Essay questions which feature include:
Social class-
Outline and assess sociological explanations of social class inequalities (40)
Outline the evidence that the working classes are disadvantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline the evidence that the middle classes are advantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline the evidence that the upper classes are advantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline and evaluate sociological explanations for gender inequalities (40)
Outline the evidence that some males are advantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline the evidence that some males are disadvantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline the evidence that some females are advantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline the evidence that some females are disadvantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline and assess sociological explanations of age inequalities (40)
Outline the evidence that young people experience inequality in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline the evidence that the middle-aged are advantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline the evidence that the elderly are advantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline the evidence that the elderly are disadvantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline and evaluate sociological explanations for ethnic inequalities (40)
Outline the evidence that some ethnic minorities are advantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Outline the evidence that some ethnic minorities are disadvantaged in the contemporary UK (20)
Essays which feature include:
Outline and evaluate the usefulness of Office Crime Statistics (OCS) as a measure of crime (40)
Outline and evaluate the importance of self-report studies for the sociological understanding of crime and deviance (40)
Outline and evaluate the usefulness of victim surveys as a measure of crime (40)
In what ways is and deviance relative? (10)
In what ways is deviance socially constructed? (10)
To what extent is there a relationship between crime and social class? (20)
To what extent is there a relationship between crime and gender? (20)
To what extent is there a relationship between crime and age? (20)
To what extent is there a relationship between crime and ethnicity? (20)
Outline some of the issues relating to global organised crime (10)
Outline some of the issues relating to green crime (10)
Outline and evaluate Functionalist explanations of crime and deviance (40)
Outline and evaluate Marxist explanations of crime and deviance (40)
Outline and evaluate Neo-Marxist explanations of crime and deviance (40)
Outline and evaluate Subculturalist explanations of crime and deviance (40)
Outline and evaluate Interactionist explanations of crime and deviance (40)
Outline and evaluate Feminist explanations of crime and deviance (40)
Outline and evaluate Post-modernist explanations of crime and deviance (40)
Outline and evaluate right-wing explanations of crime and deviance (40)
Outline and evaluate right realist explanations of crime and deviance (40)
Outline and evaluate left realist explanations of crime and deviance (40)
Outline and assess right-wing policies aimed at reducing and controlling crime (20)
Outline and assess left-wing policies aimed at reducing and controlling crime (20)
The following file contains over 20 answers to questions that may come up in the socialisation, culture and identity topic in paper 1 for OCR A Level sociology (new spec). When I sat this exam in June 2018, I achieved 79/90 (88%) in the first paper.
Examples of these essays include:
Using Sources A and B (don’t have) and your wider sociological knowledge, explain the concept of high culture (8/12)
Using Sources A and B (don’t have) and your wider sociological knowledge, explain the concept of consumer culture (8/12)
Using Sources A and B (don’t have) and your wider sociological knowledge, explain the concept of subcultures (8/12)
Discuss the view that human behaviour is shaped more by nurture rather than nature (20)
Using Sources A and B (don’t have) and your wider sociological knowledge, explain the concept of identity (8/12)
Outline and briefly evaluate the view that social class is a strong influence on an individual’s identity (20)
Outline and briefly evaluate the view that ethnicity plays a significant part in the construction of identity (20)
Outline and briefly evaluate the view that age plays a significant part in the construction of identity (20)
Outline and briefly evaluate the view that nationality plays a significant part in the construction of identity (20)
Outline and briefly evaluate the view that gender plays a significant part in the construction of identity (20)
Outline and briefly evaluate the view that disability plays a significant part in the construction of identity (20)
Outline and briefly evaluate the view that sexuality is a strong influence on an individual’s identity (20)
Resource includes answers to the following essay questions:
Outline and evaluate research related to the features of short-term memory (16)
Discuss the multi-store model of memory (16)
Describe and evaluate different types of long-term memory (16)
Describe and evaluate the working memory model (16)
Describe and evaluate interference as an explanation for forgetting (16)
Describe and evaluate retrieval failure an explanation for forgetting (16)
Describe and evaluate research into the influence of misleading information on the accuracy of eye-witness testimony (16)
Describe and evaluate research that has investigated the influence of anxiety on the accuracy of eye-witness testimony (16)
Describe and evaluate the cognitive interview as a way of improving the accuracy of eye-witness testimony (16)
File contains the following questions:
Discuss research into conformity, referring to variables affecting conformity including group size, unanimity and task difficulty as an investigated by Asch (16)
Discuss research into conformity of social roles (16)
Discuss explanations of obedience. Refer to situational variables affecting obedience including proximity, location and uniform, as investigated by Milgram (6/AO1 only)
Discuss explanations for obedience (16)
Discuss dispositional explanations for obedience (16)
Discuss explanations of resistance to social influence (16)
Discuss minority influence including reference to consistency, commitment and flexibility (16)
Discuss the role of social influence processes in social change (16)
The following file contains over 20 answers to questions that may come up in the family and relationships topic, which is an optional module in OCR’s first paper for sociology (new spec). When I sat this exam in June 2018, I achieved 79/90 (88%) in the first paper.
Outline two reasons for the decline in nuclear families and illustrate your answer with examples (12)
Outline two reasons for the decline in extended families and illustrate your answer with examples (12)
Outline two reasons for the increase in lone parent families and illustrate your answer with examples (12)
Outline two reasons for the increase in reconstituted families and illustrate your answer with examples (12)
Outline two reasons for the increase in non-family households and illustrate your answer with examples (12)
Outline two reasons for the increase in same-sex families and illustrate your answer with examples (12)
Explain reasons for changing patterns in marriages in the UK (12)
Explain reasons for changing patterns in divorce rates in the UK (12)
Explain reasons for changing patterns in cohabitation in the UK (12)
Explain reasons for the changes in the size of UK families (12)
Explain reasons for the changes in the age of UK marriages (12)
Explain reasons for the changes in the age of child-bearing in the UK (12)
Explain reasons for the changes in birth rates in the UK (12)
Explain reasons for the ageing population in the UK (12)
Evaluate the view that an ageing population has a negative effect on society (24)
Evaluate the view that demographic changes have altered family life in the contemporary UK (24)
Assess the functionalist view on the role of the family (24)
Assess the New Right view on the role of the family (24)
Assess the Marxist theory of the family (24)
Assess Feminist views on the role of the family (24)
Assess Postmodernist views on the role of the family (24)
Examine the influence social class has on family life in the UK (12)
Examine the influence ethnicity has on family life in the UK (12)
Examine the influence sexuality has on family life in the UK (12)
Assess the view that family is characterised by diversity in the contemporary UK (24)
Explain and briefly evaluate the view that the modern family is dysfunctional (16)
Assess the view that relationships between parents and children have changed (24)
Assess the view that gender roles and relationships have become more equal in modern family life (24)