on an intranet site such as Moodle. The webpages come in two forms:
a. A crossword, with a time limit and no hints.
b. A crossword, untimed and with a hints button
I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Crosswords a particularly useful in lessons and practicals when students are working at a different pace.
A large crossword & two interactive webpages covering keyword definitions e.g. Active transport, Carrier protein, Compartmentalization, Cotransport, Diffusion, Electrochemical gradient, Endocytosis, Exocytosis, Facilitated diffusion, Incipient plasmolysis, Isotonic, Osmosis, Phagocytosis, Pinocytosis, Plasmolysed, Rough E,R, Solute, Solute potential, Tonoplast, Turgid, Vacuole. The Crossword has 41 questions for this A-level and IB topic.
The text document is in PDF and word format.
a. Page 1 is the crossword.
b. Pages 2 and 3 the Across and Down clues.
c. Page 4 is the crossword grid with the answers filled in.
d. Page 5 is an alphabetical list of the keywords, which can be given out with the crossword making it easier for students who have just studied the topic
The webpages can be put on an intranet site such as Moodle. This enables the crossword to be done on a laptop. The webpages come in two forms:
a. The crossword, with a time limit and no hints.
b. The crossword, untimed and with a hints button
I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Crosswords a particularly useful in lessons and practicals when students are working at a different pace.
Keywords covered:
o Active transport
o Carrier protein
o Cell wall
o Cellulose
o Cholesterol
o Compartmentalization
o Cotransport
o Cyanide
o Differentially (permeable)
o Diffusion
o Electrochemical gradient
o Endocytosis
o Exocytosis
o Facilitated (diffusion)
o Glycoprotein
o Glycosylated
o Golgi body
o Hydrophobic
o Hypertonic
o Hypotonic
o Incipient plasmolysis
o Intrinsic
o Isotonic
o Nuclear envelope
o Osmosis
o Permeability
o Phagocytosis
o Pinocytosis
o Plasma (membrane)
o Plasmolysed
o Polar
o Pressure potential
o Rough E,R
o Secretion
o Smooth E.R
o Solute
o Solute potential
o Tonoplast
o Turgid
o Vacuole
A large crossword & two interactive webpages covering keyword definitions e.g. Acetyl coenzyme A, Aerobic, Anaerobic, ATP synthase, Chemiosmosis, Coenzyme, Cristae, Cytochrome, Dehydrogenase, Electron Transport Chain, Ethanol, FAD, Fermentation, Glycolysis, Lactic acid, Link reaction, Mitochondria, NAD, Oxidative phosphorylation, Oxidoreductase, Proton, Pyruvate. The Crossword has 39 questions for this A-level and IB topic.
The resource consists of: Two interactive webpages and a text document:
The text document is in PDF and word format.
a. Page 1 is the crossword.
b. Pages 2 and 3 the Across and Down clues.
c. Page 4 is the crossword grid with the answers filled in.
d. Page 5 is an alphabetical list of the keywords, which can be given out with the crossword making it easier for students who have just studied the topic
The webpages can be put on an intranet site such as Moodle. This enables the crossword to be done on a laptop. The webpages come in two forms:
a. The crossword, with a time limit and no hints.
b. The crossword, untimed and with a hints button
I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Crosswords a particularly useful in lessons when students are working at a different pace.
Keywords covered:
o Acetyl coenzyme A
o Activation energy
o Aerobic
o Amino acid
o Ammonia
o Anaerobic
o ATP synthase
o Catabolism
o Chemiosmosis
o Coenzyme
o Condensation
o Cristae
o Cytochrome
o Deamination
o Decarboxylation
o Dehydrogenase
o Electron Transport Chain
o Ethanol
o Fermentation
o Glycolysis
o Hexose
o Hydrolysis
o iP
o Lactic acid
o Link reaction
o Lipid
o Matrix
o Mitochondria
o Oxidation
o Oxidative phosphorylation
o Oxidoreductase
o Oxygen
o Phosphorylation
o Proton
o Pyruvate
o Reduction
o Substrate level
A narrated Film and Power Point of 41 minutes duration and WMV format file that can be used for online distance learning explaining the reasons for conservation including 1. Genetic Resource , Agriculture, 2. Genetic Resource: Medicine, 3. Ecological, 4. Tourism, 5. Symbolic, 6. Moral and Religious, 7. Aesthetic. Reasons why species are not always conserved is also included.
The film is accompanied by a short worksheet on which the student can write notes.
There are also seperate notes as a word document with arguments for and against conservation including:
For: Ecological, Genetic resource, Indicator species, Tourism, Industrial, Symbolic, Moral and Religious and Aesthetic.
Against Exotic species, Disease and Economic need.
The lesson is suitable for
Suitable for Biology, Geography and Environmental Science. A-level and IB level.
An ultra detailed A3 Poster and worksheets with numerous illustrations and notes covering leaf, chloroplast,and mitochondria structure. Detailed notes and illustrations of
i. . Photosynthesis including: The light stage, Thylakoid, Photosynthetic pigments, Absorption and action spectra, Z scheme, C3 (Calvin)cycle.
ii. . Respiration including: Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation
iii. ATP structure, formation and use.
The poster contains virtually all of the detail required for these topics. The back of the poster has a wordlist covering all of these topics.
The poster is best printed out onto A3 card and laminated. (A4 is still readable)
Lamination enhances the colours and allows highlighting and wiping out.
A Word/PDF Question Worksheet to accompany the poster with a 100+ question. The students can find the answers for the questions in the poster.
A seperate Word/PDF answer sheet.
A large crossword with 53 questions covering the keywords for this A-level and IB topic.
Four A4 sheets, page four has the answers
I have found crosswords to be a very useful resource to use for revision, an extension activity and during practical work while students are waiting for results.
Particularly useful in an observed lesson guaranteeing that all of the students have something to get on with.
An A-level/IB Biology Christmas Quiz with additional Christmas Stocking Filler Questions suitable for the last lesson of the Winter term. All of the questions are Biological with the answers relating to Christmas in some way. The Christmas Stocking Filler Questions are Puzzles and lateral thinking questions that do not have much to do with biology but that can be thought about in the holidays. Very suitable for the lesson of term when students minds are on other things.
Two PDF documents. The first with just the questions and the second with the questions and the answers (well almost all of them!). The Biology questions and the Christmas stocking filler questions are on separate pages.
Merry Christmas